Our Reference Library: The Bibliography
An article by Nathan Robinson

There are 831 books currently featured in our bibliography. More titles will be listed as we add new books to our growing library.

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561. Mongols (Men-At-Arms Series, 105), by Stephen Turnbull
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1986-06-01, ISBN: 0850453720

562. Moors: The Islamic West 7Th-15th Centuries Ad (Men-at-Arms Series), The, by David, Ph.D. Nicolle
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2001-01-01, ISBN: 1855329646

563. Mostra delle armi storiche, restaurate dall'aiuto austriaco dopo l'alluvione, by Lionello G. Boccia; Bruno Thomas
Hardcover, 88 pages, Ministero della pubblica istruzione, Soprintendenza alle gallerie, Published: 1971

564. Mounted Archers Of The Steppe 600 BC-AD 1300 (Elite), by Antony Karasulas
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2004-10-15, ISBN: 184176809X

565. Mughul India 1504-1761 (Men-at-Arms), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1993-11-25, ISBN: 1855323443

566. Musei E Gallerie Di Milano; Museo Poldi Pezzoli; Armeria I, by Carlo Pirovano
Hardcover, 421 pages, Electa Editrice, Italy, Published: 1985, ISBN: 8843512404

567. Mutual Influence Of Costume And Armor: A Study Of Specimens In The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, The, by Stephen V Grancsay
s.n, Published: 1931

568. Mycenaean Citadels C 1350 - 1200 BC (Fortress, 22), by Nic, Dr Fields
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2004-07-01, ISBN: 184176762X

569. Nagashino 1575: Slaughter at the Barricades (Campaign , Vol 60), by Stephen Turnbull
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2000-04-01, ISBN: 1855326191

570. Native American Weapons, by Colin F. Taylor
Hardcover, 128 pages, University of Oklahoma Press, Published: 2001-04, ISBN: 0806133465

571. New Galleries of European arms and armor, The, by Stephen V Grancsay
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Published: 1956

572. New Generation of Japanese Swordsmiths, The, by Tamio Tsuchiko
Hardcover, 256 pages, Kodansha International (JPN), Published: 2002-08-01, ISBN: 4770028547

573. New Highland Military Discipline of 1757, The: Historical Arms Series No. 10, by George Grant
Paperback, 32 pages, Museum Restoration Services, Published: 1988, ISBN: 0-919316-10-7

574. New Model Army 1645-60 (Men at Arms Series, 110), by S. Asquith
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1980-06-01, ISBN: 0850453852

575. Nicopolis 1396, by David, Ph.D. Nicolle
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Military, Published: 2001-06-01, ISBN: 1841762784

576. Nicopolis 1396: The Last Crusade (Campaign Series, 64), by David Nicolle, David Nicolle PhD
Paperback, 96 pages, Stackpole Books, Published: 1999-11-01, ISBN: 1855329182

577. Nineteenth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 52 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 2002

578. Ninja Ad 1460-1650 (Warrior, 64), by Stephen Turnbull
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2003-02-01, ISBN: 1841765252

579. Ninth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 44 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1992

580. Noble Art of the Sword, The: Fashion and Fencing in Renaissance Europe, by Tobias Capwell
Paperback, 264 pages, Paul Holberton Publishing, Published: 2012-06, ISBN: 0900785438

581. Norman Knight 950-1204 AD (Warrior, No 1), by Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1991-05-01, ISBN: 1855322870

582. Norman Stone Castles (2): Europe 950-1204 (Fortress, 18), by Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2004-04-01, ISBN: 1841766038

583. Normans (Elite Series, 9), The, by David Nicolle
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1987-01-01, ISBN: 0850457297

584. Notes on the armour worn in Spain from the tenth to the fifteenth century, by J. G Mann
Printed by John Johnson for the Society of Antiquaries of London, Published: 1933

585. Odsiecz Wiedenska 1683 ("The Relief of Vienna 1683"), by Zdzisław Żygulski Jr.
Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Published: 1988, ISBN: 8303015958

586. Of Armor and Men in Medieval England: The Chivalric Rhetoric of Three English Knights' Effigies, by Rachel Dressler
Hardcover, 156 pages, Ashgate Publishing, Published: 2004-02-01, ISBN: 0754633683

587. Old Sword-Play, by Alfred Hutton
Paperback, 112 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 2002-01-04, ISBN: 0486419517

588. Oriental Armour, by H. Russell Robinson
Paperback, 304 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 2002-03-01, ISBN: 0486418189

