Our Reference Library: The Bibliography
An article by Nathan Robinson

There are 831 books currently featured in our bibliography. More titles will be listed as we add new books to our growing library.

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241. Culloden Moor 1746 : The death of the Jacobite cause (Campaign), by Stuart Reid
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2002-08-19, ISBN: 1841764124

242. Culloden The swords and the sorrows: An exhibition to commemorate the Jacobite rising of 1745 and the Battle of Culloden 1746, by National Trust For Scotland
Softcover, 96 pages, The National Trust for Scotland Trading Company Ltd., Published: 1996-04-16, ISBN: 0901625582

243. Cut and Thrust Weapons, by Eduard Wagner
Hardcover, Hamlyn Publishing Group, Published: 1969

244. Cutting Edge, A Practical Guide to the Use of Highland Weapons: The Broadsword and Targe, The, by Larry L. Andrews
Paperback, 42 pages, Past & Present Enterprises, Published: 1998-01-01, ISBN: 0966367200

245. Cutting Edge: A Practical Guide to the Use of Scottish Highland Weapons "The Complete Edition", The, by Larry Andrews
Paperback, 60 pages, Forgotten Frontiers Publishing, Published: 2003-08-01, ISBN: 0966367219

246. Cutting Edge: Japanese Swords In The British Museum, by Victor Harris
Hardcover, 160 pages, Tuttle Publishing, Published: 2005-06-30, ISBN: 0804836809

247. Daggers and Bayonets, by Logan Thompson
Hardcover, 128 pages, Paladin Press, Published: 1999-11-01, ISBN: 1581600461

248. Daggers and Fighting Knives of the Western World, by Harold L. Peterson
Paperback, 128 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 2001-03-27, ISBN: 0486417433

249. Daggers and the Halberds of the Early Bronze Age in Ireland (Prähistorische Bronzefunde), The, by Peter Harbison
76 pages, Beck, Published: 1969

250. Dark Age of Greece: An Archaeological Survey of the Eleventh to the Eighth Centuries BC, The, by Anthony M. Snodgrass
Hardcover, Edinburgh University Press, Published: 2000-10-31, ISBN: 0748614044

251. Das Berliner Zeughaus: Vom Arsenal zum Museum, by Heinrich Müller
319 pages, Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, Published: 1994, ISBN: 3894880546

252. Das Münchner Zeughaus (Aus dem Münchner Stadtmuseum), by Rudolf H. Wackernagel (ed); Münchner Stadtmuseum
Softcover, 192 pages, Schnell & Steiner, Published: 1983, ISBN: 3795404428

253. Das Wiener Bürgerliche Zeughaus: Rüstungen und Waffen aus 5 Jahrhunderten, by Leopold Gratz
Softcover, 307 pages, Published: 1977

254. Das zweischneidige Schwert der germanischen Völkerwanderungszeit, by Behmer, Elias
Softcover, 219 pages, Published: 1939

255. De Norske Vikingesverd, by Jan Petersen
Softcover, Published: 1919

256. Deutsche Blankwaffen 1935 - 1945. Heer - Luftwaffe - Marine., by Eugen A. Lisewski
Paperback, Podzun-Pallas, Friedb., Published: 2000-10-01, ISBN: 3790907243

257. Deutsche Plattnerkunst, by Bruno Thomas
Hardcover, 124 pages, F. Bruckmann, Munich, Published: 1944

258. Development of gunlocks, from examples in the Tower, On the (Archaeological Journal), by Harold Arthur Lee-Dillon Dillon
18 pages, s.n, Published: 1893

259. Die Innsbrucker Plattnerkunst - Katalog
Softcover, 106 pages, Tiroler Landesmuseum, Published: 1954

260. Die Schönsten Waffen und Rüstungen aus europäischen und amerikanischen Sammlungen, by Bruno Thomas, Ortwin Gamber and Hans Schedelmann
Hardcover, 251 pages, Keysersche Verlagshandlung, Heidelberg, Published: 1977

261. Die Schwerter in Griechenland (ausserhalb der Peloponnes), Bulgarien und Albanien (Prähistorische Bronzefunde), by Imma Kilian-Dirlmeier
197 pages, F. Steiner, Published: 1993, ISBN: 3515060200

262. Distinguished Collection of Arms and Armor on Permanent Display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, A, by Russell E. Belous
Hardcover, 134 pages, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History & The Ward Ritchie Press, Published: 1969

