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Forum Index > Historical Arms Talk > Trouble posting pictures? Please read this for help Reply to topic
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Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

myArmoury Team

PostPosted: Sun 21 Apr, 2024 12:40 pm    Post subject: Trouble posting pictures? Please read this for help         Reply with quote

There are two ways to add pictures to your posts: attaching them directly to the post or using BBcode to insert an image into your post that is hosted on another site. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Attaching an image (or images) directly to your post uploads them into our database, permanently keeping them with your post. These images can also be inserted into other posts via BBcode (see below). Images will display below your text.
Currently, though, there are limitations. The files must be one of the following file types: gif, jpeg, jpg, png. The overall file size must be less than 1MB in order to attach to a post (an error message will be generated when you click Submit). Each user also has a total upload limit determined by their Usergroup(s). Your profile will show much much of the total upload limit has been used and how much remains. Once attached, the image(s) will show in your post if they are less than 800 pixels wide or tall (the longest dimension). If they are wider or taller, they will display as a link other users can click as needed. Many modern cameras/smartphones take images larger than this, necessitating the image be sized down to fit (more info on that in a separate post). Info on attaching can be found in the Attachment Guide as well as by clicking the Allowed Extensions and Sizes link when posting.

Please note: Attached images will display in the final post in the order in which you attached them (first image attached displays first). However, if you click "Preview Before Posting" you will see them in the reverse order (last image attached displays first) in the preview. This is a quirk of the forum software.

Using BBcode to insert on image from the web bypasses much of the size restrictions above and allows the images to be inserted at various points in your post rather than at the end. However, if the image is deleted or moved from the location where it lived when you posted it, a broken image link will show. More info on how to insert an image via BBcode can be found in the BBcode Guide in the Info section under "Showing images in posts".


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Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

myArmoury Team

PostPosted: Sun 21 Apr, 2024 12:53 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Current forum parameters limit image sizes when attaching to posts. You may need to resize your image(s) to fit. This can be done in many ways, and will depend on the OS your device is running. Some options include:

1) Paint. The current iteration of MS paint allows resizing. Open your image, crop it as necessary to eliminate unnecessary space, then click Resize. To have your image display in the post instead of as a link, make sure you have selected to resize in pixels and make the longest side 799 pixels or less. Double check that the new saved file size is less than 1MB.

2) Online resizers like . myArmoury has no affiliation with this company, so use as you see fit (or not). It allows you to choose final dimensions, as above.

3) iOS image resizer shortcut. I've used this before. Instructions can be found at by scrolling down to "How to Resize an Image on an iPhone with Shortcuts App." Again, use as you see fit (or not). Please be aware that images often come off iOS devices in Apple's HEIC format which isn't one the forum software allows as an attachment. The image will have to be exported as one of the allowed file types above.

There are many other options as well. Use what works best for you. Happy


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