E.B. Erickson Silver-inlaid Basket-hilt
Original: Scotland, early 18th century
This magnificent modern-made sword is based on an original created by John Allan of Strling, 1716, currently residing at The Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
The basket is extensively adorned with silver inlaid designs of various forms of lines and ovals. The steel has been lightly blued to provide contrast with the silver. Each shield is decorated with a central circular hole surrounded by pierced hearts and four daggers in saltire.
The single-edged blade was originally made by
Del Tin Armi Antiche of Italy and has been heavily modified by E.B. Erickson. It is a single-edged design with an 8-inch false edge and is marked
The grip is ray skin and spirally wrapped with twisted brass wire. The scabbard is tooled black leather with silver fittings made in the style of surviving period samples.
Overall length: 39.75"
Weight: 3 pounds
Width of guard: 5.25"
Blade: 33.875" long; 1.625" wide tapering to .75"
Fuller: 24.125" long
Point of Balance (PoB): 4.25" from guard
Center of Percussion (CoP): ~23" from guard
E.B. Erickson.

This sword is based on a sword by John Allan I, inscribed
Stirling 1716.
This item has been retired from the collection.