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Cleaning out some of my tsubas to help fund other interests.
First one is the old Hanwei Rabbit in katana size. It has the nakago-ana has been filed a little to accept a larger tang, it will easily still accept a smaller tang such as a PPK if you peen it. It's in very good shape with none of the black coating removed. Other then the little filing of the nakago-ana it's in perfect condition. $20
Next is a Last Legend tsuba from the MK1. It has very little of the coating rubbed off on one side of the rim, it also has some of the coating rubbed off under the seppa area. The nakago-ana has not been changed. Other then the little bit of finished rubbed off it's in perfect condition. $20
Please add $2 to a tsuba for shipping, or if you buy both I will pay the shipping. I can accept Personal Check or Money Order only (If you are not from the US, please PM me for acceptable payment and shipping). If you need larger photos or a different angle, please PM me.
The white specks on the tsubas are just dust that didn't get cleaned off prior to the photos.
I will most likely be posting more tsubas later this week, so keep checking back.