E.B. Erickson SW11 Basket-hilt
Original: Late 16th century, likely English
This is an reproduction of an early form of the basket-hilt and is based on an antique piece identified as SW11. The basket is created using round bar stock. Of the five vertical bars, three are attached to the hollow pommel using screws. Other curved bars are attached to these, creating a complex hilt pattern. The antique's horizontally counter-curved quillons were likely cut off by the owner during the sword's period of use. I opted to have the recreation made with the quillons in-tact, replicating how it may have originally left the cutler's shop.
The blade is a custom-created one made by
Del Tin Armi Antiche of Italy. It has a long central fuller flanked by two shorter ones with two additional smaller fullers in the ricasso.
The grip is exceptionally well done, having a mixture of straight silver and gold-colored wire, twisted wire, and multiple-strand twisted wire with a Turk's head top and bottom.
Overall length: 37.5"
Weight: 3.4 pounds
Width of guard: 10"
Blade: 31" long; 1.625" wide tapering to 1"
Ricasso: 2" long with double fullers
Fullers: 1 @ 20" long, 2 @ 15" long
Grip and pommel: 5.125" long
Point of Balance (PoB): 2.625" from cross-guard
Center of Percussion (CoP): ~21" from cross-guard
E.B. Erickson.

This replica is based on an example located in the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. Note the cut-off quillons.
This item has been retired from the collection.