Contributor Center: Submission Guidelines


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Do you have a burning desire to share your insight, passion, and knowledge with other arms and armour enthusiasts? If so, please consider creating and submitting an article for publishing on We are heavily reliant on our community to help our site grow and so are always seeking new authors to augment our on-going publishing efforts.

Before submitting an article, please familiarize yourself with our audience and editorial approach by reviewing our previously published articles in our Features and Hands-on Reviews sections.

Our Audience
The typical reader of is casually interested in the study of arms and armour spanning a broad range of cultures, time periods, styles, and specific areas of interest. Our content is written by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. We are not an organization focusing on doing original, groundbreaking research. We generally create distilled articles with information that is already available by reputable researchers and present it in digested forms appropriate for Web delivery.

We are able to provide extensive editing services to all authors. Our team includes a professional editor and our production process uses at least three stages of editing. We have many resources to help writers, not the least of which is a peer review process that brings everyone together to help get each and every article completed.

Article Concepts
We are willing to consider all new concepts for articles should you already have something in mind. If you do not, we have created an extensive list spanning hundreds of ideas that we consider worthy of pursuit. We can help flesh out most ideas as a team.

    • Ideally, articles are between 1,250 and 3,000 words. Lighter subjects will be closer to 1,000 words, and articles with a broad, more detailed, scope may extend to be much longer
    • Authors need to provide an abstract of 4-5 sentences that explains the concept, scope, and context of any submitted article. Book and hands-on reviews do not require an abstract
    • All submissions accepted for publication will be edited and reformatted
    • All accepted submissions will require several weeks to pass through our editorial and production processes. When completed, the article will be assigned a publication date based on the other completed items in our queue of content
    • All authors must certify that their article has been created solely by themselves or be able to provide permission from the party who possesses the legal rights to grant publishing rights for the submission
    • We will consider articles that have already been published elsewhere on a case-by-case basis. When accepted, these types of pieces will likely need to be reworked for our purposes
    • Articles submitted without exclusive publishing rights granted to will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In these instances, however, we will only consider pieces that we are able to publish before they are seen elsewhere
    • All new contributors need to first Contact Us with an introduction and a brief description of their article
    • If you are submitting an article already completed and we believe the concept is appropriate for our needs, we will provide a submission email address to you
    • For articles not already written, we ask that we have the opportunity to approve and help define your concept. This ensures that: 1) all potential articles are suitable for the publishing needs of the site, 2) we do not already have a similar article in the works, and 3) no work goes to waste
    • Once an article concept or completed article is accepted, we will assign a point of contact to you from our team. This person will work with you during the editing and production phases until the piece is completed
    • All communication will be done via email
    • Submitted articles will be reviewed by our Content Manager who will work with you to get the piece ready for formal submission
    • Once formally submitted, the Content Manager and Editor will work on getting the piece edited for grammar, structure, and consistency
    • When editing is complete, the article will go to into production where it will be formatted, coded, and have its images sourced and edited
    • Once produced, the Contributing Team will do a peer review process until the article is finalized
    • Finalized articles are then grouped with other pieces for content updates and will await publication
Rights and Conditions
    • Submitting your articles to does not mean you will be paid any sort of financial compensation. You will not be paid by us or any of our members for the use of your article
    • In submitting your article(s), you irrevocably grant free usage rights to publish your articles. Said articles may be used in a variety of ways including but not limited to Web site publication, e-zine publication, magazine publication, Web blogs, through RSS syndicated feeds, etc.
    • Any articles that you or your affiliates submit must be 100% your own work. You can not submit articles written by authors other than yourself and your affiliates. You may not submit any purchased private label rights articles. All content must be written by you and you must be the sole copyright holder for all articles you submit. Ghost written articles are acceptable assuming you are the only person now in ownership of rights to the article in question
    • Submission of an article does not guarantee that it will be published by We always reserve all rights to reject any content for any reason

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