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Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Mon 03 Sep, 2007 5:21 pm Post subject: THE WINNERS: Thanks for the Support Contest |
Hi Everybody!
We recently ran a Contest to give back to those of you who have been kind enough to donate to the ongoing efforts of We offered up four different prizes and, well....
The four winners have been chosen!
Here they are along with the prizes that each of them has won:
Jason Lawrence of Detroit, Michigan wins the first prize:
Arms & Armor Dürer Bastard Sword
John Arnold of Manchester, New Hampshire wins the second prize:
A set of five Sotheby's catalogs of antique arms, armour & militaria:
December 15, 2004, December 4, 2003, December 5, 2002, June 26, 2003, and June 30, 2004
Ed Toton of Northern Virginia wins the third prize:
2001 Peter Finer Catalog, 1995 Peter Finer Catalog, and Arms and Armour by Frederick Wilkinson
Please note: I have added the 1995 Peter Finer Catalog. This was not originally slated as a prize
Michael Quinlan of Tempe, Arizona wins the fourth prize:
CAS Iberia / Hanwei Stiletto
Please take a moment to congratulate the winners. Thanks goes out to all the people who gave so much to this site. Your generosity will go towards keeping this site what it is is and, more importantly, help it continue to grow even stronger.
For those of you who gave and did not win this time around, I will announce here and now that you will each get a second chance at being a winner! We've already lined up the prize for a future contest and all entrants of this contest will be automatically entered into that future contest! Cheers to each of you.
To review the details of this contest, please visit the Contest Announcement.
Stay tuned for more contests here at!
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Mon 03 Sep, 2007 5:21 pm Post subject: |
Let me also add one other thing to this announcement:
We had two members--Jared Smith and Bill Grandy--who each donated a pretty good sum of money to the cause.
Shortly after their donations, they each messaged me and said should they be lucky enough to win they wanted to pass on the prizes so that others could enjoy them. They each said, in their own way, that they donated money to this site not to earn prizes but to do so out of the kindness of their hearts.
As it turned out, Jared Smith was picked to win the sword and Bill Grandy was picked to win the auction catalogs. The generosity of each of these guys caused the rest of the picks to be bumped up.
Please give a nod to both Jared and Bill.
Man, what a community we have here.
.:. Visit my Collection Gallery :: View my Reading List :: View my Wish List :: See Pages I Like :: Find me on Facebook .:.
Matthew G.M. Korenkiewicz

Posted: Mon 03 Sep, 2007 6:23 pm Post subject: |
Ha ! It's nice to see a fellow Michigander win a prise ! and a hat's off to
Mr. Smith and Mr. Grandy as well.
Bill Grandy
myArmoury Team

Posted: Mon 03 Sep, 2007 7:29 pm Post subject: |
Congratulations guys! Ed, you have no excuse not to bring those books to class for show & tell.
And congratulations to the myArmoury community for raising the funds to keep this place going!
-Inspired by History, Crafted by Hand
"For practice is better than artfulness. Your exercise can do well without artfulness, but artfulness is not much good without the exercise.” -anonymous 15th century fencing master, MS 3227a
Jean Thibodeau

Posted: Mon 03 Sep, 2007 7:33 pm Post subject: |
Congratulations to the winners and very nice of Bill and Jared for passing up the prizes.
I too didn't give for the prizes but I think I wouldn't have passed up the " DURER " if I had won it, but I can really appreciate and respect those who did give others a better chance of winning.
You can easily give up your freedom. You have to fight hard to get it back!
J. Erb

Location: Pennsylvania, USA Joined: 03 Apr 2007
Posts: 61
Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 12:24 am Post subject: |
Hats off to the winners who were lucky enough to get prizes -- and to those who were kind and generous enough to make it happen. Good show, gentlemen (and ladies, I suppose, as I've noticed a few of them now and again). I've been a member here for a relatively short time, but it certianly seems like there are a lot of nice people in this virtual community. It's encouraging to see, especially after passing through other, less intelligent forums. Keep up the good work, everybody!
"What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause, to use their own knowledge against them?"
Jessen Klaus
Location: Denmark/ Fredericia Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 64
Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 3:33 am Post subject: |
Congratulations to the 4 winners and a big congrats to Nathan for the nice result on the donation drive.
Best regards
Swords on waiting list
The Hauptmann,The Markgraf,
The Munich,The Knech,The Maximilian & The Dane
Sword's I'm selling/trading
Triton from Odinblades
Allen Andrews

Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 3:51 am Post subject: |
Congratulations to all the prize winners, and thanks to those who generously gave. Speaking for myself, I feel like a prize winner every time I log on and read some interesting new fact/review/discussion.
" I would not snare even an orc with a falsehood. "
Faramir son of Denethor
Words to live by. (Yes, I know he's not a real person)
Pamela Muir

Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 4:06 am Post subject: |
Congratulations to all the winners! A special thank you to Bill and Jared for their generosity. And, of course, a very special thank you again to Nathan for his time and effort maintaining this community of "scholars and gentlemen" and ladies.
Bill Grandy wrote: | Congratulations guys! Ed, you have no excuse not to bring those books to class for show & tell.  |
I second that.
Pamela Muir
Founder/Lead Instructor
Academy of Chivalric Martial Arts
"I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, And he's gotta be fast, And he's gotta be fresh from the fight." ~Steinman/Pitchford
Jonathon Janusz
Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 5:01 am Post subject: |
Congratulations to the winners and cheers to Jared and Bill for their grace and generosity. Well done, all!
Ed Toton

Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 6:32 am Post subject: |
Pamela Muir wrote: |
Bill Grandy wrote: | Congratulations guys! Ed, you have no excuse not to bring those books to class for show & tell.  |
I second that.  |
I shall indeed do so.
-Ed T. Toton III |
My armor photos on facebook
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 11:35 am Post subject: |
Sincere cogratulations to the recepients of the prizes and a rousing Huzzah for all that have contributed!
The astounding growth of this site is due not just by monetary donations but the selfless participation of folk like Bill Grandy and Jared Smith. No less selfless had been Nathan's vigor and effort in making this what has really become a primary source of information for so many. Further kudos to the entire myArmoury team of reviewers and feature authors. It is truly a somewhat unique enviorment that has meant a great deal to many.
Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Tue 04 Sep, 2007 8:14 pm Post subject: |
Congrats to the winners and thanks to all the donors. My thanks also go to the readers and posters without whom this site would mean nothing.
Greg Griggs

Posted: Wed 05 Sep, 2007 9:32 am Post subject: |
Congrats to the winners!
Bill and Jared - you guys show what being gracious is all about, and why we have such a great community. Best to you all!!!
Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
Edward Hitchens
Posted: Wed 05 Sep, 2007 6:45 pm Post subject: |
Here's to the winners! And here's to the many blessings and acts of kindness of Bill and Jared.
I think this contest was a wonderful idea in so many ways: It shows what great people we have among us to chip in to something that we all care about, enjoy, and learn new things from; it also shows the kind hearts and good will of those like Bill and Jared who would prefer to see something grand such as myArmoury prosper even more; and last but not least, we can win cool stuff
And, of course, to Nathan.... (raising glass of Sam Adams Summer Ale)
"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." Thomas Jefferson
Bill Grandy
myArmoury Team

Posted: Wed 05 Sep, 2007 9:30 pm Post subject: |
Edward Hitchens wrote: | (raising glass of Sam Adams Summer Ale) |
Ooo, now you're talking! I love that stuff. There's a contest prize I couldn't have passed on!
-Inspired by History, Crafted by Hand
"For practice is better than artfulness. Your exercise can do well without artfulness, but artfulness is not much good without the exercise.” -anonymous 15th century fencing master, MS 3227a
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Michael Quinlan
Location: Tempe, Arizona Joined: 03 Oct 2006
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed 19 Sep, 2007 12:35 pm Post subject: |
Greetings all-
I'm one of the lucky winners of the recent donation contest, and I'm pleased to say that my prize - the Hanwei stiletto - arrived yesterday in good order. It's a beautiful weapon, graceful in form and nicely finished. I'm very happy to own this fine dagger.
I've been visiting almost daily since I discovered the site last year. The articles, reviews and posts are always informative and entertaining. I commend Nathan, Chad, and the other members of the myArmoury team for their incredible dedication and commitment to this endeavor. Those who post to the site also deserve recognition for their wonderful contributions.
Long live!
Michael Quinlan
Ed Toton

Posted: Sun 23 Sep, 2007 1:38 pm Post subject: |
The books arrived on Friday, and I'm certainly going to enjoy flipping through and soaking in the pictures. I'm amazed at some of the details and ornate features of the pieces shown.
I too want to commend the entire myArmoury team, and particularly Nathan. Even though the prizes inspired me to do so more quickly, I would have donated sooner or later again anyway, as I've done before. Over the years I've found this site to be a valuable resource, with intriguing articles, interesting discussions, and well written reviews.
The work that goes into maintaining and improving the site really shows. As a fellow software/systems engineer, I can definitely appreciate what it takes. I'm always impressed with this site's features.
I also want to thank the site's moderators for maintaining a civil atmosphere on the forums. Without enforcement of the site's policies and rules, message boards can easily descend into chaos. (I remember the days of BBS's and Usenet)...
Once again, thank you for making a site that fosters a great community and makes such valuable resources readily available.
-Ed T. Toton III |
My armor photos on facebook
Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Sun 23 Sep, 2007 2:08 pm Post subject: |
Congrats on the prize and thanks for your kind words. It's nice to know what we do is appreciated.
Enjoy those Peter Finer catalogues; they're all exquisite. I know have the whole set and they are pretty unrivaled in pictorial quality and also show many unique examples not seen elsewhere. Enjoy!