Jared Smith
Posted: Fri 23 Mar, 2007 3:34 pm Post subject: Sword Collectors' Organization? |
I guess this falls under the category of suggestions... I figure there is a chance that it might have enough appeal to generate forum input.
I have been wondering if there is any equivalent of a "Market Value" book listing for the emerging high quality reproduction swords. I searched briefly and did stumble on organizations for authentic antiques. But they don't seem to address good quality modern reproductions.
I understand the obvious; one can estimate a fair value of a sword "for sale or trade by owner" by looking over forum market place sales and determine what similar "original price point" swords of the same maker are currently selling for.
Considering the price point and quality level that many of the modern reproductions of European swords are reaching, as well as the fact that many forum members seem to build something of a "collection", it seems viable that a recognized organization just about the cataloging of known models, and value/quality aspects of swords might be viable.
Some things it would be nice to know if considering purchase of a used sword;
1) Name of model and manufacturer.
2) What was the most recent retail price (current price if still produced, or price at the time a model was retired.)
3) What range of years was the reproduction manufactured?
4) Approximately how many are believed to have been made to date?
5) Basic stats, traits distinguishing the model.
6) Reviewers' rating of the sword on a scale reflecting premium high quality. For example a 10 out of 10 would reflect an excellent hand made commission by some of the most respected artisans.
I do appreciate the amount of work such an effort would entail. I might however be made easier in the long term by starting collection of the data early. Our current reviews section, and the data from sales might be a good basis for helpiing the industry, and in maintaining value as investments.
Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence!