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Hello, I am selling this as described in the topic 1987 Catalonian Italian sword, Krupp German steel blade mounted on a Del Tin Hilt. It has the "Running Wolf" stanped near the quillon of the blade. Blade is sharpened and hilt is very tight. Also stamped on the Inside of the guard is "Museum Replicas Limited".
These swords are becoming extremely hard to come by. I Am using the money from this sword to fund a Spanish Cup hilt rapier made by Danelli Armory. The truth is, I Am a cancer survivor, and I am 80% certain I have colon cancer, as I must see a Gastroenterologist, and have another Colonoscopy performed. This Will Most Likely be my final Cup-hilt rapier. That is the Truth.
I would like to sell this sword for $350, it is worth Every Penny. I can come down on the Price a little, but with Paypal fees, shipping, which is now expensive again....Ughh. Please sword community help me out if at All Possible. It is extremely hard to post pics on here. My e-mail Address is : is easier to give phone #:and send pics. I have been on here for a long time and an Highly trustworthy.
I So Much Appreciate the time to look at this post and read my plight. Have a Blessed Day!!!
Warmest Regards,