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Chuck Russell

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 12:20 pm Post subject: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
what got you into sword collecting?
at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with?
how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection?
what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc)
all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why?
Adam Welch

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 1:03 pm Post subject: |
What got me started? Well, Highlander probably, but I always had an interest in them that was somewhat unusual for someone from my background, i.e. a country boy from Tennessee.
I started studing swords a little earlier than this but I got my first sword for my thirteenth birthday. It was a knock-off version of the Marto Sword of the Dragon, you know, the one with the stainless blade that had "Taiwan" stamped into it and the little red jewel in the handle. Brace yourselves for this one, that plastic handled sword has probably seen more cutting than any other sword in my collection!!! I am EXTREMLY lucky that it didn't break and kill somebody. I still have the old boy in storage back at my parents place. I would have to say that I will always keep it, and it has more sentimental value than any other blade I posess.
I found this great site through its creator Nathan Robinson, when he was over at SFI.
I do a little of everything with my swords. Unfortunatley, my move into the city over a year ago has put a screeching halt on my sword useage So I would have to say that apart from the occasional faire, most of them are back at my old house with mom and dad. Theo one's I brought with me occupy places of honor in my apartment.
Worth it? Absolfreakinlutley
Factus est Dominus Protector Meus!
Patrick Kelly
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 1:22 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting? |
Reading too many stories from the likes of T.H. White, Tennison, Scott, R.E. Howard, E.R. Burroughs, and Tolkien, when I was a boy. Also from spending too many saturday afternoons in front of the television watching Charlton Heston and Robert Taylor. (Actually running home from school to catch my favorite movies on the afterschool special, boy I'm dating myself there!) My mother also enrolled me in a fencing class at the age of 7 when I told her I hated tap dancing.
Quote: | at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? |
See above. My first real piece was a knife made from a german bayonet blade mounted on a stag handle, with turquoise and garnets mounted in the pommel. I bought it at the K.C. Ren Faire with my first ever paycheck (from the K.C. Ren Faire). It was a bear to sharpen but I had it for years and years until it was stolen by movers when I got out of the Navy.
Quote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? |
I think the answer to the first part is obvious. Being involved here has helped me immeasurably in forming contacts within the industry as well as forming friendships with others of like mind, and has given me a great creative outlet for my hobby.
Quote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) |
They hang on the wall when they're not being played with, cut materials of opportunity in the backyard and go to events whenever possible. Collect dust? Please!
Quote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? |
I can't think of anything I'd rather spend my disposable income on.
Last edited by Patrick Kelly on Tue 15 Nov, 2005 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Alex Oster

Location: Washington and Yokohama Joined: 01 Mar 2004
Posts: 410
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 1:24 pm Post subject: |
When I was probably 7 or 8 years old I saw this:
and I was hooked ever since.
The pen is mightier than the sword, especially since it can get past security and be stabbed it into a jugular.
This site would be better if everytime I clicked submit... I got to hear a whip crack!
My collection: Various Blades & Conan related
Chuck Russell

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 1:42 pm Post subject: |
what got you into sword collecting?
i would have to say the MD ren faire and movies. I too watched highlander and conan I also had some friends that started collecting at the same time as me. it would seem we had an arms race at one point. i do believe we all had around 40 sword a piece (sigh how the money goes to bad things when your young)
at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with?
i believe i started around age 10ish? my first 2 swords were from toledo Spain. bought in spain in the 60s. they were used as wall hangers in my parents bedroom. i bought my first sword at 13. a united cutlery sword that later appeared in the casibera line up as the archers sword.
how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection?
it wasnt my collection but friends that got me posting here. JeffJ and Gordon Clark. This forum is a great help for a guy like me digging and selling my old rennie stuff to get new and better "period" toys
what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc)
living history encampments. live steel reeactments. a few wall hangers still here and there
all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why?
if you ask my wife... ehhehe i love to have my toys. all of the ones not in closets, under beds etc have a purpose and a use. one has niether but it was the only sword my father bought me while he was alive and it will always have its place in my office.
Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 1:53 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting? |
I've always loved history. What started me into medieval history (and therefore the arms and armour that go along with it) was in high school. God, I'm going to sound like a dork here. My senior year, our marching band did music from the Kenneth Branagh rendition of Shakespeare's Henry V. The soundtrack, by Patrick Doyle, is great music. We watched the movie many times to get a feel for the tole of the music, etc. My band director bought a copy of Records of the Medieval Sword to help research prop swords. I had no idea who Oakeshott was at the time or how important the book was; I just loved the pictures. She bought 2 MRL swords: one for Henry (aka the Drum Major) and one for the Dauphin. Henry used what now is called the Shrewsbury sword. The Dauphin used MRL's now-discontinued brass-hilted generic medieval bastard sword with a wheel pommel and down-curved cross. Cool stuff to a high schooler. Yes, I'm a total geek.
Quote: | at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? |
My first weapon was a Starfire dagger bought to wear when working at the Ohio Ren. Festival. It would have been in 1996 or so. My first "sword" was a really cheap carbon steel Braveheart rip-off claymore. My first real sword was the DT2146, bought in 1997.
Quote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? |
I was always intrigued by Nathan's collection when he posted it (I don't even think it was called then). As he built this site, it was obvious it was going to be cool. I was one of the first forum users (just call me user number 11) and was fortunate to be able to kick the tires a bit before the forums went live. I also happened to have a lot of respect for many of the early users here, many of whom were not welcome for various reasons on other forums.
As for helping with my collection, it absolutely has. I read and re-read the Regent review many times and checked out Nathan's and Patrick's collection galleries before I bought one. With the Sempach, it was the same: I read Bill's review many times and checked out Patrick's gallery a lot, too.
Quote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) |
They used to collect dust. Now they come out for test cutting whenever I have time. They used to come out of the cabinet just to be handled as I watched TV, but the cats make that difficult (they like to rub on things you know).
Quote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? |
I think so. I think I'm wiser than I used to be when it comes to collecting. I used to buy, buy, buy. Then sell, sell, sell. I lost money on many of those transactions. I try to buy less impulsively now (with varying levels of success), and things I have now will be in my collection longer than some of the other pass-throughs. My collection has shrunk and narrowed in focus, but is filled with pieces I'm much happier with. I'd rather have 6 or 7 swords I really like than 9 that don't all really speak to me.
Yes, I'm a sword geek.
Aaron Schnatterly
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 2:12 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting? at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? |
The first, second, or third time?
The first time was when I was pretty young, early teens. Having read The Hobbit nearly enough times to have it memorized, the requisite adventure movies - we all know 'em - the Conan series had just come out, and way, way too many nights rolling dice and ingesting sugar and caffeine, how could I possibly resist that wonderful Marto sword? Alright, so a single piece wasn't much of a collection... I was like 14.
The second time was during college, when I did a lot of reenactment. I picked up a couple of "Bob the welder" specials for banging things with, which fortunately didn't last long. I traded an old maille hauberk I had made a few years back for a custom piece made by Kerry Stagmer, of Baltimore Knife and Sword, I believe. I later picked up a couple more single-handers from him. I was given a custom dagger as a gift from a die-hard stick jockey (also a good friend) that wanted to learn theatrical steel. Add to that a few fairly period-accurate bits of 11th C clothing, and I was set. Funds ran dry, and I moved on after graduation... and that was the end of round 2.
The third time, I caught the bug about a year ago when John (a buddy of mine) and I went to the Louisiana Ren Fest, which was almost literally in my back yard. He had never been, and I missed some of the "old days"... I played around at the sword-seller's booth for a while, and really found myself wishing I had the opportunity to get back into reenactment and historical fencing. I picked up the rebated swept hilt rapier Hanwei puts out, with the affirmation that John would be interested in fencing. That was clearly the beginning of round 3. Since then, it has grown like a weed...
