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Marc-Antoine Jean
Location: Canada Joined: 10 Dec 2005
Posts: 71
Posted: Mon 18 Aug, 2008 7:41 am Post subject: Landsknechte on woodcuts, in search of a particular image |
I once saw a woodcut with a landsknecht wearing a german sallat, I am no longer able to find it, maybe someone knows what I am talking about?
Merci beaucoup.
Sean Flynt

Posted: Mon 18 Aug, 2008 10:30 am Post subject: |
I looked through the following source and didn't see a Landsknecht in a sallet. Seems like a strange combo. Sallets were certainly still in use during the early 16th c., but I've never seen them in this particular context. Dürer's woodcuts might have something, but I know those pretty well, too, and don't recall seeing a sallet on an otherwise typical Landsknecht. Steel caps and burgonets, yes, but no sallets. In fact, I've seen Landsknechts and sallets depicted together in the same paintings, but never in association with one another. That leads me to conclude that Landsknechts simply chose not to wear them.
Follow this link to the best single collection of Landsknecht images:
Then download the very large PDF file (7.6 M) of Der Landsknecht im Spiegel der Renaissancegraphik um 1500 - 1540. The text is German so not much use to non-German speakers, but the document contains more than 200 contemporary depictions of Landesknechts (starting on page 296). It's the most complete visual resource I've found. I burned it to CD, and would encourage other Landesknecht afficionados to do the same.
Author of the Little Hammer novel
Craig Shira

Location: California Joined: 02 Feb 2007
Posts: 39
Posted: Mon 18 Aug, 2008 1:16 pm Post subject: German Single Leaf Woodcuts |
There is a great collection of woodcuts that depict Landsknechte called "German Single Leaf Woodcuts, 1500-1700," or something along those lines. It comes in book form, which is expensive, and it also comes in CD form, which can be purchased on the German side of or from a book importer. I purchased by CD woodcut collection from a store that imported it and had them in stock and have been able to look at a lot of detail within the woodcuts.
Somewhere in there, you might find what you are looking for. But it is a big collection and you will need to do a lot of searching. But while searching, you can find new, unexepected, exciting details.
Marc-Antoine Jean
Location: Canada Joined: 10 Dec 2005
Posts: 71
Posted: Mon 18 Aug, 2008 1:20 pm Post subject: |
but on many images we can see landsknecht with late 15th style breastplates... so we can presume they were using some other 15th harness pieces no?
James Barker

Location: Ashburn VA Joined: 20 Apr 2005
Posts: 365
Posted: Tue 19 Aug, 2008 7:36 am Post subject: |
Do you mean Knight, Death, and the Devil by Albrecht Durer
If so note it is dated 1513 during a transition in armor styles so yes that harness would be period in that time frame also note he is a knight not a soldier so he is not a Landsknecht.
James Barker
Historic Life
Archer in La Belle Compagnie
Marc-Antoine Jean
Location: Canada Joined: 10 Dec 2005
Posts: 71
Posted: Tue 19 Aug, 2008 7:43 am Post subject: |
no, it wasn't this.
But really interresting.