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Well I think I'll sell this. This axe was something I kept wanting for many years after handling it at ren faire as a kid.
Like has happened many times in that similar scenario, what was amazing to me as younger does not create the same impression to me anymore when I finally get it after wanting it for years...
This axe is intimidating, it's quite massive and it's well made. However this is not entirely to my taste, it's too heavy for my one handed use and I feel that haft is too short for two handed use. If I would keep this I would make a longer haft. I have too many projects and I am finishing them at very slow pace so I'd rather sell this to someone.
Axe is in good condition. There is small clicking and wiggle, I think the wood has shrunk teeny amount to allow that. It would probably be very easy fix for capable person. Also both edge covers have been cut slightly by the blades.
Here is Hanwei info about the axe:
Length: 75,5 cm
Haft: 67,5 cm
Blade width: 29 cm
Blade height: 21,5 cm
Weight: 2030 grams
Price: 90€ + shipping costs. Preferable I would sell this inside Europe as it's quite large item so shipping cost outside Europe might be bit high.