Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Mon 01 Sep, 2003 5:42 pm Post subject: What is this forum? (Rules and info) |
Welcome to the Makers and Manufacturers Talk forum. The official description for this area is:
"Announcements, press releases, promotions, and marketing information from the makers, manufacturers, and vendors of arms and armour"
We've put this area here for the makers and manufacturers to talk directly with their customers regarding current and future product offerings. We encourage these organizations to post announcements of new products, sale items, and promotions here to inform our members. Our goal at is to help the market surrounding our hobby to grow. To this end, this forum exists to help assist in marketing and promotional efforts for our community's makers.
Only industry professionals have the ability to start a new topic in this forum, but we encourage all members to post replies and participate in this forum. Please feel free to ask questions and share your thoughts on each topic when you feel the answers may benefit others in the community. This is our chance to talk directly to the makers about their announcements.
All of our members are welcome to initiate new topics in our Historic Arms Talk forum, asking makers and vendors about their products or simply discussing them amongst ourselves.
You may already have access to post new topics in this forum if you are an industry professional in a field related to the arms and armour community. Please take the time to look at the Industry Professionals usergroup and join if you are not already in it.
If you are an industry professional and wish to join: click on the usergroups button above, then select the "Industry Professionals" group and ask to join. (Or click this direct link). This is the only forum appropriate for advertising or promotion. If you are not a member of the Industry Professionals group, you are asked not to post such materials on this site.
You may receive a private message asking about your role as an industry professional before being accepted to the group.
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