Museum Replicas Burgonet with Buffe
Original: England/Scotland, 16th century

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This type of open-faced helm gained in popularity in the 16th century. It has a peak (like a visor) over the face opening and a high comb along the central ridge. There are hinged cheek flaps on either side of the face opening.

A separate piece, known as the falling buffe, straps around the helm to protect the face. The lames of the buffe can be lowered by using two spring-loaded studs that hold them up.

The pierced breath holes are round on the left side, with larger cross-shaped holes on the right. The entire helm and buffe are trimmed in brass and with brass rivets.

Unlike historical examples, this replica lacks the liner and/or suspension system that would make it easily wearable.
Maker: Museum Replicas Limited of Atlanta.

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