Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Sun 11 Feb, 2007 2:32 pm Post subject: A note to vendors and makers |
With the consistent growth of has come a recent rash of vendors and makers registering for accounts and immediately posting promotional topics showing items for sale or other business-related announcements. This behavior constitutes a violation of our Rules of Conduct and is considered spam.
Each new member receives a private message as a welcome to the site. This message contains information specific to vendors and makers and also includes a link to our Rules of Conduct and an explanation of how business-related topics are to be handled.
While we encourage makers and vendors to announce and advertise their items on our site, we ask that it be limited to those people who are eligible and have joined the Industry Professionals usergroup. This has the added benefit of keeping this type of commerce-related discussion to a specific forum, our "Makers and Manufacturers Talk" forum, and allows our members to selectively ignore these messages should they wish to do so. It is a key goal of to separate the promotional-related topics from the purely informational topics. While there is often room for overlap, such overlap is appropriate only for industry professionals who discuss their items as a means to further informational topics. Blatant advertisements, promotions, links, and announcements within informational topics are not appropriate.
We do not charge for advertising on this site. We offer it free to benefit the vendors, the members of the community, and to provide a vehicle that attempts to help the market grow. In order to take advantage of this free service, all vendors and makers must follow the simple and reasonable conditions outlined above and explained in more detail upon application to our Industry Professionals group.
Thank you.