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Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 6:10 pm Post subject: Contest: Clontarf Viking Sword Giveaway! |
Clontarf Viking Sword Giveaway!!
Here we go again! Another quality sword will be given away right here on!! This time, it's an Albion Armorers Next Generation Clontarf Viking Sword!
This excellent sword is part of Albion's Next Generation line and represents an authentic, hand-crafted, fully-functional sword based on extensive research and testing of museum originals. Albion donated this sword for this contest, both supporting our Web site and the comradery that defines our community!
Click image above to see the full-sized photograph of the actual prize
This style of Viking era sword is referred to as a Type K hilt in Petersen's Typology, due to the distinctive five-lobed pommel and straight guard. Find places for this hilt form are broadly distributed across Europe and as far south as the Balkans, dating from the late 9th into the late 10th centuries.
The hilt components are investment cast in mild steel from original waxes carved by Leif Hansen under the direction of Peter Johnsson, based on Peter's first-hand examination and documentation of period originals of this type. The blade is classified as a Geibig Type 2 (which some consider a sub-classification of the Oakeshott Type X), hand-ground from 1075 steel to a fine satin finish, heat-treated by hand in the Albion Forge Shop.
The sword has a retail value of nearly $700 US!
For complete details about this sword, read our hands-on review by Bill Grandy.
Overall length: 36"; Blade length: 30.5"; Blade width (at base): 2.125"; Point of Balance: 6.5"; Center of Percussion: ~20"; Weight: 2.3 pounds
HOW TO ENTER:- Ensure you're a registered member of
- Go to the usergroups section of our site, view information for the Contest: Clontarf Viking Sword group
- Click "Join Group"
- Post a reply in this topic telling why you want to be a Viking!
That's it! You're done!
You must be joined prior to Monday, August 9th, 2004. All participants will be entered into a drawing and the winning name will be randomly selected soon after the contest close. Shipping charges will then be calculated, and upon receipt of said shipping charges from the winner, the sword will be shipped.
If you did not post why you want to be a Viking in this topic (see #4, above) then you are not eligible to win!
Good luck to everyone!!
Click any image above to see the full-sized photograph of the actual prize
This contest is sponsored by Albion Armorers.
We at want to thank their gracious generosity for this fantastic prize contribution.
Important rules and limitations:
- You must be a registered member of to enter
- You must be at least 18 years old or have parental consent to claim the prize
- If you are under 18 years old, you must notify us via email ( upon entering
- moderators and affiliates of Albion Armorers are not eligible to win
- The winner must agree to pay actual shipping charges for the sword as shipped from California
- The winner has one week to claim his prize until another winner is selected
- Only one entry per household is allowed
Please read our detailed Rules and Limitations document for complete information and our disclaimer.
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Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 6:29 pm Post subject: |
First one entered. Maybe I'll finally win one of these contests.....
J.G. Grubbs
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 6:41 pm Post subject: WOW!!! |
Thanks again to Nathan and Albion for another great contest!
I loved this sword when I saw it at Blade....gotta win this one!
I've also been a long time amateur scholar of the Viking Age...what better sword to go a -Viking with
To go out at sea looking for a distant, unknown shore, storm ashore to carve out a kingdom of my own through sharpness of wit and sword and strength of become legend. the warring! the wenching! the ale-drinking! Whats not to love?
Good luck, everyone!!
"The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour."
Samurai Proverb
James Grubbs
Last edited by J.G. Grubbs on Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Scott Byler
Location: New Mexico Joined: 20 Aug 2003
Posts: 209
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 6:44 pm Post subject: |
Why would I like to be a Viking?.... Well, they get to go on vacation every summer, and have all kinds of fun and then come home and still not end up in the doghouse.... Besides, I just have the right look for the part.... All I need now is a Clontarf to go a'viking...
David Stokes

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:04 pm Post subject: |
Anyone ever heard that Ray Stevens song ; "Erik the awful"?
Erik the awful, the brutal and tenacious........ Erik the awful mercy sakes, goodness gracious.... you can run but you cannot hide......"
Thats why I want to be a Viking so i can go from town to ravaging , rading, followed by a big hicky party. (lyrics)
Oh and lets not forget the Chicks!! I mean what woman WOULDN'T want a man who wears animal fur legwarmers in public! Not to mention the phallic shaped helmets with horns!
Those guys had it made!
Last edited by David Stokes on Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Patrick Fitzmartin
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:05 pm Post subject: |
Greetings All, Here is my post for why I would like to be a Viking. Let me count the ways. I would love to add the Clontarf to the company of my A&A Shifford and newly accquired ArmArt S36 type H viking sword. It would also be the first Albion I would own not being able to afford or plunder one. Norse has been my new area of study for a bit now. I have made it through most of the Icelandic sagas and have just finished the Volsung saga. I am working on my Viking kit for the Texas Ren. Fest. this year.
As far as actually being a Viking, that is practiced everyday. I have found the steadfast, practical manner in which they viewed life very helpful in the sometimes questionable world in which we live these days. It would be alot more fun owning the Clontarf though. Sincerely, Patrick Fitzmartin
P.S. I also know this is based on the Kilmainham sword found in Ireland. I have pictures of it. Being part Irish, I think this all fits together.
Last edited by Patrick Fitzmartin on Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Josh Aldous

Location: Wisconsin Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 44
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:06 pm Post subject: |
I'd like to be a Viking because of the freedom. . . the freedom to show up on some unsuspecting shore, set fire to all of the thatched material, then haul away assorted plunder.
Oh, and I'd obstinately wear a prodigiously horned helmet, just to contradict the naysayers!!
Nate C.

