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Walter S

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 11:20 am    Post subject: Mount&Blade Computer Game         Reply with quote

Do you know action/RPG Mount&Blade and if so what do you think about it?
I'm most interested to hear what would people who played it prefer to be different in the game.
(Note, its not the game I mentioned Im working on)
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Neil Schiff

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 11:56 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I played it for a couple hours, then got tired of it and gave up (bought it for a ridiculously low price on Steam one weekend, so figured I'd try it out, as it looked cool and got decent reviews). Personally, I had 2 main issues with it:

1. The combat system was cool at first, being more realistic than most, but I quickly figured out that there are really only 2 or 3 basic offensive moves with each weapon. Also, and this was my biggest issue with the combat, you don't get to choose what equipment you use...the game appears to randomly equip you with different equipment each time, which means you could be awesome one fight (with a sword, for instance), but suck on the next one (when you're suddenly stuck being a horse archer).

2. The travel is tedious, and people/things are not always where you are told they are, but there is no easy way to get an updated location. On a related note, it is very difficult to herd the cattle you steal to a specific place.

Overall, I appreciate the game concept, but feel that the execution could have been much better.
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Hisham Gaballa

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 12:20 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I've been playing the game on and off for 4 years. Ironically I lost interest just after the final version was released. I enjoyed the game for a long time, but eventually it got very repetive and the lack of depth (no main quest, simplistic side quests, cardboard cutout NPCs) limited it's replay value, I also never mastered mounted combat. My characters always ended up fighting on foot in full plate armour and great helm, armed with two-handed swords. Overall though, it was a fun game and would recommend it highly. I would wait till the price comes down a bit though.
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Sander Marechal

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 12:44 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

It looks like a fin game, but alas it's Windows only...

Linux geek here
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Scott Hrouda

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 1:01 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I've played it on and off for two years. While any computer game is going to have inherent flaws in the combat system and errors in historical accuracy, this one is by far the best one I've come across.

No magic, no potions and a bunch of ill equipped ruffians can gang up and take down a high level, well equipped PC.

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Dan P

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 2:34 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

My brother plays this, I saw him do some wicked huge battles on open fields between two lines of infantry and cavalry as well as joust one on one with armored knights. Its pretty baller and way more realistic than "World of Warcraft" (although that's not saying very much). If I had a computer newer than this nine year old laptop I might give it a try.
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Walter S

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 3:03 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Dan P wrote:
Its pretty baller and way more realistic than "World of Warcraft" (although that's not saying very much). If I had a computer newer than this nine year old laptop I might give it a try.

I really dislike fantasy with powerful ranged magic attacks. Realistically it would mean downfall of medieval style of war, similar to gunpowder. Well, sometimes it really does that - in many games melee infantry is relegated to doing little more than guarding the overpowered mages.

I like how it is in Lord of the Rings, with battles being won by cold steel instead of fireballs. Even the mage, Gandalf, has a sword - Glamdring :P
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Tom King

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 3:04 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Its the best semi historical game out there. To cut down on boredom export your character, open the file thats created, and set everything to 10 699 and 30. cuts down on the boredom of making a peasant into a knight. Also two words: cheat codes. My favorite part is the "hundred years war" mod. Its a Little glimps of what 100 archers can do to french cavalry Big Grin
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Scott S.

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 3:36 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ah Tom, you beat me to it!

Yes, the "Hundred Years War" mod is well worth downloading. From what I can tell, they did some pretty extensive research with regards to the heraldry and dress. There are many different realistic tabbards, shield designs etc. not to mention just about every Medieval weapon imaginable (most of which were in the original, however.)

One of the best aspects of the mod is you can collect virtual Albions! They, without a doubt, appropriated the images AND names of many of Albion's swords. It's been awhile since I played, so I just fired up the game and looked back at what I had. My virtual collection includes: The Sempach, the Laird, the Ritter, the Castellan, the Caithness, and there's more to be had. Is a virtual Albion collection very satisfying? ...Not so much!

Overall I enjoy M &B's battles much more (visually) since installing the Hundred Years War mod. As a "semi historic game" however, It still doesn't come close to my absolute favorite, Medieval II: Total War. But of course they suit different moods very well.

Right now, I'm gaining a much greater appreciation of the Renaissance while playing Assassin's Creed II. The true and historic database in the game really makes it a keeper!
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Andrew Maxwell

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 4:08 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hi guys,

I've played this game since one of the early betas, and have been quite a fan (I still pull it out and play it occasionally). Just to address a couple of the comments:

Neil Schiff wrote:
1. The combat system was cool at first, being more realistic than most, but I quickly figured out that there are really only 2 or 3 basic offensive moves with each weapon. Also, and this was my biggest issue with the combat, you don't get to choose what equipment you use...the game appears to randomly equip you with different equipment each time, which means you could be awesome one fight (with a sword, for instance), but suck on the next one (when you're suddenly stuck being a horse archer).

I'm guessing you only played the "quick battle" mode and not the full game (or you only fought in tournaments). You absolutely have control over all the equipment you have, and what weapons you use, except in quick battle mode which gives you a random selection.
As far as there being only a couple of moves per weapon- you can thrust, and strike. You choose the line of the strike with the mouse. There aren't any "special" moves, if that is what you were expecting; but generally with a sword you cut or you thrust. Being able to choose any line of attack with the mouse is pretty cool.
Oh, and a horse archer is actually the most powerful troop type to be in the game Wink

2. The travel is tedious, and people/things are not always where you are told they are, but there is no easy way to get an updated location. On a related note, it is very difficult to herd the cattle you steal to a specific place.

