Arms & Armor Cup Hilt and Italian Rapiers
Does anybody out there own either of these swords? I am comtemplating the Italian and would like to hear your impressions of it. I was contemplating the cup hilt but it appears to have an Epee blade :wtf: . Is this true? If so why is this type of blade being used?

I did a review on an Italian rapier here:

As said in the review, though, that mine was modified from the normal version with a wider, longer, and heavier blade.

I have not handled the cuphilt at all, though I seriously doubt the blade is an epee blade. For starters, the listed length is way too long. Secondly, they would probably say so, as in the case of their smallsword. You should give them a call and find out for certain.

I'm sure you'd be pretty happy with it regardless. I've been very happy with all of my A&A pieces.
Cup hilt
Hello Nate

The blade on the cuphilt is one of our narrower rapier blades. I will say that this item often has more variation in the blade per customer request than our other products as those using it for WMA are looking for some particular characteristcs in the action of the piece. I actually have about four variations that I do for different individuals with this piece.

Re: Cup hilt
Craig Johnson wrote:
Hello Nate

The blade on the cuphilt is one of our narrower rapier blades. I will say that this item often has more variation in the blade per customer request than our other products as those using it for WMA are looking for some particular characteristcs in the action of the piece. I actually have about four variations that I do for different individuals with this piece.


Hi Craig,

Out of curiosity, what sort of variations?
Nate, I've never handled the Italian rapier, and would also appreciate anyone's comments about the light version. I have been fortunate to recently receive the Dresden set, and can attest to the exquisite craftsmanship at A&A. Craig is friendly and very accessible, so I agree direct communication is a good idea. :)
Custimizing blades
Hello Geoff

Well it mainly has to do with blade dynamics. The weight to length ratio needed for the style of combat and the geometery desired. Some may pefer the actual shape of the blade to be adjusted and others may need a forged tip for their respective regs on use. The cup hilt is a very maximized type of weapon. It needs to be tuned to a specific purpose as the blade to hilt ratio can be quite extreme.

Re: Custimizing blades
Craig Johnson wrote:
Hello Geoff

Well it mainly has to do with blade dynamics. The weight to length ratio needed for the style of combat and the geometery desired. Some may pefer the actual shape of the blade to be adjusted and others may need a forged tip for their respective regs on use. The cup hilt is a very maximized type of weapon. It needs to be tuned to a specific purpose as the blade to hilt ratio can be quite extreme.


Thanks, Craig!

I own the Italian and the 2-ring from A&A. I did a review on both a while back on SFI. As a quick summery--the Italian has a shorter, narrower and lighter blade with the point of balance closer to the hilt. As a result, it feels livelier in the hand and is faster. On the other hand, the 2-ring has more blade presence and would be harder for an opponent to move out of line and conversely with it it would be easier to move an opponent's blade out of line. I believe the difference in weigh is only about 4 oz.

Of the two, I prefer the Italian for its quicker handling. It was also my first really good rapier, which also probably has something to do with my preference for it. But the 2-ring is also great and I would not part with either. I guess it all comes down to personal preference.

I have not handled A&A's cup hilt, so can say nothing about it. I hope this has been of some help.

Oh, you might also ask Russ Ellis of Tritonworks Custom Works about these two. He made scabbards for both and had them at the same time. He also had my permission to handle them and do some testing with them--thrusts, etc. So he can give you some comparison on them as well.

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