Chuck Russell wrote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? |
After faire season ended, John and I did get the opportunity to do some fencing with a couple of schlager-bladed rapiers from Triplette Competition Arms. That was a blast, but I really wanted something more medieval - my bigger passion. I had been drooling over Albion's website for a couple of months, but just kept hedging. Finally, I just decided to go ahead and make a purchase, so I called - of course, Mike answered. By the end of the conversation, I had ordered 2 15th C Bastards (which I had intended to work with John) and the Vinland. It wasn't long before the Bastards were changed for other things (Regent and Knight). I found myself in the Albion Collector's Guild, and Mike directed me to myArmoury. Yeah, blame Mike. Does this forum help with my collection? Directly? Somewhat, I suppose. The reviews and discussion about certain pieces has been helpful. I settled in comfortably with the high-end production folks, and have stayed inside that circle for all of my production pieces. I did meet a few of the custom smiths, however, because of this forum. I have customs from Jesse Frank and Eric McHugh, and another wicked-cool project in the works right now as well. Those connections were built because of involvement on this site. Now, indirectly, this site has helped me immensely with exposure, sharing thoughts, finding like-minded folks (yeah, there are a few others in this world as whacked as me!), historical knowledge, debates... the list goes on and on.
Chuck Russell wrote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) |
For the past couple of months, the collection has been relatively untouched. It does get wiped down often, so it doesn't collect much dust. I often cut or practice forms with my swords. I also have been building scabbards for them, and shared some pics in these forums. I do have some upcoming opportunities for public demonstrations, so there's some education and living history, too. I enjoy them as art. I have a series of full kits (clothing, armour, weapons) that I will be putting together - 11th C Norman/Saxon/Viking (not sure which direction yet), 12th C Templar, 15th C German Knight, 16th C English Knight. Each of these will be head-to-foot complete, as accurately done as I can manage. I may fill in the 13th and 14th centuries eventually - this is a very heavy load already. The intent for this is study of WMA in period clothing and armour so as to best be able to understand what it was like then.
Chuck Russell wrote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? |
Yeah, I believe so. I have put a lot of both into it... but I have been able to get a lot more out of it in terms of knowledge, enjoyment, and the satisfaction of a childhood dream. I have also spent a lot of time with the secondary stuff such as the scabbards and leatherwork. This has really been a good outlet for my creative side, which is excruciatingly neglected by my work. I've been able to reconnect with a bit of who I am again - I had walked away from this interest for a long time, and didn't realize how important it was to have something that was just for me. Would I do it all over again if I had the chance? Nearly the same way, yes.
-Aaron Schnatterly
Fortior Qui Se Vincit
(He is stronger who conquers himself.)
Patrick Kelly
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 3:31 pm Post subject: |
Chad wrote: | My senior year, our marching band did music from the Kenneth Branagh rendition of Shakespeare's Henry V. The soundtrack, by Patrick Doyle, is great music. |
I'll be a dork with you: that's a wonderful soundtrack.
Jonathan Blair

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 3:41 pm Post subject: |
what got you into sword collecting?
Movies like Conan the Barbarian, Ivanhoe, etc. Books like The Lord of the Rings, the Dragonlance Chronicles, etc.
at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with?
I started in 1990 at age 17 with my first Del Tin from Museum Replicas: the DT2120 "Norman Sword." I followed that up with a some cheap Katana (which I gave away), MRL Shrewsbury Sword (currently in pieces awaiting my decision on what to do with it), the MRL offering of the Del Tin DT2130 "Sword of Saint Maurice" (one of the last they sold back in 1993), the Wheel of Time Heron Mark sword (sold to my cousin), a cheap swept hilt rapier (sold to the same cousin), and finally the MRL Knightly Hand and a Half sword back in 2000. I am saving for my first Albion and Iam about 60% of the way there.
how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection?
Actually, I was looking for something on a search engine and this place was one of the matches on the search engine. I started checking things out and haven't left (kind of like an unwanted houseguest).
what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc)
PA Ren Faire (even though the MD Ren Festival is closer, the website says you can't wear weapons and that's no fun), starting to get into cutting with them.
all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why?
Yes, although I think if I had known some stuff earlier on, I would have gotten swords from different places and not relied so heavily on MRL as my armourer.
