Our Reference Library: The Bibliography
An article by Nathan Robinson

There are 831 books currently featured in our bibliography. More titles will be listed as we add new books to our growing library.

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321. Fashion and Armour in Renaissance Europe: Proud Lookes and Brave Attire, by Angus Patterson
Hardcover, 112 pages, V & A Publishing, Published: 2009-11-01, ISBN: 1851775811

322. Fashion in the Age of the Black Prince : A Study of the Years 1340-1365, by Stella Mary Newton
Paperback, 160 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2002-07-25, ISBN: 085115767X

323. Fifteenth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 56 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1998

324. Fifth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 48 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1988

325. Fighting Iron: A Metals Handbook for Arms Collectors, by Art Gogan
Hardcover, 176 pages, Andrew Mowbray Publishers, Published: 1990-07-01, ISBN: 0917218868

326. Fighting Techniques of the Ancient World (3000 B.C. to 500 A.D.): Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics, by Simon Anglim, Rob S. Rice, Phyllis Jestice, Scott Rusch, John Serrati
Hardcover, 256 pages, Thomas Dunne Books, Published: 2003-01-01, ISBN: 0312309325

327. Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World : Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics, by Matthew Bennett, Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice
Hardcover, 256 pages, Thomas Dunne Books, Published: 2005-11-01, ISBN: 0312348207

328. Fighting With The Quarterstaff, by David Lindholm
Paperback, 260 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2006-05-30, ISBN: 1891448366

329. Fighting with the German Longsword, by Christian Henry Tobler
Paperback, 248 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2004-07, ISBN: 1891448242

330. Fine Antique Arms and Armour from the Henk L. Visser Collection, by Bonhams
Softcover, 265 pages, Bonhams, Published: 2007

331. Fine Arms and Armor: Treasures in the Dresden Collection, by Johannes Schobel
Hardcover, 255 pages, Putnam, Published: 1975, ISBN: 0399113630

332. Firearms, by Frederick Wilkinson
Hardcover, Book Sales, Published: 1986-02, ISBN: 0307431134

333. Firearms from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein, by Stuart W. Pyhrr
Paperback, 39 pages, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Published: 1985-09, ISBN: 0870994255

334. Firearms in Colonial America: The Impact on History and Technology, 1492-1792, by M. L. Brown
Hardcover, 450 pages, Smithsonian Inst Pr, Published: 1981-01-01, ISBN: 0874742900

335. Firearms of the Islamic World : in the Tared Rajab Museum, Kuwait, by Robert Elgood
Hardcover, 240 pages, I.B.Tauris, Published: 1995-11-15, ISBN: 185043963X

336. Firearms of the Royal Armouries, by Nils Drejholt
Livrustkammaren = Royal Armorury, Published: 1996, ISBN: 9187594072

337. First Crusade 1096-1099: Conquest of the Holy Land (Campaign, 132), The, by David Nicolle, Christa Hook
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2003-10-01, ISBN: 1841765155

338. First Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 40 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1984

339. Flintlock guns and rifles: An illustrated reference guide, (Arms and Armour Press illustrated monographs), by Frederick Wilkinson
80 pages, Arms and Armour Press, Published: 1971, ISBN: 0853680590

340. Flintlocks of the Iroquois, 1620-1687 (Research records of the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences), by Joseph Ralph Mayer
59 pages, Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, Published: 1943

341. Fornovo 1495: France's Bloody Fighting Retreat (Osprey Military Campaign Series, 43), by David Nicolle, Stackpole Books
Paperback, 95 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1996-09-01, ISBN: 1855325225

342. Fourteenth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 40 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1997

343. Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople (Middle Ages), The, by Donald E. Queller, Thomas F. Madden
Paperback, 376 pages, University of Pennsylvania Press, Published: 1999-10-01, ISBN: 0812217136

344. Fourth Park Lane Arms Fair, The, by David A. Oliver, editor
Paperback, 44 pages, Apollo Magazine Ltd., Published: 1987

345. Frederick the Great's Army (2) : Infantry (Men-at-Arms), by Philip Haythornthwaite
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1991-11-28, ISBN: 1855321602

346. French Armies of the Hundred Years War : 1328-1429 (Men-At-Arms Series, 337), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2000-02-01, ISBN: 1855327104

347. French Medieval Armies 1000-1300 (Men-At-Arms (Osprey)), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1991-03-01, ISBN: 1855321270

348. Further Account of the Armour preserved in the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie near Mantua, A, by James G. Mann
Softcover, 42 pages, Society of Antiquaries, London, Published: 1938

349. Gallery: Arms and Colours in Poland, by Irena Grabowska
Softcover, 80 pages, National Museum in Cracow (Krakow), Poland, Published: 2004