589. Oriental armour (Arms and armour series), by H. Russell Robinson
257 pages, Jenkins, Published: 1967

590. Oriental arms & armour, by Henri Moser
18 pages, Hiersemann, Published: 1912

591. Origins of Western Warfare: Militarism and Morality in the Ancient World, The, by Doyne Dawson
Paperback, 216 pages, Westview Press, Published: 1998-01-01, ISBN: 081333392X

592. Orléans 1429 : France turns the tide (Campaign), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2001-11-25, ISBN: 1841762326

593. Ottoman Army 1914-18 (Men-at-Arms), The, by David Nicolle
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1994-03-28, ISBN: 1855324121

594. Outline of Arms and Armour in England from the Early Middle Ages to the Civil War, An, by James Gow Mann
44 pages, H.M. Stationery Off, Published: 1969, ISBN: 0116701358

595. Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades (Oxford Illustrated Histories), The
Paperback, 470 pages, Oxford University Press, Published: 2001-03-01, ISBN: 0192854283

596. Pattern-Welded Blade : Artistry In Iron, by Jim Hrisoulas
Hardcover, 120 pages, Paladin Press, Published: 1994-05, ISBN: 0873647734

597. Pavia 1525: The Climax of the Italian Wars (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 44), by Angus Konstam
Paperback, 95 pages, Stackpole Books, Published: 1996-12-01, ISBN: 1855325047

598. Percussion guns & rifles: An illustrated reference guide (Stackpole arms and armour illustrated monographs), by De Witt Bailey
79 pages, Stackpole Books, Published: 1972, ISBN: 0811712427

599. Persian Army 560-330 B.C. (Elite, No. 42), The, by Nick Sekunda
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1992-09-01, ISBN: 1855322501

600. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MCMXCIX, by Peter Finer, et al
Hardcover, Peter Finer, Published: 1999

601. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MCMXCV, by Peter Finer, et al
Softcover, Peter Finer, Published: 1995

602. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MCMXCVI, by Peter Finer, et al
Softcover, Peter Finer, Published: 1996

603. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MCMXCVII, by Peter Finer, et al
Hardcover, Peter Finer, Published: 1997

604. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MMI, by Peter Finer, et al
Hardcover, Peter Finer, Published: 2001

605. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MMIII, by Peter Finer, et al
Hardcover, Peter Finer, Published: 2003

606. Peter Finer: IN ARMIS ARS MMV, by Peter Finer, et al
Hardcover, Peter Finer, Published: 2005

607. Pictish Warrior AD 297-841 (Warrior), by Paul Wagner
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2002-05-01, ISBN: 1841763462

608. Pictures of Henry VIII's Army in Cotton Manuscript Augustus III (The Journal of the Arms & Armour Society, Vol. III, no. 6), The, by Henry Lumpkin
Arms and Armor Society, Published: 1960

609. Pirates 1660-1730 (Osprey Military Elite Series, 67), by Angus Konstam
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1998-12-01, ISBN: 1855327066

610. Pistols, by Claude Blair
Hardcover, Studio, Published: 1969-01-17, ISBN: 0670557536

611. Poitiers 1356: The Capture of a King (Campaign, 138), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 96 pages, Motorbooks International, Published: 2004-07-01, ISBN: 1841765163

612. Polish Armies (1) : 1569-1696 (Men-At-Arms Series, 184), by Richard Brzezinski
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1987-03-01, ISBN: 085045736X

613. Polish Armies (2) 1569-1696 (Men at Arms Series, 188), by Richard Brzezinski
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1988-06-01, ISBN: 0850457440

614. Polish arms: Side-arms, by Andrzej Nadolski
60 pages, Zak±ad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, Published: 1974

615. Posate, Pugnali, Coltelli da caccia: Del Museo nazionale del Bargello, by Museo nazionale del Bargello (Florence, Italy)
Paperback, 147 pages, Museo nazionale del Bargello, Published: 1999, ISBN: 887242285X

616. Presenting Arms: Museum Representation of British Military History, 1660-1900 (Leicester Museum Studies), by Peter Thwaites
Hardcover, 132 pages, Leicester University Press, Published: 1996-04-01, ISBN: 071851534X

617. Primer of Japanese Sword-blades, A, by B. W Robinson
95 pages, Benedict Pr, Published: 1974

618. Princely Armor in the Age of Durer: A Renaissance Masterpiece in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, by Pierre Terjanian
Paperback, 56 pages, Yale University Press, Published: 2012-02-28, ISBN: 0300176317

