The Collection Gallery of Nathan Bell
TNathan Bell is a Cincinnati Ohio native who has spent all his adult working life helping at-risk, emotionally disturbed, neglected and abused children. After graduating from Duke Law School with honors, he went to work full-time as a Guardian ad Litem, representing abused and neglected children as an attorney advocate.

Nathan has always had a love for swords and ancient weaponrya passion kindled by a love of history, folklore, and fantasy (such as the works of J.R.R. Tolkein). His interests generally go beyond just the weaponry of a particular culture and time period to include a great curiosity for customs, dress, accoutrements and culture of the time period or region. Thus, the collection tends to include not just swords but extraneous items such as shields, armour, clothing, and personal ornament. He has been known to attempt fabrication of some period items himself, when able. Nate also enjoys Living History and learning about the world in which our ancient ancestors lived, worked, played, and fought.
Although a variety of weapons and time periods fascinate him, Nathan best loves the Early Iron age and the 15th century. To date, he has delved most deeply into an exploration of the Celtic La Tène era, and his collection reflects a heavy Middle La Tène emphasis.
I can be contacted at my
profile page.
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