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Jeremy V. Krause

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 8:26 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Good to see this thread come back up,

I would take a spoon into battle. You would have the capability to scoop or gauge the enemy.

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Chris Artman

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 9:46 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I'd be hosed right now because all I have to pick from is a zweihander (from the Czech Republic) and a Windlass Spartan shortsword. So I'm looking forward to getting the Kingmaker and the Svante. I'll be getting a bunch of other swords also, so I'll have to decide which one I'd actually take into battle.

Even though Albion swords may be historically accurate and have wonderful aesthetics, Are Angus trim and Tinker Pearce swords a little tougher/harder to break? Just asking since if they have the best modern steel/forging, they might be a little more rugged than the Albion swords, if you could match similar blade types? Reason I asked this is that for actual battle, maybe you should use a tinker pearce or Angus trim blade?

Last edited by Chris Artman on Tue 27 May, 2008 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Matt Lewis

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 4:19 pm    Post subject: Hmmm         Reply with quote

Well If I ever get round to getting it done /doing it , I think for zombie survival it would have to be a Berserker style blade with an L6/bandsaw steel core/body with hardened vasco wear edges ,that thing'll never break, not to mention the 'cutty cutty' factor Eek!

Or Something like the yeoman to back up my English Warbow Big Grin

I like this thread

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Chris Artman

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 4:33 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Berserker style blade with an L6/bandsaw steel core/body with hardened vasco wear edges ,that thing'll never break, not to mention the 'cutty cutty' factor

Do you have an image of something like this?

That is another reason this thread is interesting... What 'sword' people would *actually* grab to take to a battle...
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Scott Kowalski

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 5:37 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

If I were limited to only a sword it would be my Atrim 1423 since it is here and thus near at hand if the SHTF suddenly. I would prefer to use my A&A 12th Century spear though to keep the zombies at a distance and pinned in place while allowing my second to bash in their heads with either a mace or warhammer. Neither of which I currently own right now though Sad . As a backup to the spear I would go with an Albion NextGen Squire since I could both cut and thrust with it, not the best but against an unarmored zombie it would work. Of course I do not have the Squire either, yet Big Grin .
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R D Moore

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 5:53 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Jeremy V. Krause wrote:
Good to see this thread come back up,

I would take a spoon into battle. You would have the capability to scoop or gauge the enemy.


I totally agree. A spoon would really make someone think twice about attacking you. Have you ever been "knuckle bumped"? That really hurts. They're hard on eyeballs, too. And on the other side of the coin, your enemy may have better rations than you do. So if he's armed with a fork the two of you may be able to enjoy a descent meal. Of course that depends on the palate of the country of origin- the rations of course -and the seasoning and preservatives included. You may want to deliver a coup de grace to the head and take the rations for yourself. Depends on the situation. After seeing what he has to eat, you may want to give him your spoon and leave the poor bugger alone

Bon Appetit

I'd also want to take a longsword with me, and something like a Soveriegn as a back up.
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Chris Artman

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 6:55 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Yea, I'm actually stuck right now cause I don't want to weild the zweihander only... And this shortsword is nothing heavy duty to say the least... So I might have to pick the percussive weapons until all of my new albion's arrive.

Got some choices with those:

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Nathan M Wuorio

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 9:33 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I would take my Cossack Sabre [a good slasher/thruster], my Celtic leaf-blade short sword, and my trusty round shield.
As for what sword I would take from a maker, I would have to say the Lutel Two-Handed Sabre [my favourite]

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Bennison N

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PostPosted: Tue 27 May, 2008 10:22 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Chris Artman wrote:
Yea, I'm actually stuck right now cause I don't want to weild the zweihander only...

You'd need three arms to hold something else... Haha!

I'd take an Indian Urumi or Chuttaval, with a Han Jian for backup and a bag full of Fei Dao tucked into my clothes somewhere within easy reach. Those Urumi administer some serious beat-downs against groups, but I've never used one... so I'd be using the Han Jian (or have cut myself to pieces) before very long, I'd imagine...

"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance" - Confucius

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Matt Lewis

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 5:39 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hi Chris , Albion does the berserkr (It's a viking type H) I just think something like this made out of very tough materials would be exceedingly tough and a horrible cutter .

Bring me the Zombies !!

The material combo Is something I would love to try on a blade at some point, maybe it will be a type H , always had a thing for em Big Grin

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D. Nogueira

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 7:01 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

How did this thread managed to include talibans, mindless armored zombies, guns and spoons in the same topic???
Razz Just kidding.

Returning to the original question...

The hypotethical situation proposed is very very weird Happy ... but I guess I'd take with me the sword that is more familiar to me at the time, regardless it's size and shape.
But it should be solid, well constructed, sharp and light. It should not be heavy or clumsy in any way.

I have an inclination towards good thrusters... but I have no idea how really practical this would be in such scenario.

An option I would strongly consider, is picking a small sword (Or edged weapon) that can be carried totally concealed, not to expose myself as a "brigand" which in a chaotic scenario might get me into trouble.
The sight of "common" people carring weapons always had its detractors Razz

Finally, how successful would I be, an average modern guy using a sword in a real battle... that would be a different question!
Despite the joke, maybe I would be better off carrying a spoon! Happy
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Chris Artman

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 8:50 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Berserker style blade with an L6/bandsaw steel core/body with hardened vasco wear edges, that thing'll never break

I ran your idea across one, well known, modern custom swordsmith by the way:

"It does sound interesting- but I can't do it. Since I make swords by stock removal I can't do composite blades, and my experiences working with smiths that do this sort of work have been... less than satisfactory- at least with regard to full-length swords."

