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Craig Peters
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 11:04 am Post subject: Sword Spending Spree |
Suppose for a moment that you suddenly received a significant sum of money. The amount of money was more than enough to pay off any outstanding debts you may have or other financial obligations/concerns that you'd have prior to buying swords. With the money left over you have more than enough to buy six Albion swords and take advantage of the seventh one for free. So, assuming this scenario actually happened, which seven would you order?
Mine would be (in order of preference, save for the seventh sword):
The Chieftain (brown grip); the Reeve (oxblood grip); the Regent (green grip); the Talhoffer (black grip); the Crecy (magenta grip); the Ritter (black grip); and the seventh for free, the Tritonia.
Joe Fults
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 11:11 am Post subject: |
Not answering this the right way, but if I had that kind of money on hand, I'd probably go after other kit instead of swords at this point. I've got two swords, a dagger, and a pole arm. I've got two more swords and another dagger on order and I have somewhat limited space.
"The goal shouldn’t be to avoid being evil; it should be to actively do good." - Danah Boyd
Edward Hitchens
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 11:18 am Post subject: |
My answer will be very similar to Joe's. Nowadays, I won't buy a new sword until I can sell one of my own first. This makes it easier to pay for the new one, plus gives it a "new home within its new home." Besides I've got my Talhoffer, so I'm happy.
But if I had money leftover to spend on swords, perhaps a St. Maurice-Turin and a Tyrolean. That oughtta do.
"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." Thomas Jefferson
Jason Elrod
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 12:23 pm Post subject: |
I'll play along.
1. Museum Line Bayerische
2. Museum Line Savante
3. Next Gen Meister
4. Next Gen Kingmaker
5. Next Gen Munich
6. Meistro Line Liechtenauer
7. Next Gen Talhoffer
Shae Bishop
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 2:48 pm Post subject: |
So hard to decide since I don't have any Albions yet. Assuming I can include models not in production yet, my list would look something like this:
1. Next Generation Sovereign
2. Next Generation Laird
3. Next Generation Crecy
4. Next Generation Sherriff
5. Museum Line Solingen
6. Maestro Line I:33
7. Museum Line Tritonia
Tim Lison
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 3:17 pm Post subject: |
Ok, I'm a binge buyer anyway so this question is easy for me.
1) Museum Line Solingen
2) Next Gen Norman
3) Next Gen Knecht
4) Next Gen Squire
5) Next Gen Chevalier
6) Next Gen Hauptmann
7) Next Gen Doge
Jared Smith
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 3:29 pm Post subject: |
I'd stay with my current plan, just finish it quicker;
1) Next Gen Munich (already ordered)
2) Next Gen Leichtenaur (already ordered)
3) riveted mail hauberk
4) helmet (can't decide on helmet style yet) suited for 1200 to 1300 A.D. era
5) pieces of armour to complete a mixed / transistional mail/ plate suit.
Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence!
Jonathon Janusz
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 4:17 pm Post subject: |
Well, so far, good fortune has smiled on me this year and I am going for seven. Three are done and delivered, four is in queue, five is still a sketch, and I'm still undecided on number six. I haven't even started thinking about the free one yet. . .
. . . and there's a dagger or two, maybe some spears, some armour, and clothes I would like to get together for this coming season of faires. . .
Helen Miller
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 4:30 pm Post subject: |
It's a toughy, I've never ordered from Albion as of yet. I think this is the route I would want to go:
1) Maestro Line Liechtenauer
2) Next Generation The Crecy
3) Next Generation The Castellan
4) Squire Line 13th Century Knightly Sword
5) Next Generation Gaddhjalt
6) Next Generation The Knight
7) Next Generation The Chevalier
Carl Goff
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 5:38 pm Post subject: |
Next Gens:
Maestro (free):
Now if you were to ask what I'd like from Arms and Armour...
Oh, East of sands and sunlit gulf, your blood is thin, your gods are few;
You could not break the Northern wolf and now the wolf has turned on you.
The fires that light the coasts of Spain fling shadows on the Eastern strand.
Master, your slave has come again with torch and axe in his right hand!
-Robert E. Howard
Last edited by Carl Goff on Mon 17 Apr, 2006 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Chris Lampe
Location: United States Joined: 07 Mar 2005
Posts: 211
Posted: Mon 17 Apr, 2006 5:43 pm Post subject: |
1) The Aquilifer
2) The Auxilia
3) The Thegn
4) The Knight
5) The Crecy
6) The Vassal
7) The Solingen Sword
Jeremiah Swanger
Posted: Tue 18 Apr, 2006 12:57 am Post subject: Re: Sword Spending Spree |
Craig Peters wrote: | So, assuming this scenario actually happened, which seven would you order?
My answers, along with justifications:
1) The Huskarl, because I think it's the most under-rated of the whole Viking line. It's curved, without being too "swoopy" (I'll save that for the Thegn), and still keeps a ballsy presence.
2) The Thegn, because good Anglo-Saxon swords are hard to find.
3) The Berserker, because Langsaxen are also hard to find (though I'd love to see Albion do a production version of that Langsax Randal Graham made for them a while back)...
4) The Count (oxblood grip, bronze pommel), because the blade is really cool, and it has the sweetest-looking Type 2 cross I've ever seen!
5) The Vassal, because I am a sucker for a Thorpe-pattern falchion!
6) The Knecht, because it's a frickin' 3-foot-long cleaver!