Edited because I forgot to finish a sentance. (funny how kids can distract you)
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - The Lord Jesus Christ, from The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, chapter x, verse 34, Authorized Version of 1611
Last edited by Jonathan Blair on Wed 16 Nov, 2005 3:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Anton de Vries
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 3:51 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting? | (mentioned this before in some other thread some time ago)
When I was very young (it's actually one of my earliest memories) my parents took me to :
where the tour guide let me 'handle' (much to my surprise I wasn't strong enough to lift the point off the floor) an original.
In spite of that it felt really great to actually hold a real sword. That did it for me.
Chuck Russell wrote: | at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? | I've always been attracted to weapons and especially blades, but I didn't give in to the sword virus until a little over a year ago, when I accidentally got into WMA.
Apart from the mandatory 'maintenance-free' katana my first swords were Albions. The Mercenary and it's SL counterpart.
Chuck Russell wrote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? | I found myArmoury surfing for swords. Saved me money and disappointments as I quickly learned which 'swords' to avoid, for free.
Chuck Russell wrote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) | Right now I only have two swords, and use them both for WMA practice.
IMHO reenactors are slightly silly if not totally nuts. I suppose that means I'll have to try it too, in the not-so-far future.
Chuck Russell wrote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? | Definitely. It still needs lots of time and money though.
Swords are beautiful which is reason enough for owning at least one. As for using one...well...apart from the fun aspect WMA practice has greatly accelerated my personal development, which is of course priceless.
William Goodwin

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 4:51 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting.
Reading the entire Michael Moorcock 's "Elric" saga while being laid up in the hospital for about a month.
at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with.
This happen when I was about 23 and bought a Toledo Great Captain wall hanger, which I stil have, soon after.
how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection?
Looking for more info. on, of course, Mortuary's. With my wife being of British birth, and making trips over there to visit her relative's, my interest in England's history, mainly the ECW grew. She is a period seamstress, focusing on the Tudor/ Elizathian time period, so we kinda share in this historical hobby to a sense.
what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc)
About half of my collection is just decorative & the other half functional. We have done living history, re-enactment, Ren-Faires, but now, mainly do demos/presentations for schools and church groups. Also have started a small local "sword guild" with other collectors, bladesmiths,etc., where we have cutting get togethers and hold discussions.
all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? |
As resounding YES! For the last 4 or 5 years have really became more serious (obsessed if you ask me wife) with my collection. This is my hobby to the fullest. Spend alot of time still doing research and collecting data on Mortuary's and other swords of the 17th c., but have recently ,with the influence of local blade-smith, antique collector and far distant relative, Will Goodwin, started to branch out (a little)into the antique British military sword relm.
Some interesting stories from you other folks. Always nice to hear how others found there way here.
Roanoke Sword Guilde
"I was born for this" - Joan of Arc
Steve Grisetti

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 5:30 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | what got you into sword collecting? | I have had an interest in history and in swords for as long as I can remember. Just as Patrick mentioned, I used to watch the Charleton Heston and Robert Taylor movies. Except, for me, they were still in the theatres, and not on TV.
Quote: | at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? | I started collecting, the first time, with a sword that was given to me by my late uncle in about 1963. I would have been 12 at the time. My uncle was an Anglican priest, and, as I recall, he had been a member of the modern day Knights Templar. So this had been his ceremonial sword. I still have that piece, a bit the worse for wear from having a kid play with it for a few years. It never did seem like a “real sword” though – even at my young age, I knew it wouldn’t stand up to any real abuse. As I got a little bit older, I picked up a few knives and WWI/WWII era bayonets, all of which, I still have.
That all stopped when I went to university, then got a job, got married, and had kids, and I had no time for “childish” pursuits, especially when I was not aware of any real way to pursue them.
Then, a couple of years ago, I was wandering down a street in York, England while on a visit to my daughter, and wandered into a shop that had a lot of replica swords. Not great quality, but clearly “real swords”, and I realized that I could actually own some swords. Didn’t buy any there, but when I got home, I immediately started hunting around on the internet, and that was that. I started my small collection with:
1. Tigris of Gaul sword replica from Gladiator
2. Sword of Dracula,
These first 2 were to test the water, and they were REALLY cheap!
