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Mark T

Posted: Sat 22 Mar, 2014 1:15 am Post subject: Type V / fishtail pommels in period art |
Hi all,
I'm pretty sure we don't have a thread here devoted to Type V / 'fishtail' pommels in period art.
We do have a few images scattered on various threads, especially the Wallace Collection A466 type XVIII thread, but I thought it would be good to rescue them from there and have them all in one place.
Hans Memling, The Virgin and Child with Angel Saint Georges and Donor,1470-1480:
The Resurrection of Christ, Hans Pleydenwurff (c. 1465-1470):
Detail from The Crucifixion, Hans Pleydenwurff (c. 1465-1470):
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, by Michael Pacher, c.1465-1470:
And one that I don't think has been posted here before, which I was pretty happy to find - Richard III from the Rous Roll, Add. MS 48976, British Library:
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Chief Librarian/Curator, Isaac Leibowitz Librarmoury
Schallern sind sehr sexy!
Roger Hooper

Posted: Sat 22 Mar, 2014 9:37 am Post subject: |
Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, from the Rous Roll
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Mark T

Posted: Wed 04 Jun, 2014 9:29 pm Post subject: |
Here's another: 'Madonna e santi' by Francesco e Bernadino Zaganelli da Cotignola, 1499.
This is the largest image I could find online; Boccia & Coelho's Armi Bianche Italiane has this in high detail as image 169.
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Chief Librarian/Curator, Isaac Leibowitz Librarmoury
Schallern sind sehr sexy!
Nat Lamb
Posted: Thu 05 Jun, 2014 6:49 pm Post subject: |
The st Catherine sword looks like the pommel might not be a fishtail. Looks (to my eye at least) like a historic sword I saw reviewed (I can't remember if it was at myArmoury or thearma site sorry) that had a a sort of notch or grove so that the off hand could comfortably hold the pommel in a "pistol grip" making the hilt have a greater effective length that grip alone would indicate.
Obviously this is just a random idea, and I recognise that painting is not a photograph.
Mark T

Posted: Fri 13 Jun, 2014 5:20 pm Post subject: |
Amazing what you can miss when it's under your nose ... the sword in the image of St George from Dürer's Paumgartner Altarpiece looks like a contender to be part of the V-type family. Instead of the 'fins' meeting at a V-shaped point, this one appears to have a shallow U-shape - but it still appears to be part of the broader family, of which there are a lot of variants.
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Chief Librarian/Curator, Isaac Leibowitz Librarmoury
Schallern sind sehr sexy!
Nat Lamb