Sounds like an interesting choice of modern sword you would actually use if taken to battle. It certainly sounds like you'd want it for its reliability and toughness.
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Nathan Gilleland

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 11:17 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

If I had to pick up one of my swords that I have laying around right now, it would probably have to be my Hanwei Edward III sword. It's the toughest sword that I own and my personal favorite from my collection.

If I could choose any sword from any manufacturer, it would probably be the Albion Sovereign.

Long rifle for distance, handgun for out of reach opponents, Sovereign and shield for close combat, and a rondel dagger for up-close-and-personal encounters. Add a longbow + arrows for when ballistics ammo becomes scarce, and you're pretty well off I should think. Big Grin

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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 5:47 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

D. Nogueira wrote:

Finally, how successful would I be, an average modern guy using a sword in a real battle... that would be a different question!
Despite the joke, maybe I would be better off carrying a spoon! Happy

Since the whole thing is a fantasy scenario might as well " fantasize " being highly to supernaturally skilled. Wink Laughing Out Loud

Forgetting about " zombies " the scenario could be a " Lord of the Rings ", " Narnia ", or a historically based fantasy of being in period as time traveller or just what we would fantasize as our favourite sword or other weapon if we where of that period.

( The zombie thing is O.K. too, but it did kind of side track the intention of the Topic early on in the thread of posts and seem to recur when people resurrect the Topic. Wink Although that is fine also, as I find that many old threads are worth reviving as new people join the forums Cool ).

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Bennison N

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 6:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Oh OK... It's that kind of battle... What I said earlier was for pitched sword-on-sword, but if you can have guns as well...

That changes everything... In that kind of battle, I'd look to fit a Gemtech Stormfront, if the US government would let me have one, to a Barrett 82A1/M107 "Nifty Fifty" .50 Rifle, with the BORS system on a Leupold Mk IV, and a laptop wired up directly to the BORS and an IR camera. I'd most likely use 661 grain M33 Ball or M903 SLAP rounds, sprayed with Teflon.

I would ideally be in a concealed, elevated position with a Number 2, and under cover of darkness, ideally around 3am. While everyone sleeps, I would use the IR camera to locate and the rifle to quietly tag them inside their tents, huts, brick and tiles, it shouldn't matter with that rifle and ammo really... Mind you, with tents or wooden buildings, I might add some Tracer (Talon M-17s, if I could find some...) or Incendiary (Raufoss Mk.211 HEIAPs seem alright, not sure about compatibility with 82A1s though...) rounds to later loads to cause some fires for while I'm cleaning up.

And then I'd leave the rifle for Number 2 to have a play with, and stroll down for a clean up with a sword and a suppressed KRISS Super V SMG in .45ACP on semi-auto. Those weapons are awesome, you can fire them with one hand easily, and .45ACP has decent enough stopping power up close.

Sword-wise, I'd want something cut and thrust, and quick. I'd probably take a 32,000 layer sanmai Han Jian, or even a wide-bladed Schiavona (I'm quite taken by them...), but I might also take a steel Kopis... depends on the weather. One thing I am sure about is that I would have the Fairbairn-Sykes Pattern 3 Dagger for backup, probably the 7" blade.

And that would be my dream equipment and tactics for that kind of battle... I'd prefer sword-on-sword actually, in some secluded scenic part of New Zealand, with Sauron's big ol' eye or a Christian Lion watching. Then I'd go back to the Urumi, the Han Jian and the Fei Dao, and a full suit of Late Ming Dynasty (or Early Qing) Officer's Armour in "Mountain Pattern Scale" in yellow with five-toed dragon decoration. I might also want a number of those Crusader/Saracen Clay and Glass frag grenades as well... and a Zippo! Haha!

"Never give a sword to a man who can't dance" - Confucius

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Ted Parolari

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PostPosted: Wed 28 May, 2008 8:05 pm    Post subject: 1796 HC Saber         Reply with quote

I'd have to pick a 1796 HC saber. Being just a sword fan and not a practitioner of swordsmanship, I figure any style I might have would be along the lines of hacking and slashing and the fact that a 1796 had the reputation of taking off arms and legs with a hack somehow appeals to me. Wink

I also have to say that it would be my next to last line of defense. I'd want something that could reach out and touch some one at a distance, rather than have to close to within 5 or 6 feet in order to dispatch an antagonist. Cool
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Melvin J Usher

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PostPosted: Thu 29 May, 2008 4:59 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I would take my "Cold Steel" Assagai short spear.
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Bren O

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PostPosted: Thu 29 May, 2008 8:42 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

This is always a fun and firey topic. I'd take my FB Falchion, for backup after my halberd is spent. It has Axe like durability, and Chopping power. It's cuts very well, and has a super rigid and slim armour piercing point. It's short enough not to become cumbersome in tight mellee. It's also light enough for extended use, and easily handled in one hand, to allow for a shield, though it has a H&H grip for those massive cleaving blows.

I think it's the best combination of all needs. The Jack of all trades.

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Daniel Michaelsson

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PostPosted: Mon 09 Jun, 2008 7:33 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

It'd have to be a viking sword for me, a great cutter and certainly adequate in the thrust. I think the Albion Hersir could do some serious damage Big Grin .
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A. Jake Storey II

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PostPosted: Mon 09 Jun, 2008 10:24 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I would use a cross-bow. But if things got close, I would want a short messer. I'm a close kind of fighter. I haven't found a messer that actually fits my ideal, but the closest is Albion's Meister. The meister is a litlle longer then I want; I would rather have the blade be ~22" in length. For a knife, I think I would go with a scramseax (like the one Patrick Kelly has in his collection) or an A&A Classic Medieval Dagger.
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