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Roger Hooper

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PostPosted: Wed 11 Dec, 2019 4:13 pm    Post subject: What's On Your List For 2020? - & what did you get in 20         Reply with quote

Here is the annual post - What's on your list for 2020? And what did you get in 2019?

My list for 2020 - as usual, I don't know if I will actually get any of these swords next year, but I sure would like to.

Maciej Kopciuch sword
Damian Sulowski sword
Neil Burridge khopesh
Angus Trim XIV.1 with J1 pommel.
Original antique British pattern 1821 saber - artillery officer, either 1840's or 1890's

As for 2019, it was a good year, though I bought much more than I could really afford. Albions kept appearing over at KOA and i couldn't stop myself from jumping on them. All are great pieces and I'm very happy with all of them

In photo from top

ATrim AT2103r - this was on my to get list last year - I actually got it - wonderful sword.
Windlass Long Bladed Hewing Spearhead with shaft and buttcap - 5 feet long.
Albion Talhoffer
Albion Lancaster with DBK pommel inset
Tod Cutler Dudgeon Dagger
Tod Cutler Italian/English Baselard.
Also - in second photo - Tod Cutler Antennae Dagger

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Last edited by Roger Hooper on Thu 19 Dec, 2019 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dan D'Silva

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PostPosted: Thu 12 Dec, 2019 5:34 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

What did I acquire? Something very special, which I'll share in the historical custom pieces thread as soon as I've finished working on it. But here's a hint Happy

For next year, my list remains the same as it has for the past several years, and I still don't know when or in what order I'll acquire them. As the old saying goes, cash rules everything around me.
- A blade for my Scottish whinger, and a matching knife and fork.
- One of those smallsword-style military swords. I still haven't decided between a British or a French one.
- A GAoP-era hunting sword. Possibly also with a matching knife and fork.
- Five spearheads: two regular-sized and two small steel ones (one of each sharp and blunt) and a bronze one.
- Bosses and rawhide edging to complete my buckler and two mini-La Tene shields.
- A La Tene belt knife.
- Wooden dowels and rawhide for Achaemenid shields.
- Finish building a bunch of new arrows.
- Two Krotov-style bronze daggers.

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J.D. Crawford

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PostPosted: Thu 12 Dec, 2019 7:24 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote


Two of my commissions from 2018 came through: Eric McHugh St. Annen XII, and Maciej Kopciuch Type Y Viking.

I kind of binged on Viking swords. Two Albion Squireline swords, Gotland and Vinland, came and went quickly. I finally got an Albion Thegn, but as feared it was too light for my taste (still, a beautiful sword). The real prize was when Tim let go his Swedish Type Z, which I coveted for years. That one I will keep, in memory of my Swedish mother.

Borderline 2019/2020

I recently had a kerfuffle with KoH. They had a Solingen in stock, so I ordered it, and yada, yada, yada, ended up with a second-hand Mateusz Sulowski XVIII, which was shipped to Valiant for a new grip and scabbard. Could be 2019 or 2020.


Still have a Rob Miller commission from 2018, but the plan has switched from a Scottish basket to Scottish Medieval.

I'm thinking of trying again for a Viking AE.

I'd like a customized version of the A&A Hungarian sword. Actually, I wrote to Craig, but he must have missed it.
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Joe Fults

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 8:52 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Soft kit and a welded mail I'm going to pretend that I got clothes and Mithril mail!
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John Dunn

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 1:21 pm    Post subject: Swords and arms for this year         Reply with quote

I went on a binge this year. Sold alot of swords and other items and so had some money to buy alot more!

This is what I bought this year:

Albion Burgundian
Albion Prince
Albion Talhoffer
Albion Reeve
Albion Machiavelli
Albion Squire line Clontarf viking sword
John Lundermo Type XX sword
Angus Trim Hungarian Saber
Angus Trim Type XIX sword
Cold Steel Shamshir
Cold Steel MAA Messer
Cold Steel Cinqueda
Tods Stuff Mid level Ballock Dagger
Tods stuff Striped Rondel
Tods stuff Messer knife
Tods stuff Dagger
A&A Alpine Dagger
A&A Celtic Spears x 2

I have an Albion Auxilia on order from January of this year 2019. But it is delayed since the person who works on the handles apparently has cancer and is getting treatment for it. So there is a delay on it.

This is the most swords and other items I have ever bought in one year. Most of the time just a few a year but had some funds this year to binge.
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Mark Moore

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 2:14 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

That's quite a haul, John! Eek!