619. Princely Armour and Weapons of Childhood, by Royal Armouries, Leeds
Softcover, 32 pages, Royal Armouries Publications, Published: 2003, ISBN: 0 948092 28 9

620. Rapier & Small-Sword: 1460-1820, The, by A. V. Norman
Hardcover, 464 pages, Arno Press, Published: 1980-07-01, ISBN: 0405130899

621. Rapiers: an illustrated reference guide to the rapiers of the 16th and 17th centuries with their companions, by Valentine, Eric
Hardcover, 74 pages, Arms & Armour P., London, Published: 1968, ISBN: 0853681909

622. Rare English sword from Plymouth Colony: (A reprint from The Canadian Journal, Arms Collecting, vol. 20, no. 2, May 1982, pp. 42-56.), A, by Anthony D Darling
The Canadian Journal, Arms Collecting, Published: 1982

623. Real Fighting Stuff: Arms and Armour in Glasgow Museums, The, by Tobias Capwell
Paperback, 104 pages, Glasgow Museums, Published: 2007-11, ISBN: 0902752820

624. Record of European armour and arms through seven centuries,, A, by Guy Francis Laking
G. Bell and Sons, Published: 1920

625. Records of the Medieval Sword, by R. Ewart Oakeshott
Paperback, 316 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2004-08, ISBN: 0851155669

626. Redcoat Officer : 1740-1815 (Warrior), by Stuart Reid
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2002-01-25, ISBN: 1841763799

627. Renaissance Swordsmanship : The Illustrated Book Of Rapiers And Cut And Thrust Swords And Their Use, by John Clements
Paperback, 152 pages, Paladin Press, Published: 1997-03-01, ISBN: 0873649192

628. Renaissance War Galley 1470-1590 (New Vanguard), by Angus Konstam
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2002-12-01, ISBN: 1841764434

629. Republican Roman Army 200-104 BC (Men-at-Arms Series), by Nick Sekunda
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1996-05-01, ISBN: 1855325985

630. Resplendence of the Spanish Monarchy: Renaissance Tapestries and Armor from the Patrimonio Nacional, by Antonio Dominguez Ortiz, Concha Herrero Carretero, Jose A. Godoy
Hardcover, 172 pages, Pub Overstock Unlimited Inc, Published: 1991-10-01, ISBN: 0810964082

631. Ritter-Rüstungen--Der Eiserne Gast: Ein Mittelalterliches Phänomen, by Dario Lanzardo (ed)
Hardcover, 232 pages, Callwey, Published: 1990, ISBN: 783893-400331

632. Roman Army at War: 100 BC-AD 200 (Oxford Classical Monographs), The, by Adrian Keith Goldsworthy
Paperback, 311 pages, Oxford University Press, Published: 1998-09, ISBN: 0198150903

633. Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan (Men at Arms Series 46), by Michael Simkins
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1987-06-01, ISBN: 0850455286

634. Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine (Men at Arms Series, 93), The, by Michael Simkins
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1979-06-01, ISBN: 085045333X

635. Roman Cavalry Equipment, by I. P. Stephenson, Karen Dixon
Paperback, Tempus Pub Ltd, Published: 2004-01-01, ISBN: 0752414216

636. Roman Cavalry: From the First to the Third Century Ad, The, by Karen R. Dixon, Pat Southern
Paperback, 272 pages, Routledge, Published: 1997-05-01, ISBN: 0415170397

637. Roman Infantry Equipment: The Later Empire, by I. P. Stephenson
Paperback, 144 pages, Arcadia Publishing, Published: 2001-02-01, ISBN: 0752419080

638. Roman Legionary 58 BC-AD 69, by Ross Cowan
Paperback, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2003-07-01, ISBN: 1841766003

639. Roman Legions Recreated in Colour Photographs (Europa Militaria), by Daniel Peterson
Paperback, 96 pages, Crowood Press (UK), Published: 1992-01-01, ISBN: 1861262647

640. Roman Military Clothing (1) 100Bc-Ad200 (Men-at-Arms 374), by Graham Sumner
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2002-09-01, ISBN: 1841764876

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About the Author
Nathan Robinson has been interested in history and the hobby of reproduction arms and armour collecting for well over a decade. A professional Web developer in San Francisco, he started myArmoury.com as a resource for like-minded people and hopes to help educate and entertain enthusiasts and consumers alike. He strives to push the sword community forward, helping create a healthy market with functional and historically-researched pieces available for us all.


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