7) One of the Landesknecht swords (haven't quite decided which one yet)
Jonathan Blair
Posted: Tue 18 Apr, 2006 3:41 am Post subject: |
For me, the windfall you speak of would have to be trebled because my wife would insist on her fair share and that some work be done on the house with the money. If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride. Anyways, here is my list:
1. The Allectus - Just to have a Roman sword. $600
2. The Valkyrja w/ black grip - I don't know what it is about that sword, but it sure looks sweet. $1000
3. The Reeve w/ magenta grip and blued furniture - $620
4. The Sherriff w/ oxblood grip - $620
5. The Squire w/ campaign brown grip - To match my Crecy. $750 - Works out that this is the closest to the average of the other six swords, so this would be my free one.
6. The Gallowglass w/ kelly green custom colored grip - $950 + 25 = $975
7. The Tyrolean w/ dark brown grip - $890
Subtotal cost $4705
Shipping cost $210
Grand Total $4915
Perchance to dream...
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - The Lord Jesus Christ, from The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, chapter x, verse 34, Authorized Version of 1611
Roger Hooper
Posted: Tue 18 Apr, 2006 9:40 am Post subject: |
I had trouble whittling the list down to 7. And If I didn't already have them, the Castellan and the Reeve would be on the list.
(swords I had to drop from the list - Thegn, Talhoffer, Munich)
Greyson Brown
Posted: Tue 18 Apr, 2006 11:13 am Post subject: |
We'll I didn't trip into a bucket of money, but I was deployed to Iraq for 10 months, which was close enough for me. First thing to note, I only purchased two pieces at regular price (three if you count the seventh, as you can't combine sales with that, but I did use a gift certificate, so it really doesn't count either). Here's what I got:
1. Crecy (Oxblood)
2. Squire (Red)
3. Poitier (Dark Brown)
4. Landgraf (Dark Brown)
5. SL Knightly (Black, obviously)
6. Agincourt (Black)
7. Sherriff (Magenta)
8. Steward (Oxblood)
Yeah, I know, that's not 7, but I just can't resist the Steward, so I will be ordering one of those in the next month or so. Besides, if I get it, I have at least a representaive from each type from XII to XVII (XIIa, and XIIIb (I consider the Steward to be valid for both XIII or XIIIa) are missing, but I have an MRL XIIa, and other plans to fill the XIIIb role). Without it there is a gap.
The two swords purchased at regular price were the Poitier (I pre-ordered it 2 days before a sale started, too, but it's still worth the extra $100), and the SL Knightly. I sat down and did the math for all of the possible permutations of ordering (after I'd bought the first 3, anyway). I saved $35 buying the SL Knightly at full price, and getting the Sherriff as the 7th. Otherwise, I probably would have picked one of the more expensive swords as my 7th.
"So long as I can keep the path of honor I am well content."
-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company
Steve Maly
Posted: Tue 18 Apr, 2006 3:13 pm Post subject: |
I'll not pick any of the ones that I already have on order (Chieftain & Kingmaker). The Museum Line swords that I have (Tritonia and St. Maurice) are AWESOME, so I have a very high regard for the Museum Collection and Hallmark Series Lines. With enormous amounts of cash and a spending orgy in mind, the list would be:
1. Museum Line Xa.1 (A.459) (hinted to be in development)
2. Museum/Hallmark series Svante
3. Museum Line Brescia Spadona
4. Museum Line Solingen
5. Next Gen Chevalier
6. Next Gen Dane
7. Museum Line Bayerisches
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail." ~A. Maslow
Alexander Ren
Posted: Wed 19 Apr, 2006 3:15 pm Post subject: |
So many swords... so little time...
Sword of St. Maurice Turin
"The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle."
Steve Grisetti
Posted: Wed 19 Apr, 2006 4:33 pm Post subject: |
With dreams of tonight's ~$82 million Florida Lottery in mind, I would buy one of each of the Museum Line pieces. The catch is that I would not purchase them all at once. I would get them one at a time, in order to fully enjoy each piece, before my attention is distracted by the next one. I would go in this order:
1. Tritonia - I love that pommel
2. Solingen - The first Albion sword that caught my eye
3. Brescia Spadona - time for a two hander - I love the overall form of this piece
4. St. Maurice - what a beast
5. Svante - what's left to say about this masterpiece?
6. Bayerisches - I hope that the Museum Line piece reproduces the pommel details.
7. Xa.1 - with any luck, it would be ready by the time I get to this point in the list.
And with that hypothetical $82 million, I wouldn't care if the 7th sword was free or not.
"...dismount thy tuck, be yare in thy preparation, for thy assailant is quick, skilful, and deadly."
- Sir Toby Belch
Addison C. de Lisle
Posted: Wed 19 Apr, 2006 8:08 pm Post subject: |
Chevalier, Dane, Thegn, Talhoffer, Svante, Regent, Viceroy.
I really love the look of the (drawing of the) Chevalier, particularly the pommel. I like the Dane in general, the Thegn sounds like a lot of fun between its blade thickness and light weight, the Talhoffer just because I like it, the Svane because it's kind of a given, and the Regen and Viceroy because I like them a lot (no specific reasons come to mind).
Jeff Ross
Location: Apex, NC Joined: 30 Jul 2004
Posts: 33
Posted: Wed 19 Apr, 2006 8:19 pm Post subject: |
Well, I'm likely not buying any more swords for a while, but we did just finish off our second group of 7 from Albion. The line up is 2 13th century knightly Squire Lines (blunt, for forms work), 2 Maestro Line Lichtenaurs (still waiting..), 2 Maestro Line I.33 (and likely to be waiting even longer for these), Prince, Berserkr, Constable Laird, Caithness, and just ordered the Crecy, the Talhoffer, and the Squire Line 13th Cent. great sword. I have to say that I'm very pleased with all that have arrived to date.
Jeff Ross
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