Quote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? | I found my way here after wandering around a lot on the internet, and liked all of the resources here, and the civil tone of the discussion on the forum. helped me greatly to focus on what I like and want. Although, “focus” may be the wrong word, since I have found that my tastes are a bit eclectic, with the result that the rest of my collection went like this:
3. DelTin 2123 – St. Galgano
4. Castle Keep basket hilted broadsword
5. Albion Celtic LaTene II
6. Albion 1st gen Mainz
7. A&A German Bastard Sword
8. A&A Gustav Vasa
9. Most recently, Albion Moat Bronze Greeks
Quote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) | Wall hang, clean, wax, admire, fondle . I haven’t found a good way to actually work with any of the pieces without causing damage. Thinking about getting involved with WMA, but I doubt I will ever find the time.
Quote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? | Oh, yes. Because I still enjoy history and swords, like when I was a kid, except I actually appreciate them more.
"...dismount thy tuck, be yare in thy preparation, for thy assailant is quick, skilful, and deadly."
- Sir Toby Belch
Carl Goff
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 6:47 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting? |
Being a geek for all things fantasy and historical.
Quote: | at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? |
This year, although I did a lot of research beforehand. I'm 17. It's not a sword, but an axe. An Albion Type M Breidox, which I'll be hafting while I'm home from college on winter break. At the moment, it's the only thing I can afford, since I don't want to put a huge drain on my checking account. I'm getting a job next summer to partially pay for a car/insurance-if I have any money left over, I might take that and a birthday check or two and get an ATrim or (if they have another sale) an Albion Crecy.
Quote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? |
Link from some other site I was looking at. This forum helped convince me to stay away from most cheap stuff, including many Windlass products.
Quote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) |
I'm going to do some testing over break, and then it's going to sit and gather dust until spring break or summer.
Quote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? |
Ask me in a few years.
Oh, East of sands and sunlit gulf, your blood is thin, your gods are few;
You could not break the Northern wolf and now the wolf has turned on you.
The fires that light the coasts of Spain fling shadows on the Eastern strand.
Master, your slave has come again with torch and axe in his right hand!
-Robert E. Howard
Darwin Todd
Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 8:34 pm Post subject: |
I first took an interest in swords in the late seventies from two things. A comic book called "The Warlord" by Mike Grell and Terry Brooks' novel "The Sword of Shannara". I bought my first sword ( a wall hanger, though I didn't know the difference at the time) when I was 15 or so from a flea market/antique store. I did not really start collecting until I got my first Museun Replicas catalog in the mail in the early '90s from which I bought a Del Tin 5150. Even though I am a fan of the works of Burroughs, Howard and Tolkien, it was MRL that opened my eyes to the notion of historical replicas.
I found myArmoury after browsing some other forums for a couple of years. I think I first found the link through Albion.
I used to have my collection hanging on my bedroom wall. When my toddler son got tall enough to reach the tips of the swords I relocated them to a lockable gun cabinet. It has a glass door though so I still get to show them off. I now have swords by Del Tin, Windlass, Atrim and Albion. I use them all for test cutting when I get the time.
Is it worth the time and money? Absofrigginlutely!
Kirk Lee Spencer

Posted: Tue 15 Nov, 2005 9:09 pm Post subject: |
what got you into sword collecting? at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with?
About five years ago my college department began working on a new humanities curriculum. It was (and is still) requiring a tremendous amount of study. Usually I develop some hobby to help motivate me and hold my interest in such a series of long term investigations. It was about that time that the movie "Gladiator" hit the theatres. My wife asked me what I wanted for christmas. I gave her some suggestions... one of them being a cheap zinc pot metal gladius I had seen in a mail order catalog. That was one of the things under the Christmas tree that year and I immediately began to improve it... reshaped the hilt and gave it a new bone grip. That sword started my new hobby which formed the nexus for my study in history and humanities.
how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection?