Not much buying in 2019. I did, however, pick up a Windlass Arbedo sword -sharpened- from KoA. I think it is probably one of the best swords Windlass has ever made. Everything about it just looks and feels *right*. KoA did a super job of the sharpening----cuts like a lightsaber. Big Grin

Other than that, just a bunch of cheaper stuff----CS machetes and axes, a few bits of armor here and there, and a couple of new helmets----Windlass Helm of Castille, and a Deepeeka Norman Phrygian nasal helm.

For 2020, I don't really know. I might pick up a H/T Great Sword of War. Maybe expand my dagger collection a bit. Certainly more armor and helmets. Ask me again in 2021 and I'll tell you. Laughing Out Loud

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T. Kew

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 3:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

One new sword - accidentally bought an Albion Landgraf. The plan was to buy a Constable, but there were complications with stock from KoA. Plus a secondhand (and very nice) Fabrice Cognot rondel dagger. Then a whole bunch of feders/foils, both HEMA and modern fencing.
HEMA fencer and coach, New Cross Historical Fencing
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J.D. Crawford

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 4:39 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

T. Kew wrote:
One new sword - accidentally bought an Albion Landgraf. The plan was to buy a Constable, but there were complications with stock from KoA. Plus a secondhand (and very nice) Fabrice Cognot rondel dagger. Then a whole bunch of feders/foils, both HEMA and modern fencing.

Sounds oddly similar to my story. What's going on there? Bait and switch?
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Jeremy V. Krause

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 6:00 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I should be receiving

A Jeff Helmes type XI
An A&A type XI and a
Josh Davis 12th. C. daggar.

This is a lot for me.
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John Dunn

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PostPosted: Fri 13 Dec, 2019 7:31 pm    Post subject: New swords         Reply with quote

J.D. Crawford wrote:
T. Kew wrote:
One new sword - accidentally bought an Albion Landgraf. The plan was to buy a Constable, but there were complications with stock from KoA. Plus a secondhand (and very nice) Fabrice Cognot rondel dagger. Then a whole bunch of feders/foils, both HEMA and modern fencing.

Sounds oddly similar to my story. What's going on there? Bait and switch?

Seems odd. I have placed a lot of orders the last month and have received everything I purchased as ordered including the type of albions I wanted that were in stock

Maybe you two were just unlucky for some reason and the order got messed up. Hopefully it is not a trend.
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T. Kew

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PostPosted: Sat 14 Dec, 2019 3:44 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

J.D. Crawford wrote:
T. Kew wrote:
One new sword - accidentally bought an Albion Landgraf. The plan was to buy a Constable, but there were complications with stock from KoA. Plus a secondhand (and very nice) Fabrice Cognot rondel dagger. Then a whole bunch of feders/foils, both HEMA and modern fencing.

Sounds oddly similar to my story. What's going on there? Bait and switch?

I got told they'd typo-ed the stock code on the website, which is a fair enough mistake. They got in touch quickly and did a decent job resolving it - I was offered the choice of full refund; order in the sword I'd asked for; switch to any of their other Albions in stock (and they held the stock while I made a decision from another timezone). Pretty reasonable experience overall.

I'll hold onto the Landgraf for a couple of years and then sell it to someone over in Europe, I think. Really interesting sword, but doesn't have a long-term place in my collection - mostly it's working swords I use to teach cutting workshops.

HEMA fencer and coach, New Cross Historical Fencing
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Andrew Knecht

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PostPosted: Sat 14 Dec, 2019 6:31 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I received my Albion Maximilian last month. Absolutely love it.

When I moved about 7 years ago I had to sell off my Earl and my Squire for funds. Now I'm torn between getting them back, or focusing on others.

I would like to add a single hand medieval sword to my collection. I also keep my eye out for pole weapons. I'd love a poleaxe or halberd and I feel I should acquire a viking spear at some point.
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J.D. Crawford

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PostPosted: Sat 14 Dec, 2019 2:21 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

T. Kew wrote:
J.D. Crawford wrote:
T. Kew wrote:
One new sword - accidentally bought an Albion Landgraf. The plan was to buy a Constable, but there were complications with stock from KoA. Plus a secondhand (and very nice) Fabrice Cognot rondel dagger. Then a whole bunch of feders/foils, both HEMA and modern fencing.

Sounds oddly similar to my story. What's going on there? Bait and switch?

I got told they'd typo-ed the stock code on the website, which is a fair enough mistake. They got in touch quickly and did a decent job resolving it - I was offered the choice of full refund; order in the sword I'd asked for; switch to any of their other Albions in stock (and they held the stock while I made a decision from another timezone). Pretty reasonable experience overall.

I'll hold onto the Landgraf for a couple of years and then sell it to someone over in Europe, I think. Really interesting sword, but doesn't have a long-term place in my collection - mostly it's working swords I use to teach cutting workshops.

