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Bruce Tordoff
Industry Professional
Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 3:04 pm Post subject: Show us your saxes |
Hi All,
Whilst on the subject, I've just yesterday finished my Staffordshire hoard Seax, and accompanying scabbard from Bjärs 17.
The blade is by Greg (Thorkil) and the hilt and scabbard are by me. I fell in love with these Seax fittings when I saw them in the Birmingham museum when they first went on display, I knew immediately that I must have them. That was even before they had discovered that there was other fittings including the little pommel.
So I decided to knock them up to compliment Gregs lovely blade, Its the one on his website.
The scabbard is from the Swedish, Bjärs 17 grave, I thought this type of scabbard suited the hilt as the Bjärs 17 Seax hilt arrangement is similar, although less ornate.
This piece was originally going to be commissioned from Dave Roper of Ganderwick creations and my group colleague, However I am a Skinflint Yorkshireman, and it pained me to consider parting with cash, so I decided to make them myself.
1st attempt at Cloisonne, (But not my last)
I surprised myself a little.
I think the important and worthwhile thing here, and I think this goes for all of us, is, that if you want to try and create something badly enough, if you rise to the challenge, it is the blend of skill and patience that result in something you are happy with. I am certainly happy with my result and will be giving it its first outing in a couple of weeks.
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Randy W
Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 3:58 pm Post subject: |
Wow .... that is stunning, the detail is unbelievable. Thank you for sharing
Randy Westgate
Doug Lester
Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 4:23 pm Post subject: |
I love the way that you worked the knot in the wood into the handle. The artwork on both the handle fitting and the scabbard are outstanding. You deffinantly did that blade justice.
A. Spanjer

Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 7:07 pm Post subject: |
Absolutely stunning.
How did you shape the garnet?
Na sir 's na seachain an cath.
Gregory J. Liebau
Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 8:24 pm Post subject: |
Holy cow... This is an amazing piece of work. Bravo!
Tim Lison
Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 9:03 pm Post subject: |
WOW! That is HOT! Great work!
Jeremy V. Krause
Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 9:27 pm Post subject: |
WOW, that's astounding! The blade, the handle, the sheath are all spectacular.
Matthew Bunker

Posted: Thu 26 Jan, 2012 11:00 pm Post subject: |
Lovely job, my beardy brother. I think you can be justifiably proud of that one. As good a piece of work as I've seen.
"If a Greek can do it, two Englishman certainly can !"
David Huggins

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 12:25 am Post subject: Seax |
Nice one Bruce ..look forward to seeing it when I get home
and he who stands and sheds blood with us, shall be as a brother.
Paul Mortimer

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 12:32 am Post subject: |
Very seaxy! Great job.
Leo Todeschini
Industry Professional

Tyler Keich
Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 1:47 am Post subject: |
So beautiful!
Paul Holwell
Industry Professional
Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 2:46 am Post subject: Seax |
Wow Bruce, That really is nice. I have held it and have to say i am impressed!!!
Johan Gemvik

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 2:52 am Post subject: |
Most excellent reconstruction of the Bjärs 17 scabbard! The knife is of course excellent and the cloisienne work looks antique even which I like a lot. But I'm awestruck by how well these finds go together.
I also think it's the first time ever anyone in modern times replicates the Bjärs/ Valsgärde type wood & plated scabbards and this looks just so sweet. That red... Spot on.
The only thing I see that differs from the exact scabbard find is the strapping loops, on the wood scabbards they were usually iron omega tuning fork-like loops nailed to the back and protruding through the side plating. But the ones you put on there are the typical style used for scandinavian leather seax scabbards and I heartily approve those as well and not all wooden scabbards have the loops intact anyway so who can say what they were. These are also from seax sceath finds and can be supported by a great number of other finds from the same timeframe and look very pretty.
Very nice indeed! A++ in my book.
I have to ask, are these plates embossed or cast? Is it possible you might sell sets to other craftsmen by any chance as I also wish to make a Bjärs 17 scabbard?
"The Dwarf sees farther than the Giant when he has the giant's shoulder to mount on" -Coleridge
Wilhelm S.

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 7:01 am Post subject: |
That is gorgeous!
Bruce Tordoff
Industry Professional
Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 10:20 am Post subject: Re: Seax |
Paul Holwell wrote: | Wow Bruce, That really is nice. I have held it and have to say i am impressed!!! |
Yes, I get that alot, although usually from women!
Anyway, Hi All,
Wow, I too am stunned, by the generous responses and compliments, only serves to make one more fastidious in ones work in future. To outdo myself every time is my goal. I have those whom I aspire to emulate, but my greatest hurdle is me, in that process, but when I 'pull my finger out' as we say in the UK I am starting to results which I am proud of.
I am fortunate in that I am surrounded by creativity in my group, It is a very nourishing atmosphere to be around.
The grip is Yew, yes I liked the knot in the middle too. I was going to get the bits Gold plated, but A, couldn't afford it and B, wouldn't have time before I need it for Jorvik festival in a couple of weeks.
So thanks guys for the encouragement..
Jean-Carle Hudon
Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 11:59 am Post subject: nice!! |
Yup, that qualifies as a bona fide jaw dropper . Promise us that you won't bury it in the ground somewhere...nor allow anyone to place it on some flaming drakkar.
Bon coeur et bon bras
Nick Bourne

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 12:36 pm Post subject: |
Absolutely amazing work!
As soon as I saw those fittings I new it would only be a matter of time til one of you guys had one!
Bruce Tordoff
Industry Professional
Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 12:39 pm Post subject: Staffs seax |
Nick Bourne wrote: | Absolutely amazing work!
As soon as I saw those fittings I new it would only be a matter of time til one of you guys had one! |
Me too! and I knew it had to be me!!
Michal Plezia
Industry Professional

Posted: Fri 27 Jan, 2012 1:19 pm Post subject: |
Is this a glass enamel?
Your work is absolutely stunning.
Polish Guild of Knifemakers
The sword is a weapon for killing, the art of the sword is the art of killing. No matter what fancy words you use or what titles you put to
it that is the only truth.