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Our Reference Library: The Bibliography
An article by Nathan Robinson There are 831 books currently featured in our bibliography. More titles will be listed as we add new books to our growing library. 161. Bayeux Tapestry, The, by David M. Wilson, Thames, Hudson Hardcover, 234 pages, Thames & Hudson, Published: 2004-04, ISBN: 0500251223 162. beginning of the bronze age and the halberd, The, by George Lechler Published: 1937 163. Blades and Barrels: Six centuries of combination weapons, by H. Gordon Frost 298 pages, Walloon Press, Published: 1972 164. Blankwaffen Aus Drei Jahrhunderten Zeugnisse Sächsischer Waffengeschichte, by Hilbert, Klaus Hardcover, 159 pages, Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, Published: 1998, ISBN: 3-89488-123-2 165. Blankwaffen. Geschichte und Typenentwicklung im europäischen Kulturbereich (2 vol), by Heribert Seitz 866 pages, Published: 1965 166. Blankwaffen/Armes blanches/Armi bianche/Edged weapons, by Karl Stuber, Hans Wetter (eds) Hardcover, 255 pages, Th. Gut & Co Verlag Stafa, Published: 1982, ISBN: 3 85717-008-8 167. Blankwaffen: Führer durch die Ausstellung, by Hanns-Ulrich Haedeke Hardcover, 141 pages, Rheinland-Verlag, Köln; Deutschen Klingesmuseum, Solingen, Published: 1982, ISBN: 3-7972-0523-0 168. Blankwaffen: Fuhrer Durch Die Ausstellung [Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen], by Hans-Ulrich Haedeke Hardcover, 141 pages, Rheinland-Verlag, Köln; Deutschen Klingesmuseum, Solingen, Published: 1982, ISBN: 3-7972-0523-0 169. Blenheim 1704: The Duke of Marlborough's Masterpiece (Campaign, 141), by John Tincey Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2004-08-01, ISBN: 1841767719 170. Blood Red Roses: The Archaeology of a mass grave from the Battle of Towton AD 1461 Hardcover, 277 pages, Oxbow Books Limited, Published: 2000-12-15, ISBN: 1842170252 171. Blunderbusses (Arms and Armour Press. Illustrated monographs), by D. R Baxter 78 pages, Arms & Armour P, Published: 1970, ISBN: 0853680477 172. Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry, The, by Christine de Pizan, Christinepizan De Paperback, 223 pages, Pennsylvania State University Press, Published: 1999-05-01, ISBN: 027101881X 173. Book of Knighthood & Chivalry (and the anonymous Ordene de Chevalerie), by Ramon Lull Hardcover, 136 pages, Chivalry Bookshelf, Published: 2001-07, ISBN: 189144803X 174. Book of Swords, The, by Hank Reinhardt Paperback, 256 pages, Baen, Published: 2009-08-11, ISBN: 1439132828 175. Book of the Crossbow, The, by Ralph Payne-Gallwey Paperback, 400 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 1995-10-31, ISBN: 0486287203 176. Book Of The Medieval Knight, The, by Stephen Turnbull Paperback, 192 pages, Arms & Armour Press, Published: 1995-03-01, ISBN: 1854092642 177. Book of the Sword, The, by Sir Richard F. Burton Paperback, 336 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 1987-07-01, ISBN: 0486254348 178. Border Reivers (Men-at-Arms Series), The, by Keith Durham Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1995-03-01, ISBN: 1855324172 179. Bowmen of England: The Story of the English Longbow (Pen & Sword Military Classics), by Donald Featherstone Paperback, 164 pages, Pen & Sword Books, Published: 2003-03-01, ISBN: 0850529468 180. British &Continental Arms and Armour, by Charles Henry Ashdown 384 pages, Dover Publications, Published: 1970, ISBN: 0486224902 181. British Army 1660-1704 (Men-at-Arms), The, by John Tincey Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1994-03-31, ISBN: 1855323818 182. British Basket-Hilted Swords: A Typology of Basket-Type Sword Hilts, by Cyril Mazansky Hardcover, 318 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2005-03, ISBN: 1843830531 183. British Cavalry Sword 1788-1912: Some New Perspectives, The, by Richard Dellar Hardcover, 336 pages, The British Cavalry Sword, Published: 2013-09-27, ISBN: 0992644909 184. British Cavalry Sword From 1600, The, by Charles Martyn Hardcover, 175 pages, Pen & Sword Books, Published: 2004-10-01, ISBN: 1844150712 185. British cut and thrust weapons, by John Wilkinson-Latham 112 pages, David and Charles, Published: 1971, ISBN: 0715353519 186. British Military Firearms, 1650-1850, by Howard L. Blackmore Hardcover, 294 pages, Greenhill Pr, Published: 1994-08-01, ISBN: 185367172X 187. British Military Swords 1786-1912 The regulation Patterns: An illustrated Price Guide for Collectors, by Harvey