350. Gammelt Jern: E.A. Christensens Väbensamling, by Ada Bruhn Hoffmeyer
Softcover, 400 pages, Väbenhistorisk Selskab København, Published: 1968

351. Gefälschte Blankwaffen: Galvanoplastische Kopien, Probleme der Authentizität (Reihe Kunst und Fälschung)
83 pages, Verlag Kunst und Antiquitäten, Published: 1980, ISBN: 3921811090

352. German Medieval Armies 1000-1300 (Men-at-Arms Series), by Gravett Christopher
Paperback, 48 pages, Rank and File Publishers, Published: 1997-11-01, ISBN: 1855326574

353. German Medieval Armies 1300-1500 (Men-at-Arms Series), by Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1985-12-01, ISBN: 0850456142

354. German Swords and Sword Makers: Edged Weapon Makers from the 14th to the 20th Centuries, by Richard H. Bezdek
Paperback, 248 pages, Paladin Press, Published: 2000-01-01, ISBN: 1581600577

355. Germanic Warrior: AD 236-568 (Warrior Series, 17), by Simon MacDowall
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1996-09-01, ISBN: 1855325861

356. Gets her gun (Royal Armouries and Mary Rose Trust commission replica Mary Rose cannon) : An article from: Foundry Trade Journal, by David Vallance

357. Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times Together With Some Closely Related Subjects, A, by George Cameron Stone
Paperback, 694 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 2000-01-01, ISBN: 0486407268

358. Gods of War: Sacred Imagery and the Decoration of Arms and Armor, The, by Donald J. Larocca
Paperback, 47 pages, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Published: 1996-06-01, ISBN: 0870997793

359. Gourney II: Boucliers et Lances, by Rapin and Brunaux

360. Granada 1492 (Campaign Series Number 53), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1998-05-15, ISBN: 1855327406

361. Great Siege: Malta 1565 (Wordsworth Military Library.), by Ernle Bradford, Ernie Bradford
Paperback, 256 pages, Wordsworth Military Library, Published: 1999-06-01, ISBN: 1840222069

362. Greece and Rome at War, by Peter Connolly
Hardcover, 320 pages, Greenhill Books, Published: 1998-03-01, ISBN: 185367303X

363. Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 B C (Men at Arms Series, No. 69), The, by Jack Cassin-Scott
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1977-06-01, ISBN: 0850452716

364. Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC (Warrior Series, 27), by Nicholas Sekunda
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2000-12-01, ISBN: 1855328674

365. Guida del Museo delle armi "Luigi Marzoli" (Materiali e studi per la storia locale), by Francesco Rossi
94 pages, Grafo, Published: 1988, ISBN: 8873851665

366. Guide to the Collection: Part II - European and American Art, A, by Metropolitan Museum of Art
Paperback, 154 pages, Plantin Press, Published: 1937

367. Gunfounding in the Weald in the Sixteenth Century (Royal Armouries Monograph), by Edmund B. Teesdale
Paperback, Royal Armouries, Published: 1991, ISBN: 0948092173

368. Gunmakers of London 1350-1850, by Howard L. Blackmore
Hardcover, 222 pages, George Shumway Pub, Published: 1986-04-01, ISBN: 0873870948

369. Gunmakers of London: Supplement 1350-1850, by Howard L Blackmore
Museum Restoration Service, Published: 1999, ISBN: 0888550138

370. Guns (The Grosset All-Color Guide Series, 31), by Frederick Wilkinson
Hardcover, 158 pages, Price Stern Sloan, Published: 1971-06, ISBN: 0448008645

371. Gwynn Collection. A Lifetime Passion for Arms and Armour, The, by Carlo Paggiarino
Hardcover, Published: 2016, ISBN: 889519103X

372. Hafted Weapons in Medieval and Renaissance Europe: The Evolution of European Staff Weapons between 1200 and 1650 (History of Warfare 31) (History of Warfare), by John Waldman
Hardcover, 242 pages, Brill Academic Pub, Published: 2005-06, ISBN: 9004144099

373. Halberd and Other European Polearms, 1300-1650 (Historical arms series), The, by George A Snook
32 pages, Museum Restoration Service, Published: 1998, ISBN: 0919316387

374. Handbook of Arms and Armor European and Oriental Including the William H. Riggs Collection, by Bashford Dean and Metropolitan Museum of Art
Paperback, Published: 1915

375. Hannibal's War With Rome : The Armies and Campaigns 216 BC (Special Editions (Military)), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 144 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1999-06-25, ISBN: 1855328704