263. Dress Accessories, c.1150-c.1450 (Medieval Finds from Excavations in London), by Geoff Egan, Frances Pritchard
Hardcover, 426 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2004-05-02, ISBN: 0851158390

264. Dublin Civic Swords, by Claude Blair
Royal Irish Academy, Published: 1988-01-01

265. Duel in European History: Honour and the Reign of Aristocracy, The, by V. G Kiernan
348 pages, Oxford University Press, Published: 1988, ISBN: 0198225660

266. Dueling, by Kevin McAleer
Paperback, 268 pages, Princeton University Press, Published: 1997-03-17, ISBN: 0691015945

267. Duellists Companion: A training manual for 17th century Italian rapier, by Guy Windsor
Paperback, 256 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2006-10-18, ISBN: 1891448323

268. Dunbar 1650: Cromwell's Most Famous Victory (Campaign, 142), by Stuart Reid
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2004-08-01, ISBN: 1841767743

269. E/W Guides: Arms and Armour (Russian), by Russian Language Edition
Paperback, Dorling Kindersley, Published: 1997-03-15, ISBN: 0751386855

270. Early Anglo-Saxon Shields (Archaeologia), by Tania Dickinson, Heinrich Harke
Hardcover, 94 pages, Society of Antiquaries of London, Published: 1992-12, ISBN: 0854312609

271. Early firearms in the George F. Harding Museum, Chicago, by Stephen V Grancsay
Gun Digest Co, Published: 1952

272. Early Greek Armour and Weapons: From the end of the bronze age to 600 BC, by Anthony M Snodgrass
280 pages, University Press, Published: 1964

273. Early Medieval Islamic Arms and Armour (Gladius), by David Nicolle
175 pages, Instituto de Estudios sobre Armas Antiguas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones, Published: 1976

274. Early Medieval Swords from Central and Eastern Europe. Dilemmas of an Archeologist and a Student of Arms, by Lech Marek
Softcover, 157 pages, Wrocław, Published: 2005, ISBN: 8322926243

275. Early Medieval Swords from Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of an Archaeologist and a Student of Arms, by Lech Marek
Softcover, 158 pages, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, Published: 2005, ISBN: 8322926243

276. Early Roman Armies (Men-at-Arms Series), by Nick Sekunda, Simon Northwood
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1995-07-01, ISBN: 1855325136

277. Early Samurai: 200-1500 AD (Elite Series, Vol. 35), by Anthony J. Bryant
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1991-06-01, ISBN: 1855321319

278. Early secular effigies in England: The thirteenth century, by H. A Tummers
196 pages, Brill, Published: 1980, ISBN: 9004062556

279. Edged weapons, by Frederick Wilkinson
256 pages, Guinness Signatures, Published: 1970, ISBN: 0851121713

280. Eighteenth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 52 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 2001

281. Eighth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 44 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1991

282. Ein Waffenhistorisches Handbuch Blankwaffen I, by Seitz, Heribert
Hardcover, Klinkhardt & Biermann, Published: 1965

283. Eisenkleider: Plattnerarbeiten aus drei Jahrhunderten, by Deutschen Historischen Museums
Softcover, 130 pages, DHM GmbH Verlin, Published: 1992

284. El Cid and the Reconquista 1050-1492 (Men-At-Arms, No 200), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1989-12-01, ISBN: 0850458404

285. Eleventh Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 48 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1994

286. Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560-1605 (Elite Series, 70), by Angus Konstam, Angus McBride
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2000-09-01, ISBN: 1841760153

287. English Civil War Armies (Men at Arms Series, 14), The, by Peter Young
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1994-09-30, ISBN: 0850451191

288. English Civil War Artillery 1642–51 (New Vanguard S.), by C. Henry, Chris Henry
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2005-08-06, ISBN: 1841767662

289. English Longbowman 1330-1515Ad (Warrior, No 11), by Clive Bartlett
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1995-03-01, ISBN: 1855324911

290. English Martial Arts, by Terry Brown
Paperback, 242 pages, Anglo-Saxon Books, Published: 2002-09-01, ISBN: 1898281297

291. English Medieval Knight 1200-1300 (Warrior), by Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2002-04-01, ISBN: 1841761443

292. English Medieval Knight 1300-1400 (Warrior, 58), by Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2002-11-01, ISBN: 1841761451

293. English Medieval Knight 1400-1500 (Warrior, 35), by Chris Gravett, Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2001-08-01, ISBN: 184176146X

294. English Pistols, by Howard L. Blackmore
Hardcover, Olympic Marketing Corp, Published: 1985-08-01, ISBN: 0853687129

295. English Swordsmanship: The True Fight of George Silver, by Stephen Hand
Hardcover, 264 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2006-05-25, ISBN: 1891448277