J.S. Withers 176 pages, Studio Jupiter Military Publishing, Published: 2003, ISBN: 0-9545910-0-3 188. British Naval Armaments (Royal Armouries Conference Proceedings), by Robert D. Smith Paperback, Royal Armouries, Published: 1989, ISBN: 0948092114 189. British Redcoat (2) : 1793-1815 (Warrior), by Stuart Reid Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1997-07-15, ISBN: 185532556X 190. British Redcoat 1740-93 (Warrior), by Stuart Reid Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1997-01-15, ISBN: 1855325543 191. Broń biała-sieczna w zbiorach Muzeum Okręgowego w Toruniu (Edged weapons in Toruń Regional Museum), by Maria Pawłowska Softcover, 198 pages, Torun, Published: 1986 192. Broń i uzbrojenie Tatarów ("Tartar Arms and Armour"), by Jacek Gutowski Softcover, 138 pages, Warszawa, Published: 1997, ISBN: 83-909001-0-6 193. Brón I Uzbrojenie Tatarów (Arms and Armour of the Tatars), by J Gutowski Softcover, 102 pages, Res Publica Multiethnica, Warszawa, Published: 1997, ISBN: 83-909001-0-6 194. Bronze Age Military Equipment, by Dan Howard Hardcover, 192 pages, Pen and Sword, Published: 2014-08-19, ISBN: 1848842937 195. Bronze Age Warfare, by Richard Osgood Hardcover, 224 pages, Sutton Publishing, Published: 2001-03-01, ISBN: 0750923636 196. Buccaneers 1620-1700 (Elite Series, 69), by Angus Konstam Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2000-06-01, ISBN: 1855329123 197. By the Sword : A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions (Modern Library Paperbacks), by Richard Cohen Paperback, 544 pages, Modern Library, Published: 2003-08-05, ISBN: 0812969669 198. Byzantine Armies 886-1118 (Men-at-Arms, No 89), by Ian Heath Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1979-02-01, ISBN: 0850453062 199. Byzantine Armies Ad 1118-1461 (Osprey Men-at-Arms Series, No 287), by Ian Heath Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 1995-11-01, ISBN: 1855323478 200. Caesar's Legions: The Roman Soldier, 753 BC to 117 AD, by Nicholas V Sekunda, Simon Northwood Hardcover, Osprey, Published: 2000-01-28, ISBN: 1841760994 201. Campaigns of the Norman Conquest, by Matthew Bennett Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2001-11-25, ISBN: 1841762288 202. Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-987 (Warrior), by David Nicolle Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2005-03-30, ISBN: 1841766453 203. Castel Sant'Angelo, the Mausoleum of Hadrian, by Mario d' Orsi Paperback, 43 pages, Tip. Terenzi, Published: 1972-01-01 204. Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450-1650 (Fortress), by Stuart Reid Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2006-03-28, ISBN: 1841769622 205. Catálogo Histórico: Descriptivo de la Real Armería de Madrid, by Valencia De Don Juan, El Conde Viudo De Hardcover, 447 pages, Published: 1898 206. Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Arms and Armor, by Dean, Bashford Softcover, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Published: 1911 207. Catalogue of edged arms and armour in the Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad, by G. N Pant 268 pages, Salarjung Museum, Published: 1989 208. Catalogue of European Armour at the Fitzwilliam Museum, by Ian Eaves Hardcover, 348 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2002-07-04, ISBN: 0851158579 209. Catalogue of European Court Swords and Hunting Swords, by Dean, Bashford Hardcover, 86 pages, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Published: 1929, ISBN: 1135200238 210. Catalogue of European Daggers Including the Ellis, De Dino, Riggs, and Reubell Collections, by Dean, Bashford Hardcover, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Published: 1929 211. Catalogue of Irish Iron Age Antiquities, A, by Barry Raftery 212. Catalogue Of The European Armor And Arms In The Wallace Collection At Hertford House, by Guy Francis Laking Paperback, 372 pages, Kessinger Publishing, Published: 2004-09-30, ISBN: 1417949341 213. Catalogue of the Exhibition of Ancient Helmets and Examples of Mail, by Baron de Cosson & Burgess, W. Softcover, 155 pages, Arms & Armour Monographs, Published: 1881 (originally) 214. Catalogue of the very choice collection of armour and weapons -- which will be sold -- by Sotheby & Co., Tuesday, May 14th, 1929, by Charles Alexander de Cosson 35 pages, Printed by Riddle, Smith & Duffus, Published: 1929 215. Celtic Sword, The, by Radomir Pleiner, B.G. Scott Hardcover, 196 pages, Clarendon Pr, Published: 