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Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Sun 31 Dec, 2017 10:25 am Post subject: "The Bruce"...feature film |
I've been a bit of a ghost, for the last couple months I've been living in Montana working on a feature film called "The Bruce", I'm the props builder and costume consultant, I'm making all the props, weapons, knives, armor etc. We are a couple weeks into filming now, and still have another month to go. Angus Macfayden is returning as Robert the Bruce, and there is a stellar cast supporting him. The film starts at Greyfriars Abbey for those who know the story. I'll try and get some photos of the weapons and daggers as well as we go, our first battle scenes are coming this week and I'm locked in the shop. And guess what? No kilts...
Almost everything is being hand stitched and handmade.
What's a King to do?
Anna Hutchinson as Morag braving the cold.
Michael Bergstrom
Lin Robinson
Posted: Sun 31 Dec, 2017 4:50 pm Post subject: |
Why Montana?! I lived in Great Falls for a couple of years and it would seem an unlikely setting for a movie about Scotland. Or, are you just filming winter time scenes? Whereabouts if you are not sworn to secrecy? Mighty cold up there right now. I hope the movie will be better than one that went straight to video many years back. That one was awful.
No kilts...well guid on ya!
Lin Robinson
"The best thing in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." Conan the Barbarian, 1982
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Mon 01 Jan, 2018 9:05 am Post subject: |
Oh it'll be better. For one, we have Angus who IS the Bruce. We are based out of Livingston.
Michael Bergstrom
Lin Robinson
Posted: Mon 01 Jan, 2018 2:24 pm Post subject: |
I know the area and spend some time there during the summer. Should be there in June of this year. An Air Force buddy of mine, Russel Ferguson, runs the airport at Livingston.
Seems a strange place to film a movie about Scotland but what do I know? Look forward to seeing the film.
Lin Robinson
"The best thing in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." Conan the Barbarian, 1982
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Mon 01 Jan, 2018 5:59 pm Post subject: |
Ah. Small world. The bulk of the film is here, there are some things that have to be shot in Scotland of course.
Michael Bergstrom
Leo Todeschini
Industry Professional

Lin Robinson
Posted: Tue 02 Jan, 2018 5:46 am Post subject: |
Leo Todeschini wrote: |
It has just occurred to me though that perhaps this is a different film, and if so there can be a 'Bruce face off' next year
Tod |
There is one listed on the net which stars Chris Pine. No mention of filming outside of Scotland. I think you are probably correct that there are two different movies under way. The NetFlix picture is the one with Chris Pine.
Lin Robinson
"The best thing in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." Conan the Barbarian, 1982
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Wed 03 Jan, 2018 7:27 am Post subject: |
This is not the Chris Pine flick. We consider our film a little more true and more heartfelt, it's an almost real time follow up with the same actors from Braveheart. We are a fraction of the Netflix budget but enough.
Michael Bergstrom
Lin Robinson
Posted: Thu 04 Jan, 2018 7:00 am Post subject: |
Thanks for the confirmation. Any idea of a release date and will it be in theaters?
Lin Robinson
"The best thing in life is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women." Conan the Barbarian, 1982
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Fri 05 Jan, 2018 8:43 pm Post subject: |
6-8 months and probable. Lots of moving pieces as always.
Michael Bergstrom
Michael Kelly
Posted: Sat 06 Jan, 2018 7:50 am Post subject: |
Michael B. wrote: | Oh it'll be better. For one, we have Angus who IS the Bruce. We are based out of Livingston. |
Loved him as an older Robert Rogers in 'Turn', but that's a very different period...
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Thu 15 Feb, 2018 3:39 pm Post subject: |
More photos!
The interior of Greyfiars Abbey
Anna Hutchinson (Spartacus), yielding one my daggers during a rehearsal.
The knife above is what got me the job partially. It's my take on a sgian dubh, I did fancier file work and it was my first carved handle. It's way outside the time period but they loved it.
This was another hero knife, went for a sgian achalis design. deer antler with a oak bolster, acid dipped blade to force a patina, and dirtied up the handle to give it a used look.
A couple swords. The kid is carrying a modified and aged Darksword armoury sword, his "uncle" carries a sword with Printed Armoury fittings (Dunvegan) which were blued, with a tooled leather handle on a Tinker Pearce longsword blade. He has a small hatchet as well, I think in this photo it's the foam stunt version.
A farm skirmish that happens, I had to make arrows that could be fired into people. Swords are a windlass medieval sword, and two modified darksword armory swords. You can also see a Mercenary's Tailor buckler from my collection, because, why not use my own stuff? Haha.
Michael Bergstrom
Gaffnei Joe
Posted: Thu 24 Jan, 2019 2:41 am Post subject: |
It is a very nice movie. I watched it with my friends last month. We had finished watching shows by Andy Yeatman before that. It was fun watching these shows with them. Anyways, it was fun watching this movie and I would like to add more of such shows to my list.
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Thu 24 Jan, 2019 9:58 am Post subject: |
You likely watched "Outlaw King" with Chris Pine, not "Robert the Bruce" with Angus MacFayden. The movie is near completion and will be released soon. I'll be posting here when it is released! I don't have a lot of new images right now that I'm free to share, but it's looking gorgeous. We have a lot of heart in the movie, and bring to life a lot of the legends.
Michael Bergstrom
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Jean Henri Chandler

Posted: Tue 18 Jun, 2019 10:16 am Post subject: |
This was interesting thanks for posting. Good luck with the film I hope it turns out great.
Books and games on Medieval Europe Codex Integrum
Codex Guide to the Medieval Baltic Now available in print
Michael Kelly
Posted: Tue 18 Jun, 2019 11:35 am Post subject: |
I'm confused... Is this supposed to be a sequel to 'Braveheart'? And if so, why!?
Regardless I'm sure I'll watch it if only for Zach McGowan... Loved that dude in Black Sails.
Michael P. Smith

Posted: Tue 18 Jun, 2019 12:33 pm Post subject: |
Looks like the usual Hollywood fantasy armor.... a bit of a disappointment. Why is Hollywood allergic to medieval costuming that is even remotely accurate?
Michael B.
Industry Professional

Posted: Sat 25 Apr, 2020 10:27 am Post subject: |
The film is now released! The theatrical release was canceled due to the it was shifted to streaming. "Robert the Bruce" is now available for rent and purchase on streaming platforms. Bluray release is June 2nd.
Michael Bergstrom
J.D. Crawford

Posted: Sat 25 Apr, 2020 5:25 pm Post subject: |
Michael B. wrote: | The film is now released! The theatrical release was canceled due to the it was shifted to streaming. "Robert the Bruce" is now available for rent and purchase on streaming platforms. |
Do you know which ones? I haven't been able to find it yet on netflix or my local on-demand service.