296. English weapons & warfare, 449-1660, by A. Vesey B Norman
224 pages, Prentice-Hall, Published: 1979, ISBN: 0132828715

297. Engraved Illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour, from the Collection of L. Meyrick, by S. R. Meyrick
Hardcover, Published: Second Edition, 1854

298. Entwicklung des Schwertes im Mittelalter, by Alfred Geibig
375 pages, K. Wachholtz, Published: 1991, ISBN: 3529011711

299. Essay on the Military Architecture of the Middle Ages, An, by Eug`Ene Emmanuel, Viollet-Le-Duc
Hardcover, 274 pages, Greenwood Pub Group, Published: 1977-03-01, ISBN: 0837177472

300. Essential Histories 58: The English Civil Wars 1642-1651, by Peter Gaunt
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2003-08, ISBN: 1841764175

301. Etched Decoration of Armour: A study in classification (British Academy, London. Henriette Hertz Trust), The, by J. G Mann
31 pages, H. Milford, Published: 1944

302. Europäische Helme, by Müller, Heinrich; Kuner, Fritz
Hardcover, 314 pages, Militarverlag Der DDR, Published: 1984

303. Europaische Hieb Und Stich Waffen (European Thrusting and Slashing Weapons), by Hartmut Kolling, Heinrich Muller
Hardcover, 448 pages, Published: 1990-06-01, ISBN: 3327000417

304. European & American Arms, c. 1100-1850, by Claude Blair
134 pages, B. T. Batsford, Published: 1962

305. European armour (Victoria and Albert Museum Illustrated booklet), by J. F Hayward
40 pages, H.M. Stationery Off, Published: 1971

306. European Armour (Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Illustrated booklet), by J. F Hayward
58 pages, H.M. Stationery Off, Published: 1951

307. European Armour in the Tower of London, by Dufty, Arthur Richard
Hardcover, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London, Published: 1968

308. European Armour, circa 1066 to circa 1700, by Claude Blair
248 pages, Macmillan, Published: 1959

309. European Arms & Armor, Collection of the Late Theodore Offerman
Softcover, 134 pages, Anderson Galleries, Inc., New York, Published: 1937

310. European Arms and Armor, by Charles Ashdown
Barnes Noble Books, ISBN: 1566196515

311. European arms and armour (Historical Association leaflet), by Charles John Ffoulkes
16 pages, The Historical Association, Published: 1932

312. European Arms and Armour at Kelvingrove, by Scott, J.G.
Softcover, 40 pages, Glasgow Museums and Art Galleries, Published: 1980, ISBN: 090275209X

313. European Arms and Armour In The University of Oxford, by Ffoulkes, Charles
Softcover, 80 pages, Clarendon Press, Published: 1912

314. European Arms and Armour in the University of Oxford (principally in the Ashmolean and Pitt-Rivers museums), by Charles Ffoulkes
Softcover, 64 pages, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Published: 1912

315. European Crossbows: A Survey by Josef Alm (Royal Armouries Monograph), by G.M. Wilson, H. Bartlett Wells
Paperback, Royal Armouries, Published: 1994, ISBN: 0948092203

316. European Helmets, 1450-1650: Treasures from the Reserve Collection (Metropolitan Museum of Art Series), by Stuart Pyhrr
Paperback, 48 pages, Yale University Press, Published: 2000-09-10, ISBN: 0300094604

317. European Swords and Daggers in the Tower of London, by Arthur Richard Dufty
157 pages, H.M. Stationery Off, Published: 1974, ISBN: 0116705728

318. European Weapons and Armour: From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution, by R. Ewart Oakeshott
Hardcover, 288 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2000-11-16, ISBN: 0851157890

319. European weapons and warfare, 1618-1648, by Eduard Wagner
296 pages, Octopus Books, Published: 1979, ISBN: 0706410726

320. Fall of Constantinople 1453 (Canto), The, by Steven Runciman
Paperback, 270 pages, Cambridge University Press, Published: 1990-09-13, ISBN: 0521398320

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About the Author
Nathan Robinson has been interested in history and the hobby of reproduction arms and armour collecting for well over a decade. A professional Web developer in San Francisco, he started myArmoury.com as a resource for like-minded people and hopes to help educate and entertain enthusiasts and consumers alike. He strives to push the sword community forward, helping create a healthy market with functional and historically-researched pieces available for us all.


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