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Raising money for a new custom project, consequently am offering for sale my -as new- Albion Jarl together with an exquisite DBK scabbard, executed in a Norse theme. The whole kit can be seen on the DBK site, under Scabbard Gallery-Viking, Anglo-Saxon And Norman bearing the date of it's making: Jarl 2014. It shows the exact scabbard I am selling in fine detail.
This has never been used for cutting and is in virtually pristine condition. I cannot identify any fault or marks. I paid more than $ 3,000. for the set. I offer it for $2,450. and no waiting, of course, which would be a year or even more. I will pay the UPS charge for CONUS, but if using Paypal, split the fee with me. I think it is 3 %. Otherwise, personal cheque to clear, or bank cheque or postal M.O
I will sell the scabbard alone, but not the sword.