Actually I was making my way to this forum before I had much of collection. I did a search on the internet and found Albion and Sword Forum International (SFI). Nathan Robinson was posting on SFI and I found myArmoury in his signature. That was long before the forum. It was just his collection and the comparison tool. The comparison tool really impressed me. It was a fantastic idea that resonated with my tendencies to archive. So, as you can imagine, as the website built upon this theme with more articles... and added a forum, I was quick to join.
what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc)
I find that my collection goals are different than many. Most seem to gravitate toward having fewer swords of higher quality. I am gravitating toward having more swords of medium range quality. I often buy these as used or clearance items so I get them at an even lower price. Then I refurbish them to make them look and feel as much like antiques as possible. In the end, I would like to have a few representative swords from each of six categories: Bronze Age, Celto-Roman, Germano-Norse, Anglo-Norman, Longswords and Baskethilts.
Since I have small children, none of my swords are sharp so I can not do any cutting. I am not yet into reenacting although I am leaning in that direction as well as learning some of the martial arts. I don't hang my collection on the wall, but I am building a sword rack to try and keep them in one place.
all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why?
It is worth the money because I usually buy at bargain prices and improve them. I doubt that they are worth (to anyone else) the amount of time I spend on redoing them... but for me that time is a opportunity to relax and release some of my creative urges.
Two swords
Lit in Eden’s flame
One of iron and one of ink
To place within a bloody hand
One of God or one of man
Our souls to one of
Two eternities
Eric Nower

Location: Upstate NY Joined: 22 Dec 2004
Posts: 174
Posted: Wed 16 Nov, 2005 4:58 am Post subject: |
what got you into sword collecting?
at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with?
how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection?
what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc)
all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why?
1/ Conan
2/ I can't remember my memory is umm A wall hanging LOTR sword.Trying to get funds when your little and in school just stinks, and when you don't know anybetter
3/ Merc. Tailor....gave me the, disscussion, opinions
4/ wall hang, decor, cutting, and Home defense King of my castle I say!!!! No one lays seige to it!!!
5/ Yes I'd just blow my money on somthing else lol, but seriously yes, it takes you back to another time. A different one to be sure, I think we all idealize it a bit, but these are tangible objects. You can see and handle a sword, feel its power when you hold it, they command respect.
May God have mercy on my enemies, for I shall have none.
Felix Wang
Posted: Wed 16 Nov, 2005 12:19 pm Post subject: |
I've always been interested in military history, medieval history, and fantasy.
Started buying swords in my 40's. The first, a Gus Trim Basic Bastard Sword (through Albion). When I realized you could get a "real" sword, I was willing to take the plunge.
I was aware of Nathan's collection before this site was launched, and followed his lead. The comparison tool has been very helpful, as have the reviews, as far as collecting goes. The Maker's forum is great, especially Peter Johnsson's posts.
The collection gathers dust, but they do come out from time to time, for handling and some light cutting.
I probably should change a few items - sell a couple, buy some others (the hard part is choosing which ones!) However, the collection is dear to me.
David Black Mastro

Posted: Wed 16 Nov, 2005 8:20 pm Post subject: Re: a few fun questions for the forum :) |
Chuck Russell wrote: | what got you into sword collecting? |
Being raised in a family that embraced and respected history, I guess.
My father and uncles were all WWII vets, so they got the ball rolling in the history department pretty early. In addition, my brother was quite the scholar at Rutgers University, and he used to tell me abridged versions of stories like Beowulf, etc.
Quote: | at what age did you start? and what did you start your collection with? |
I collected toy knights and whatnot from "Britain's Ltd" as a kid; I didn't obtain any real swords, however, until 1994, when I purchased a Windlass Zweihander, a Del Tin Norman Sword, and a Del Tin-bladed MRL Falchion, all from MRL.
Quote: | how did your collection bring you to this forum? does this forum help with your collection? |
I recall having some good discussions with Nathan over at SFI several years ago, and when I saw his own site, I was suitably impressed.
Quote: | what do you do with your collection? (ie wall hang, reenact, collect dust, testing demos etc etc) |
I attend local Renaissance Festivals and Cultural Heritage Festivals in Renaissance costume (16th century--English, Scottish, Venetian, Spanish, German, etc). Many of my swords and daggers come in handy with these costumes.