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:08 pm Post subject: |
Why be a Viking? Let me see.....
1. Swords, spears, axes and, shields.
2. Saying Aargh! repeatedly and then burning things down.
3. Long boats
Why would I want this sword you ask?
1. It's cool.
2. It's sharp and pointy.
3. It would give me great pleasure to brandish it, say arrggh repeatedly and then go... put it down before I poke someone's eye out. Vikings had all the fun.
Other than that, I just don't know.
(How do you like this; Aargh isn't spelled arrggh. Goofy spell checker )
Nate C.
Sapere Aude
"If you are going to kill the man, at least give him a decent salute." - A. Blansitt
If they ever come up with a Swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, then Jumping Off Something. --Jack Handy
Last edited by Nate C. on Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Timothy Gulics

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:12 pm Post subject: |
And why do I want to be a viking? Why DON'T I want to be a viking? I mean, come on... you're a man's man, a warrior's warrior. Their culture fascinates me, as do their weapons.
The sword is my companion.
Cory Nielsen
Location: Wilsonville, OR Joined: 26 Jan 2004
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:18 pm Post subject: |
Why do I want to be a Viking?
I'm already a Viking! At least I reenact one quite often as a member of Regia Anglorum, and this is a beautiful sword that would look really nice with my kit.
Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:19 pm Post subject: |
I was so excited about the contest that I forgot to tell why I wanted to be a viking.
Because Vikings didn't need no stinking full-size cross-guards. And because they called things as they saw them. What other culture would approve of naming swords things like "Leg Biter?"
George Sulea

Location: Cleveland, Ohio Joined: 25 Jan 2004
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:26 pm Post subject: Ooooohhhhh:) |
What a beauty, and from Albion yet
Just out of curiosity, does this one come with sheath, or no (not that it matters, but if I don't win, I might look one of these up anyway!
BTW, I'm sure all the folks here know, but Albion also sells a bunch of Jody Samson's stuff, and all of his pieces are some of the best around.
"The Universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest..."
KIlgore Trout
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:27 pm Post subject: Re: Ooooohhhhh:) |
George Sulea wrote: | Just out of curiosity, does this one come with sheath, or no (not that it matters, but if I don't win, I might look one of these up anyway! |
No, it comes without a scabbard...
Don't forget to tell people why you want to be a viking (#4 in the "How to Enter" list, above) to complete your entry.
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Shaun Swanner
Location: Birmingham, AL Joined: 11 Nov 2003
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:27 pm Post subject: |
Well, I think I would make a good viking. Big, Hairy and love whacking things with swords!
Plus, all the cool kids are raiding and pillaging this season! ; )
Robert Zamoida

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:29 pm Post subject: |
Why would I want to be a Viking?
To be able to travel to many of the lands I would like to visit, like Ireland and Scotland.
To be one of the first people to discover my future homeland.
To be able to take proper revenge for a fallen comrade.
To be able to travel with a close group of good friends and win wealth and renown through talent, strength, perserverence, loyalty and occasionally cunning guile
And the best reason....The Valkyries!!!
Rob Zamoida
"When your life is on the line, you want to make use of all your tools. No warrior should be willing to die with his swords at his sides, without having made use of his tools."
-Miyamoto Mushashi, Gorin no Sho
Jorge Rodriguez
Location: Vancouver, BC Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:29 pm Post subject: |
Why do I want to be a Viking? Well, there's the plundering, the sword swinging and the heavy drinking... why would anyone NOT want to be a Viking?!
Arthur A. Elwell

Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:30 pm Post subject: Go A Viking ! |
Actually, I want to be a Norseman and go a viking !
I need a good Viking sword to complete my persona
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Arthur A. Elwell
A Work Of Art
Last edited by Arthur A. Elwell on Sun 08 Aug, 2004 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stephen Baxter
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:31 pm Post subject: Viking Sword Contest |
I am not new to collecting weapons, but I am new to swords. I think the Viking sword would be a great start to a collection! I am Scottish, from the Clan McDonald, who are descended from Viking raiders on the west coast of Scotland. This may be the only link I have to the Vikings, but I hope it will be enough to win the contest!
Take care all, and good luck!
George Sulea

Location: Cleveland, Ohio Joined: 25 Jan 2004
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:33 pm Post subject: Why I want to be a viking... |
Pilliage, loot, plunder, and THEN...pillage some more...
Did I forget anything...OH YES...I like to raid border villages far from, eh, Columbus.
"The Universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest..."
KIlgore Trout
Steve Fabert
Posted: Tue 29 Jun, 2004 7:33 pm Post subject: |
I want to be a Viking so that I can go berserk without offending my neighbors. I also envy their footwear, which looks a lot more comfortable than what I can buy today. And I also like the look of runic inscriptions - if I win the sword I will be tempted to have it inlaid with a suitable message spelled out in runes.
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