In my case a museum-line Solingen showed up as 'in stock' and I pulled the trigger on it a day later, sending the money and arranging for it to be sent to another party for a scabbard. 3 days later I got an apologetic 'whoops, we already sold that sword' message. So I looked through their stock and found a pre-owned custom piece I was coveting previously, changed the order, and re-arranged the scabbard order. It's done and heading home...hopefully as good or better than the original plan.
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Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

myArmoury Team

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2019 5:20 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

There have been many years where I've had nothing to add to these threads. This year is different. Happy I got three things:

1) Josh Davis crusade-era quillon dagger:

2) Tod Cutler antenna quillon dagger:

3) Thorkil sax:

I have nothing on the horizon for 2020 but you never know....


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John Dunn

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PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2019 7:59 am    Post subject: Swords         Reply with quote

[quote="Mark Moore"]That's quite a haul, John! Eek!

Yes it was. Cool I can confidently say it will be the most I have ever bought in one year. I will never need to buy that
many again though I may still buy a few from time to time.

Eventually I want to get an Albion Earl and a Crecy and that will round out the Albions I want.
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Erik Taliaferro

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PostPosted: Wed 18 Dec, 2019 4:56 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

So this is my very first post here. This piece was ordered 2018, forged in 2019, and will likely get to me in very early 2020. It is my first high end custom sword, a Petersen type A late migration period/early Viking sword made by Rob Miller at Castle Keep Swords. The blade has been finished and it shouldn’t be more than a few weeks before it is in my hands. The hilt will be a Type A triangular pommel with silver wire hammered into the grooves on the upper guard. They grip will be wood covered in natural colored leather.

The blade is EN45 steel. All measurements are approximate. Not including the tang, it is 28 inches long. It is 4.5 cm wide at the base and 4 cm wide at the tip. The blade is 4 mm thick at the base, tapers to 3 mm by the end of the fuller, and tapers to 2 mm thick before the tip.

The sword is made to be as accurate to the Norwegian Petersen type A swords as is realistically feasible. It is not an exact replica of any one sword but is inspired by Petersen’s brief description, the Askeaton sword, and metrics of Geibig type 1 blades. Except the fuller depth, all the metrics were designed by myself based on the historic range of Geibig type one blades while keeping in mind Petersen described the Type A swords as being some of the smallest Viking age swords, relatively short and narrow. The silver wire in the pommel was inspired by the pommel on the Askeaton sword, which is contemporary to the Type A and may be considered one. This is not a 100% material and metric duplicate of an original but instead a new sword in the spirit of the original type but with modern materials. The metrics, particularly the fuller, are HIGHLY speculative considering other than the Askeaton sword I do not know of any photographs or metrics of any type A swords. It is all extrapolated from other contemporary swords and Dr. Petersen’s very vague description.

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Scott Kowalski

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PostPosted: Sun 22 Dec, 2019 10:12 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I added the following this year.
Iron Wolf Forge Type XIIIa.
Iron Wolf Forge Type XII for my wife.
An Angus Trim XIIa.4 that was not on my list, but when one became available from Gus I could not pass up the chance.
I posted pictures of these in the My latest sword thread.

On my list for 2020 is the following:
I am on Eric McHugh's list for a Type XIII.
I am looking to actually start building my soft kit that will be usable for either late 13th/early 14th century or as a LotR/fantasy Ranger character.

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Chris Landwehr 10/10/49-1/1/09 My Mom
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Christopher Gregg

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PostPosted: Sun 22 Dec, 2019 3:17 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

For 2019, I bought a Nielo Proto-Mortuary sword from a fellow forumite. Nice sword for a great deal, with a fine metal mounted leather scabbard. Also found a Hanwei Scottish Basket Hilted Broadsword in the rare (and discontinued) antiqued finish.

For 2020, I have a Scottish Dirk on commission from Omega Artworks, due in mid-Winter. 12" blade (double edged, too!) with my clan motto engraved on one side. Hilt will be Ebony, with bronze fittings and Celtic interlace. I plan on having Brown Cow Art make me a leather sheath. A thoroughly modern piece, for wear at Ren Faires and Highland Games. I'll post pics when it's in hand.

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Christopher Gregg

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Ian Hutchison

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PostPosted: Sun 22 Dec, 2019 6:45 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

2019, introduced to Landsknecht Emporium. Bought:
LE Custom hand and a half messer
LE Gustav
LE Landsknecht sabel
LE Bauernwehr
LE Ballock dagger
Argentine contract Blucher saber

2020, I've got several blades from Landsknecht Emporium on order to arrive in Jan/Feb:
LE Customized Albrecht
LE Gustav with antler grips
LE Adorian
Possibly another customized piece, a Karl.

'We are told that the pen is mightier than the sword, but I know which of these weapons I would choose.' - Adrian Carton de Wiart
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