David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river Joined: 23 Aug 2003
Posts: 803
Posted: Sun 30 Oct, 2011 5:14 pm Post subject: |
From Culloden: The Swords and the Sorrows, published by the National Trust for Scotland, page #49. Item #1:55, Silver-hilted small-sword (claidheamh cuil).
To summarize the script, the hilt is English and the blade probably German. Overall length is 37 5/8 inch. It is possibly the dress sword of Alexander Irvine of Drum, the 17th Laird. Irvine was present at Culloden, and was eventually tried but was not convicted, and lived at Drum the rest of his life.
Sorry, I have no pics and no further measurements.
David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe
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