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Elio Pestana

Location: France Joined: 04 Aug 2020
Posts: 14
Posted: Sat 27 Jul, 2024 3:18 pm Post subject: "Røllang"-Type swords ? |
Hey there lads, been a while.
While going through early Iron Age weapon finds from Scandinavia, and once again going through the blight that are 300-page long books in German, i have came across a rather odd type of sword, which seems to have been hardly ever mentioned elsewhere.
From the book "Waffenführende Grabinventare der jüngeren römischen Kaiserzeit und Völkerwanderungszeit in Skandinavien. Studie zur zeitlichen Ordnung anband der norwegischen Funde", referenced elsewhere as "W&G", there is a description for what the author describes as the "Røllang" Type in his section dedicated to long double-edged swords.
Here's a quick excerpt from the description :
Quote: | Fraglich ist, ob das Schwert von Fr.0yhov (Kat.-Nr. 12) zum Typ R.0llang gehört, da sich der
Querschnitt nicht mehr ermitteln läßt. Die geringe Klingenbreite und die lange Griffangel
sprechen allerdings dafür. Unterhalb des Griffangelansatzes weist das Schwert Reste einer
Metalleinlage auf. Der Fund von Freyhov läßt sich in die Gutteberg-Gruppe datieren. Die
Gesamtlänge dieser Schwercer liegt zwischen 77,6 und 96,5 cm, die Angellänge zwischen 12,5
und 20 cm und die Breite der Klinge zwischen 3,5 und 4,5 cm. Die Klingenstärke liegt am
Klingenansatz zwischen 0,75 und 0, 95 cm.
Die meisten der Gräber datieren in die Vennolum-Gruppe, das Grab von Hverven gehört
zur Skiaker-Gruppe, zu der wahrscheinlich auch die Schwerter aus R.0llang zu zählen
Charakteristisch sind diese Schwerter für die Deponierungen A und B von Illerup,
deren Fundmaterial dem der Gruppen Vennolum und Skiaker entspricht. Auch im Opferfund
von Vimose, der Funde der älteren und jüngeren Kaiserzeit bis einschließlich der SkiakerGruppe erbrachte, sind die Schwerter vom Typ R.01lang am häufigsten anzutreffen - sehr oft
gestempelt. Bemerkenswert ist, daß sich im polnischen Material diese für Nordeuropa so
typische Schwertform nur sehr selten findet. |
It's butchered a bit by the scan, but we learn that such swords are typically between 77.6 and 96.5 centimeters long, with a grip (or tang) about 12.5 to 20 centimeters long and they sport a blade that is 3.5 to 4.5 centimeters across for a thickness between 7.5 and 9.5 millimeters ; said blade is also octagonal in cross-section.
Aside from that, there is a mention of an example from the Rør site in south Norway which was stamped by a depiction of the godess Victoria on its blade.
As said in the text, it is associated most often with graves of the Vennolum Group although there is a stray find from the Skiaker Group, which would mean the type was used/deposited from the turn of the 3rd century up to roughly the 1st third/1st half of the 3rd century AD.
Now my big question (and the reason why i'm making this post) is that outside of this paper, well... there's just basically no references to it available, aside from a passing mention of a sword similar to the type in another and a sword mentioned as belonging to the type in some random paper on the Via Claudia Augusta, leading me to question whether or not it has any sort of relevance. I have seen swords one could find similar amongst pictures of say, Danish bog finds, but i don't trust my eyes enough to really make a proper judgement.
Would any of you happen to know of a similar type to which the Røllangs could belong to ?
Linked here, two pics of this kind of sword
Attachment: 23.77 KB

Attachment: 54.21 KB

Actual sword, i think from Vennolum
Sneed's Feed and Seed (formerly Chuck's)
Elnathan Barnett

Posted: Wed 14 Aug, 2024 1:54 pm Post subject: |
Sounds a lot like Biborski's Voien-Hedelisker type. Biborski probably has a specific subtype for the longer tanged variants I don't have access to my copy of Illerup Adal: Die Schwerter right now so I can't check.
Therfor he seide to hem, But now he that hath a sachel, take also and a scrippe; and he that
hath noon, selle his coote, and bigge a swerd.
- Luke 22:36, John Wycliffe's translation AD 1384
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