Update History for myArmoury.com

Glad to Win a Gladius!
A new contest!
November 4, 2015

Get Yo'self a Falchion!
A new contest!
November 4, 2015

A Visitor's Experience:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
An article by Chad Arnow
August 24, 2015

Davis Reproductions Notation Knife
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 24, 2015

Davis Reproductions Ballock Dagger and By-Knife
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 24, 2015

Tod's Stuff Dragon Warhammer
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 24, 2015

English Cutler 13th Century Eating Knife
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 24, 2015

Davis Reproductions Notation Knife
Added to Chad's Collection
August 24, 2015

Davis Reproductions Ballock Dagger
Added to Chad's Collection
August 24, 2015

Tod's Stuff Dragon Warhammer
Added to Chad's Collection
August 24, 2015

English Cutler 13th Century Eating Knife
Added to Chad's Collection
August 24, 2015

Eleven Years Down!
The Winner is Announced!
October 6, 2014

Eleven Years Down!
A new contest!
August 25, 2014

Jeff Helmes Type XII Korsoygaden Sword
A hands-on review by J.D. Crawford
August 26, 2013

Albion Armorers Senlac Sword
A hands-on review by Bryan Heff
August 26, 2013

James Austin Type M Danish War Axe
A hands-on review by Jeremy V. Krause
August 26, 2013

Custom Lutel Spadroon
A hands-on review by Peter Frank
August 26, 2013

Arms & Armor Custom Swiss Dagger
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 26, 2013

Arms & Armor Custom Large Rondel Dagger
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 26, 2013

English Cutler Ballock Dagger
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 26, 2013

Tod's Stuff 15th Century Eating Knife
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 26, 2013

Arms & Armor Custom Large Rondel Dagger
Added to Chad's Collection
August 26, 2013

Arms & Armor Custom Swiss Dagger
Added to Chad's Collection
August 26, 2013

nglish Cutler Ballock Dagger
Added to Chad's Collection
August 26, 2013

Tod's Stuff Late 14th Century Eating Knife
Added to Chad's Collection
August 26, 2013

Vince Evans Highland Dirk
Added to Chad's Collection
August 26, 2013

Win More Windlass!
The Winners are Announced!
October 1, 2012

Win More Windlass!
A new contest!
August 27, 2012

Choose Your Weapon!
The Winners are Announced!
Frebruary 27, 2012

Choose Your Weapon!
A new contest!
January 23, 2012

It's Hammer Time!
The Winners are Announced!
August 22, 2011

Michael Pikula Riding Sword
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 15, 2011

Arms & Armor Edward III Sword: Another look
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 15, 2011

Albion Armorers Sherriff Sword
A hands-on review by Jonathan Sarge
August 15, 2011

Windlass Steelcrafts 15th Century Longsword
A hands-on review by Joe Fults
August 15, 2011

Arms & Armor Edward III Sword
Added to Chad's Collection
August 15, 2011

It's Hammer Time!
A new contest!
July 11, 2011

Birthday Bash!
The Winner is Announced!
July 4, 2011

Wallpaper: Nathan's Collection Jul '11
A New Desktop Wallpaper
July 4, 2011

Birthday Bash!
A new contest!
June 6, 2011

Pay it Forward!
The Winners are Announced!
November 1, 2010

myArmoury.com Collection Galleries
A Completely Revamped Section!
October 18, 2010

Hanwei / CAS Iberia Charlemagne Saber
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
October 18, 2010

Windlass Steelcrafts Falcata
A hands-on review by Greyson Brown
October 18, 2010

Vince Evans European Hanger
A hands-on review by Steve Grisetti
October 18, 2010

Angus Trim Single-handed Falchion
A hands-on review by Jason Elrod
October 18, 2010

Ready, Set, Donate!
The Winners are Announced!
October 11, 2010

Pay it Forward!
A new contest!
October 1, 2010

Tod's Stuff Dagger of Alexander Balliol
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
September 20, 2010

Arma Bohemia Sgian Achles
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
September 20, 2010

Tod's Stuff Dagger of Alexander Balliol
Added to Chad's Collection
September 20, 2010

Arma Bohemia Sgian Achles
Added to Chad's Collection
September 20, 2010

Ready, Set, Donate!
A new contest!
September 11, 2010

Back-breaking Seax
The Winner is Announced!
September 6, 2010

The Bruhn-Hoffmeyer Typology
of Medieval Swords
An article by Alexi Goranov
August 23, 2010

Renaissance Armies: The Polish
An article by George Gush
August 23, 2010

Back-breaking Seax
A new contest!
August 2, 2010

Tod's Stuff Inlaid Broken Back Seax
A hands-on review by Jeremy V. Krause
August 2, 2010

Tod's Stuff Broken Back Seax
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 2, 2010

Eric McHugh Seax
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
August 2, 2010

Elchon's Workshop Broken Back Seax
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 2, 2010

Michael "Tinker" Pearce Seax
A hands-on review by Mike Arledge
August 2, 2010

Tod's Stuff Broken Back Seax
Added to Chad's Collection
August 2, 2010

myArmoury.com Bookstore
The Triumphant Return
February 1, 2010

Arms & Armor Scholar Sword
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
February 1, 2010

Arms & Armor English Buckler
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
February 1, 2010

Arms & Armor Round Targe
A hands-on review by Pamela Muir
February 1, 2010

Mail: Unchained
An article by Dan Howard
October 26, 2009

Albion Reeve Sword
A hands-on review by Michael Edelson
October 26, 2009

Albion Gaddhjalt Sword
Added to Chad's Collection
October 26, 2009

Spearheading Donations
The Winner is Announced!
September 14, 2009

Justin King Rondel Dagger
A hands-on review by Gordon Clark
September 14, 2009

Custom Arms & Armor Rondel Dagger
A hands-on review by Gordon Clark
September 14, 2009

Windlass Steelcrafts Brass-hilted Rondel Dagger
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
September 14, 2009

Arma Bohemia All-Metal Rondel Dagger
Added to Nathan's Collection
September 14, 2009

Eric McHugh Rondel Dagger
Added to Nathan's Collection
September 14, 2009

Spearheading Donations
A new contest!
August 17, 2009

Arms & Armor Javelin
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
August 17, 2009

Arms & Armor Iberian Mace
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 17, 2009

Arms & Armor Iberian Mace
Added to Chad's Collection
August 17, 2009

Givin' Away Some Stuff
The Winners are Announced!
July 13, 2009

Givin' Away Some Stuff
A new contest!
June 15, 2009

Tod's Stuff Bone-handled Baselard
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
June 15, 2009

Tod's Stuff Boxwood-hilted Baselard
A hands-on review by Felix Reich
June 15, 2009

Tod's Stuff Inlaid Knife
Added to Chad's Collection
June 15, 2009

Tod's Stuff Medieval Knife
Added to Chad's Collection
June 15, 2009

A Giveaway with an Italian Flair!
The Winners are Announced!
May 18, 2009

Monumental Brasses
An article by Chad Arnow
May 11, 2009

Arma Bohemia Ballock Dagger
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
May 11, 2009

Arma Bohemia Ballock Dagger
Added to Chad's Collection
May 11, 2009

A Giveaway with an Italian Flair!
A new contest!
April 13, 2009

Albion Armorers Doge Sword
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
April 13, 2009

Windlass Steelcrafts Classic Cinquedea
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
April 13, 2009

E.B. Erickson Schiavona
Added to Nathan's Collection
April 13, 2009

Phoenix Metal Creations Type 1 Schiavona
Added to Nathan's Collection
April 13, 2009

Wallpaper: Nathan's Collection Apr '09
A New Desktop Wallpaper
April 13, 2009

Thanks for Giving and Happy New Year
The Winners are Announced!
January 5, 2009

Albion Armorers Yeoman Sword
A hands-on review by Felix Reich
November 24, 2008

Windlass Steelcrafts "Type IV" Sword
A hands-on review by Joseph Fults
November 24, 2008

Thanks for Giving and Happy New Year
A new contest!
November 24, 2008

Albion Armorers Meyer Sword
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
November 3, 2008

Albion Armorers Liechtenauer Sword
A hands-on review by Bill Pamela Muir
November 3, 2008

Hanwei / CAS Iberia Federschwert
Training Sword
A hands-on review by Bill Grandy
November 3, 2008

Five Years and Going Strong
The Winner is Announced!
September 22, 2008

Skull-crushing support for myArmoury.com
The Winners are Announced!
August 25, 2008

Arms & Armor Aunlaz Dagger
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 25, 2008

Arms & Armor Medieval Knife
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
August 25, 2008

Arms & Armor Aunlaz Dagger
Added to Chad's Collection
August 25, 2008

Arms & Armor Medieval Knife
Added to Chad's Collection
August 25, 2008

Five Years and Going Strong
A new contest!
August 25, 2008

Albion Armorers Sword of St. Maurice of Turin
A hands-on review by Steve Maly
August 11, 2008

Albion Armorers Thegn Sword
A hands-on review by Kenton Spaulding
August 11, 2008

Albion Sword of St. Maurice of Turin
Added to Steve's Collection
August 11, 2008

Albion Jarl Viking Sword
Added to Steve's Collection
August 11, 2008

Skull-crushing support for myArmoury.com
A new contest!
July 25, 2008

Albion Armorers Chieftain Sword
A hands-on review by Steve Maly
June 30, 2008

Albion Armorers Gallowglass Sword
A hands-on review by Greg Griggs
June 30, 2008

Tod's Stuff Scottish Dirk with
Buffalo Horn Grip
A hands-on review by Chad Arnow
June 30, 2008

Mad Piper Snouted Ribbon Basket-hilt
A hands-on review by Henrik Bjoern Boeg
June 30, 2008

Tod's Stuff Scottish Dirk with
Buffalo Horn Grip
Added to Chad's Collection
June 30, 2008

Albion Chieftain Sword
Added to Steve's Collection
June 30, 2008

Vince Evans Diamond Basket-hilt
Added to Steve's Collection
June 30, 2008

Vince Evans Early Scottish Dirk
Added to Steve's Collection
June 30, 2008

E.B. Erickson Silver-inlaid Basket-hilt
Added to Nathan's Collection
June 30, 2008

Baltimore Antique Arms Show, 2007
An article by Pamela Muir
March 11, 2008
See more updates on next page...