Ralph Rudolph

Posted: Sat 18 Mar, 2017 11:32 am Post subject: For Sale: Albion Baron |
This listing is marked SOLD and is no longer available
I am reducing my sword collection and also sell my Albion Baron sword (Oakeshott XIIa).
I had the privilege to meet its creator, Peter Johnson, on two occasions at the annual "Knife Makers Show" in the "German Klingenmuseum" in Solingen. He told me that he modelled the Baron after an original sword in the German Historical Museum in Berlin, where I indeed went and saw it.
The Baron is an impressive, pretty heavy two-hander, I would say on the border to fight with - but like all swords from Peter it is dynamically well balanced for German swordfighting in the Liechtenauer school.
Just for clarity reason: this specimen was not used for fighting, had only been on display in my flat and bears no fighting marks.
See pictures of my Baron here on dropbox (if access problems, please message):
The sword was bought in 2005 from Albion and is in excellent condition.
Sword measures are:
Overall length: 120,5 cm
Blade length: 94,3 cm
Fuller length: 65,2 cm
Hilt length: 26.0 cm
Pommel length: 5,8 cm
Guard width: 20,3 cm
Weight: 1,764 kg
Blade material: 1075 steel, tempered
Crossbar: cast iron, octogonal cross-section
Pommel: cast iron, disc shape with armed cross, Type J
Grip: birch wood, cord and brown leather
I would it for $700 = €700, preferrably within the EU as I reside in Germany. As I know that most visitors of this forum are from the US, I would of course sell to US as well. The problem might be import taxes/customs duties. The sword originated from the US and you would re-import it. I have no idea if customs applies in this case.
The price includes package and post, but not customs.
Please post by private message in case of questions and interest.
See also the other sale of my Albion Ritter with scabbard.
Waß sich wol zwercht mit springen, dem haupt geferet [Ringeck, 29v]