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Tim Sheean
Posted: Mon 01 Dec, 2008 11:44 am Post subject: Windlass falchion test cutting review |
Is there anyone out there who has used for cutting test the Windlass falchion?
I have recently put mine to the test with some extremly wonderfull results. I must admit that I had to improve on a few things first ,but I was much impressed on med target damage.
Any feed back would be apreciated.
Lucas LaVoy
Posted: Mon 01 Dec, 2008 11:59 am Post subject: |
I've been looking at getting one of those; do you have any pics/video of it in action? It would be great to know a little more of what it's capable of before going for it.
Tim Sheean
Posted: Mon 01 Dec, 2008 12:20 pm Post subject: Windlas Falchion cutting tests |
I did not take pics because I was basicaly stupid. Here is the list of targets (in order)
1. 3 honey dew melons. Cuts were mere flick of the wrist and effortless. Blade slid through with 0 tension to sword and user. 4 cuts per melon
2. 3 10lb pumpkins(whole no inside scooped) Pretty much the same as honeydews but slight tension. 6-9 cuts per pumpkin
3. 5 2lt. pop btls filled with water. More effort in targeting this one. Slight increase in speed and it produced a clean cut with a 5mm drop in water height. Each btl was cut 2 times once at the neck and once in mid section. No torn plastic.
Clean cuts all he way around.
At this point still 0 dammage or markings on blade everthing is tight and solid!
4. 3 Pasta sauce can. (large) Highly targeted swings to mid section, med. strength. Cut through 90% of can clean cut almost all the way. Light scrap on non edge part of blade, buffed out in 3 minutes. Slight ding in blade edge. 4 file strokes a side to return to normal. 1 cut ea. can
5. Large paper roll 3" thick cardboard. Hard swing, cut through 25% of tube at a 55 degree angle of attack flowing downward.
Blade came out with just that 1 blemish. I've put more scratches on it hanging it up!
Terry Crain
Posted: Tue 02 Dec, 2008 5:36 am Post subject: |
Which specific one of their falchions are you refering to?
Terry Crain
Donal Grant
Honor, not Honors!