1993-04-01, ISBN: 0198134118 216. Cesare Borgia's sword-scabbard (Victoria and Albert Museum Bulletin Reprints), by Claude Blair 14 pages, Victoria and Albert Museum, Published: 1969 217. Chronicles (Classics S.), by Jean Froissart Paperback, 496 pages, Penguin Classics, Published: 1978-04-27, ISBN: 0140442006 218. Chronicles of the Crusades (Classics S.), by Jean de Joinville, Geffroy de Villehardouin Paperback, 368 pages, Penguin Classics, Published: 1963-08-30, ISBN: 0140441247 219. Churburg Armoury, The, by Carlo Paggiarino Hardcover, 304 pages, Hans Prunner Editore, Published: 2006, ISBN: 88-95191-00-5 220. Civil War Cavalry & Artillery Sabers (Swords), by John H. Thillman Hardcover, 520 pages, Andrew Mowbray Pub, Published: 2001-11-01, ISBN: 0917218922 221. Codex Wallerstein : A Medieval Fighting Book from the Fifteenth Century on the Longsword, Falchion, Dagger, and Wrestling, by Grzegorz Zabinski, Bartlomiej Walczak Hardcover, 392 pages, Paladin Press, Published: 2002-07, ISBN: 1581603398 222. Collectors Guide to Swords, Daggers, and Cutlasses, A, by Gerald Weland Hardcover, 128 pages, BookSales Inc, Published: 1991-08-01, ISBN: 1555217265 223. Colour of Chivalry. with 30 illus, The, by Harold B Pereira 141 pages, Imperial Chemical Industries, Published: 1950 224. Companion to Medieval Arms and Armour, A Hardcover, 472 pages, Boydell Press, Published: 2002-09-26, ISBN: 0851158722 225. Complete Bladesmith : Forging Your Way To Perfection, by Jim Hrisoulas Hardcover, 192 pages, Paladin Press, Published: 1987-06, ISBN: 0873644301 226. Complete Encyclopedia Of Arms & Weapons Hardcover, 544 pages, Random House Value Publishing, Published: 1986-01-28, ISBN: 0517487764 227. Complete Roman Army, The, by Adrian Goldsworthy Hardcover, 224 pages, Thames & Hudson, Published: 2003-10-27, ISBN: 0500051240 228. Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords, The, by Kokan Nagayama Hardcover, 256 pages, Kodansha International (JPN), Published: 1998-03, ISBN: 4770020716 229. Conquistador : 1492-1550 (Warrior), The, by John Pohl Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2001-11-25, ISBN: 1841761753 230. Conquistadores (Men-at-Arms), The, by Terence Wise Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1980-07-24, ISBN: 0850453577 231. Constantinople 1453: The End of Byzantium (Campaign Series, 78), by David, Phd Nicolle Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2001-04, ISBN: 1841760919 232. Cossacks (Men-at-Arms), The, by Albert Seaton Paperback, 48 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1972-06-15, ISBN: 0850451167 233. Craft of the Japanese Sword, The, by Leon Kapp, Hiroko Kapp, Yoshido Yoshihara Hardcover, 167 pages, Kodansha America, Published: 1987-04-01, ISBN: 087011798X 234. Crecy 1346: Triumph of the Longbow (Campaign Series, 71), by David, Dr Nicolle Paperback, 96 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2000-07-01, ISBN: 1855329662 235. Crooked Stick: A History of the Longbow (Weapons in History), The, by Hugh D. H. Soar Hardcover, 243 pages, Westholme Publishing, Published: 2004-10-01, ISBN: 1594160023 236. Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191-1571 (Fortress), by David Nicolle Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2007-02-27, ISBN: 1841769762 237. Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097-1192 (Fortress, 21), by David Nicolle Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing (UK), Published: 2004-07-01, ISBN: 1841767158 238. Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1192-1302 (Fortress), by David Nicolle Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 2005-07-13, ISBN: 1841768278 239. Crusades (Elite), The, by David Nicolle Paperback, 64 pages, Osprey Publishing, Published: 1988-09-22, ISBN: 0850458544 240. Crusading Warfare, 1097-1193 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: New Series), by R. C. Smail Paperback, 318 pages, Cambridge University Press, Published: 1994-10-27, ISBN: 0521458382 About the Author Nathan Robinson has been interested in history and the hobby of reproduction arms and armour collecting for well over a decade. A professional Web developer in San Francisco, he started myArmoury.com as a resource for like-minded people and hopes to help educate and entertain enthusiasts and consumers alike. He strives to push the sword community forward, helping create a healthy market with functional and historically-researched pieces available for us all. |