376. Harnische, by Bruno Thomas
Hardcover, 80 pages, Kunstverlag Wien, Published: 1947

377. Hastings 1066: The Fall of Saxon England (Campaign), by Christopher Gravett
Paperback, 100 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2000-09-25, ISBN: 1841761338

378. Hattin 1187: Saladin's Greatest Victory (Campaign, No. 19), by David Nicolle
Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1993-01-01, ISBN: 1855322846

379. Head Protection in England Before the First World War, by Blackburn, T. P. D., D. A. Edge, A. R. Williams, and C. B. T. Adams
Published: Dec 2000

380. Heads & Horses: Two Studies in the History of the Tower Armouries, by Alan Borg
Softcover, 351 pages, The Society of Antiquaries, Published: 1976

381. Helmets and Body Armor in Modern Warfare, by Bashford Dean
325 pages, Humphrey Milford, Published: 1920

382. Henk Visser Collection of Fine, Rare and Important Arms Part II, The Property of a Visser Family Trust, The, by Unknown
Hardcover, Sotheby's London, Published: 1991-01-01

383. Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416-53 (Men-at-Arms Series), by Paul Knight, Mike Chappell
Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1999-01-01, ISBN: 185532699X

384. Henry VIII: Arms and the Man
Hardcover, 368 pages, Trustees of the Royal Armouries, Published: 2009-04-01, ISBN: 0948092629

385. Heroic Armor of the Italian Renaissance Filippo Negroli and His Contemporaries, by Stuart Pyhrr, Jose-A. Godoy, Stuart W. Pyhrr
Hardcover, 368 pages, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Published: 1999, ISBN: 0300086180

386. Hever Castle Collection, The--Volume 1: Arms and Armour, by John F. Hayward (intro)
Hardcover, 148 pages, Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co., Published: 1983

387. Highland Broadsword: Five Manuals of Scottish Regimental Swordsmanship
Paperback, 260 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2004-07, ISBN: 1891448218

388. Highland Clansman 1689-1746 (Warrior Series), by Stuart Reid
Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1997-09-01, ISBN: 1855326604

389. Highland Swordsmanship: Techniques of the Scottish Sword Masters, by William Hope
Paperback, 208 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2001-11-15, ISBN: 1891448153

390. Highly Important Arms from the Saxon Royal Collection (Sotheby's)
Hardcover, 66 pages, Sotheby's Auctionhouse (March 23, 1970), Published: 1970

391. Hindu Arms and Ritual: Arms and Armour from India 1400-1865, by Robert Elgood
Hardcover, 304 pages, Eburon Publishers, Delft, Published: 2005-01-15, ISBN: 9059720202

392. Historical Guide to Arms & Armor, An, by Stephen Bull
Hardcover, 224 pages, Checkmark Books, Published: 1991-09-01, ISBN: 0816026203

393. History of Chivalry & Armor, The, by FRANZ KOTTENCAMP
Hardcover, Random House Value Publishing, Published: 1988-10-27, ISBN: 0517671077

394. History of Silver, The, by Claude Blair
Hardcover, 256 pages, Ballantine Books, Published: 1987-11-12, ISBN: 0345345762

395. History of the Crusades: Volume 1, The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, A, by Steven Runciman
Paperback, 394 pages, Cambridge University Press, Published: 1987-12-03, ISBN: 052134770X

396. History of the Crusades: Volume 2, The Kingdom of Jerusalem (A History of the Crusades, Vol 2), A, by Steven Runciman
Paperback, 538 pages, Cambridge University Press, Published: 1987-12-03, ISBN: 0521347718

397. History of the Crusades: Volume 3, The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades, A, by Steven Runciman
Paperback, 542 pages, Cambridge University Press, Published: 1987-12-03, ISBN: 0521347726

398. History of War and Weapons, 449 to 1660: English Warfare from the Anglo-Saxons to Cromwell, A, by A.V. Norman, Don Pottinger
Hardcover, Ty Crowell Co, Published: 1966-06, ISBN: 0690393660

399. Howard M. Curtis Collection of Arms, Armour and Books: Christie's London, The, by Christie's, London
Softcover, 119 pages, Christie, Manson & Woods, LTD, Published: 1984

400. Hundred Years War : England and France at War c.1300-c.1450 (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks), The, by Christopher Allmand
Paperback, 224 pages, Cambridge University Press, Published: 1988-02-04, ISBN: 0521319234

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About the Author
Nathan Robinson has been interested in history and the hobby of reproduction arms and armour collecting for well over a decade. A professional Web developer in San Francisco, he started myArmoury.com as a resource for like-minded people and hopes to help educate and entertain enthusiasts and consumers alike. He strives to push the sword community forward, helping create a healthy market with functional and historically-researched pieces available for us all.


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