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Augusto Boer Bront
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PostPosted: Sun 19 Sep, 2010 1:26 am    Post subject: 1345 sword         Reply with quote

I'm looking for a good battle-ready sword thet I can purchase from a good manifacturer.
Any suggestion?
I mean, any good sword with a decent price (200 euros ca.)?
Something from Kovex Ars or Armory Marek?
I would prefer an one-hand-and-an-half, or therewere not existing yet?

Sorry for the bad english.

With regards,



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Luka Borscak

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PostPosted: Sun 19 Sep, 2010 2:32 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I would suggest something from Viktor Berbekucz:
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Augusto Boer Bront
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PostPosted: Sun 19 Sep, 2010 3:34 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Sorry if I'm annoying, but have you tried these blades or heard of them?

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Luka Borscak

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PostPosted: Sun 19 Sep, 2010 5:11 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Not annoying at all. I handled some of them but didn't try them steel on steel. But the balance and weight are very good for reenactment blades and they look very good in person. Nice finish. And I was told they stand up to fighting very well. The edges are quite thick and rounded and the steel is very well tempered and hard supposedly but I can't know that for sure as I dry handled them only.
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JG Elmslie
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PostPosted: Sun 19 Sep, 2010 7:51 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

by "battle ready" I assume you mean a blunt sword for reenactment or western martial arts. If so, the normal term for them tends to be "rebated"... it helps to differentiate them with the sharpened lumps of crappy steel with pot-metal hilts sold on bad websites that advertise themselves as "battle-ready", when they're nothing but rubbish.

I would say from having handled a couple of his polearms now, that Pavel Marek's stuff is pretty good.

Kovex-ars, personally, I've found their swords to be very overweight, quite uncomfortable to use, and not particularly durable. I have also heard reports from other reenactors that their newest swords are of worse quality, and very easily broken.

I would however, strongly reccommend saving up a little bit more money, and getting a blade from Armourclass ( ) if you are looking for a rebated sword for reenactment. They are designed for sparring, and are incredibly tough, and able to stand up to a lot of abuse without damage. (infact, I know people who bought armourclass blades 10 or even 15 years ago, and which are still in use, every week.)
For re-enactment use, I would'nt use anything but an armourclass blade, personally, and would chose them over many of the more expensive makers.
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Augusto Boer Bront
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PostPosted: Sun 19 Sep, 2010 8:21 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Very thanks.

Something like this?

Edit: sorry I cant' access to the site. Could you link some swords?


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Gottfried P. Doerler

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PostPosted: Mon 20 Sep, 2010 2:18 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

i own this particular sword:

it is made by pavel leier, if i recall rightly.
its a reasonable thing for this price.
its completely overweighted (someone in this forum even called it "a heavy sword-like object"), and balance is horrible, p.o.b. in the first third from the point. (feels just like handling a heavy iron bar)
so much for the flaws.

on the other hand i found it most durable, grip and crossguards still tight, nothing loose,
and the blade is still in good condition, after nearly 8 years of crushing edge on edge.
- and that was what i was looking for, when i bought it.
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Augusto Boer Bront
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PostPosted: Mon 20 Sep, 2010 4:34 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ok, found it Happy

But what does it means when it says "89 cm Blade. 5 cm at hilt tapering, ...."?


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Alen L

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PostPosted: Mon 20 Sep, 2010 5:45 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

It means that the blade is 5 cm wide at the crossguard, and then gradually narrows down to the provided number, in this case 2,5 cm, meaning it's that wide at the tip. Basically, it means it losses mass towards the tip.
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Nat Lamb

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PostPosted: Mon 20 Sep, 2010 6:32 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I sorta hate armourclass swords
There is a very specific reason for this. One of the guys in my 100 years war re-enactment group has an armourclass, and it looks so good it makes the rest of our blades look bad, and the temper is so good that that it consistently holds up with no damage from the odd edge on edge block with no damage at all (to it, plenty to my hanger, and it has snapped two other blades in training)
So what I hate about it is that I don't own one Cry
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Alen L

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PostPosted: Mon 20 Sep, 2010 3:27 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I have just received an email from Armoury Marek saying my sword is complete Big Grin

So far, it was nice working with them, it took a little over a month for the sword to be finished, and the price is REALLY nice. (240 eur for this one: ; most are cheaper still)

So, if you are willing to wait a couple of weeks so that it gets here, and that i get to use it a bit, i'll put on a short review of the sword.
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Gottfried P. Doerler

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PostPosted: Tue 21 Sep, 2010 2:45 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

wow, armoury marek seems to be quite the choice for cheap but reasonable quality swords.
can`t wait the review
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JG Elmslie
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PostPosted: Tue 21 Sep, 2010 9:59 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Alen L, if its to be used for reenactment/martial arts combat, could we also get a re-review in 12 months, to see how well it has stood up to the punishment of use? would be good to know the durability in the long term.
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Alen L

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PostPosted: Tue 21 Sep, 2010 11:41 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Yes, it will be used for WMA, Meyer's fechtbuch, so it's a bit bigger than usuall (135cm, 100cm blade), and aye, i will do my best to post a review upon receiving it, a month afterwards for the handling characteristics and abotu a year after for durabilty. Happy

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Augusto Boer Bront
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PostPosted: Fri 01 Oct, 2010 11:34 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

And what about fabri armorum?


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Olov Tidemalm

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PostPosted: Fri 01 Oct, 2010 4:44 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

And what about Pavel Moc?
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