I've done test cuts, but only with things like military fighting knives and Tramontina machetes. Virtually all of my replica swords are dull (though several have wicked points).
Quote: | all in all is your collection worth the time and money you have put into it? why? |
Yes, though there's at least one or two pieces that I probably wouldn't have purchased, knowing what I know now. A couple that come to mind are American Fencers Supply's Zweihander, and the Iberia (made in Philippines) Katzbalger--both are light and responsive, but both also feature soft blades that bend like a wet noodle and take a set very easily. They were early purchases, and I was naive at the time. I eventually dismantled the Iberia Katzbalger for parts, but the AmFencers Zweihander remains a nice enough display piece.
"Why meddle with us--you are not strong enough to break us--you know that you have won the battle and slaughtered our army--be content with your honor, and leave us alone, for by God's good will only have we escaped from this business" --unknown Spanish captain to the Chevalier Bayard, at the Battle of Ravenna, 1512
Mark Mattimore

Posted: Thu 17 Nov, 2005 7:47 am Post subject: |
I blame my dad for this hobby. He has never collected swords or weapons of any kind but is an avid military historian, toy solider dealer and former wargamer. There were many weekends as a kid that, instead of playing sports outside, I’d be in the basement re-fighting Waterloo or forming a phalanx of Greek spearmen against an impending cavalry charge. Can you say geek? There were also many family vacations in which we took side trips to a particular fort, castle or wargaming store. My dad also has an old college buddy who used to work at the Higgins so we got some behind-the-scenes access.
Around age 11 or 12 I discovered D&D. This was fueled by Tolkien, Lewis and a host of other fantasy influences. I began collecting miniatures and studying on my own. Even went to a con or two.
I began a serious study of historic arms and armor about six years ago, primarily through books and the internet. I’ve only been actively collecting swords for a few years. My first purchase was a Windlass/MRL Crusader. It’s just spiraled out of control from there.
I found myArmoury through random net surfing. It has proven to be the single most valuable resource for my collecting and research.
Currently my collection hangs on the wall or sits around my office. I break it out occasionally for cutting or playing. I’ve wanted to pursue WMA more actively but time and opportunity have been lacking.
Is it worth it? My wife would say I’m squandering my time and money. I say that I have learned more about history and the world than any other hobby I could possibly pursue. It brings the past alive in a way that books never could.
In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro.
Edward Hitchens
Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 8:09 am Post subject: |
What got me into collecting? It was September of 1998 when I had just gotten out of the Navy. I was 21 years old. My best friend since fourth grade 'introduced' me to the Renaissance festival (Ohio). Obviously, I knew nothing whatsoever of swords, the Renaissance, or faires... I couldn't have told you what a rapier was if my life depended on it! Anyway, my friend had me try on a Windlass rapier w/ scabbard and baldric. As soon as I saw myself in the mirror, that was all she wrote -- been hooked ever since.
Do I bring my collection to the forums? Yeah, somewhat. Right now, my collection consists of three Arms&Armor pieces (Schloss Erbach sword, Tudor dagger, Black Prince sword), two Albions (FirstGen Celtic Letene sword, and NextGen Talhoffer), and a DelTin 2133 (St. Maurice-Vienna). I still have that famous Windlass swept-hilt (my only rapier) and an assortment of daggers. Thanks to myArmoury, I've successfully sold my Albion FirstGen Acre type XII, Arms& Armor Henry V sword, and an Albion FirstGen Pompeii gladius.
Do forums help my collection? Yes, in a sense. I have a better understanding of what's good and what's not. The Reviews section helps me decide what will probably be next.
What do I do with my collection? Mostly display. A few swords I like to take outside and test cut or practice dry-handling with. A few of them I wear with costume to Renfaire.
Worth the time and $ I've invested? Absolutely! It's the one thing I can say I've gotten myself into as opposed to someone else forcing me into (like my being forced to play the violin when I was a kid. )
"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." Thomas Jefferson
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