It doesn't take very long to cover the entire map, and there are always people to fight or villages to raid on the way Wink
And you can easily find out where people are by asking other people. I never found that hard.
As far as the cattle... that's just a little sidequest, and not one that's important to do anyway, but it can be annoying if you are trying to do it.

Basically, the game is the combat system. It is by far and away the best medieval combat simulator I've ever seen. That's the big plus; the other major ones are:
*There are no fantasy elements.
*All weapons/armour are fairly historical.
*Command system for your troops is failry intuitive and works well.
*You can lead a medieval army from the front, who doesn't love that?

cons (and none of these are hugely significant to me, and are mostly *right*, if you see what I mean):
*Heavy cavalry archers pwn, closely followed by heavy lancers. If you try to set yourself up as something else (especially a foot troop) it ups the difficulty a lot.
*The difficulty curve can be a bit unbalanced- it can be more difficult early on when you have few men and little equipment; once you have full plate of some sort, a heavy barded charger and a lance/longsword/recurved bow (plus fifty men armed likewise) you can steamroll a lot of enemies (especially ones with lots of peasant levies)
*If you are a foot archer, prepare for a world of hurt. Cavalry will mash you.
*Sieges, if you decide to attack, are meat grinders which eat all your men. If you decide to starve out the enemies instead, you generally get the entire enemy army hitting you at once. Neither way is high percentage (sieges being the one time you want a mass of foot archers- both when defending and attacking).
*The game is too "open"- no storyline and no end goal, and you just play until you get sick of it (you could possibly play until you personally controlled every town and city... but it would take forever). This is both the biggest downfall of the game and one of it's strengths, depending on what you like in a game.
*NPCs are cardboard cutouts, as has been mentioned.
*Mini-quests are a bit repetitive and kind of rubbish, though you don't actually have to do them (and generally it's not worthwhile to do them anyway, except to get a bit of cash at the start of the game).

Basically, if you want to play towards some ultimate end goal, it's not the game for you. If you just want to fight in battles as a medieval commander/soldier using an accurate combat system, it's great. Personally I love it, YMMV Happy

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Adam D. Kent-Isaac

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 5:54 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I play it all the time. I've been playing it ever since it came out. I only play the Armed Rebalance mod, which added a billion new armors and weapons and horses, and made the game look better. It didn't really "rebalance" anything, though. It could definitely be improved. There are some annoying bugs - it was created by someone for whom English is a second language, I believe, so there are frequent misspellings and grammatical errors.

Overall though, I'd rather play this game than any strategy game like Warcraft or anything involving fantasy or magic. I like that there's none of that. The combat is a lot of fun. I think I'm at level 28 now; I ride a lot with a long lance. If it ever gets too easy, I just travel with a smaller party and put on weaker armor to handicap myself. The castle sieges are great.

There's no plot or depth to the game at all; it's totally one-dimensional; the quests are repetitive and worthless. But it's the gameplay that keeps me coming back, I guess.

It sure would be nice if someone could make a game like this that had the same gameplay, PLUS a good (preferably historical) story and deep characters. The Hundred Years' War would be a great setting. I wish a professional developer with way more money and ambition would make an improved version of Mount & Blade.

Pastime With Good Company
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Lucas LaVoy

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 8:33 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Adam, funny you should mention the Hundred Years War:
"Somewhere in la Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing."
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Adam D. Kent-Isaac

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PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2010 9:13 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Oh, I've played it. It was OK, though I think Armed Rebalance is better for the sheer variety of new items. As I said, I would be really and truly thrilled if someone with more money and resources was to make a historically-accurate improvement on the game.

One thing that drives me crazy - there are no reins on the horses, no tack at all except for a saddle. No idea how the rider steers the horse. You forget about this very easily in terms of gameplay mechanics - the controls are simple - but within the world of the game, it looks silly.

Pastime With Good Company
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Marko Susimetsa

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PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2010 12:33 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I've heard about the game and I've planned to try it out for a long time, but never have I had the time to do so yet. Given all the positive reviews out there, I should really get to it soon...ish...
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Artis Aboltins

PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2010 2:52 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Remember, they put out a "Mount & Blade: Warband" expansion not so long ago that adresses some of the problems, and also lets you fight in multiplayer battles with other people. And allows you to become a king eventually if you are persistant enough.
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Sam Gordon Campbell

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PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2010 3:19 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Well, I've got Vanilla Mount&Blade (save some graphical mods to improve original games look).
Got Lords&Realms mod which is pretty sweet.
But I recently got Mount&Blade: Warband, and I can safely say they've improved almost everything, and made the weapons and armour and cultures, heck even the respective roles of women and diplomacy probably as accurate as they're going to get in and Medieval 'Reality' type game.
Go out and get if if you can! Laughing Out Loud
Also plate armour in Warbands looks a whole lot better...

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Keith Staton

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PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2010 6:55 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ive got Warband and like it. I thought I was pretty good at it until one afternoon when my 16 yr old cousin Kyle came by and sat down to tackle it. What an eye opener! In less than an hour he had built up a respectable force and was taking on anything that came along. No cheats, just good honest hacking and slashing. Made me feel very old hahaha.

The best thing abt the game was that it caused him to become hungry for some real history and he has been caught here looking around and actually learning some useful things theyll never teach him in high school.

The only thing that disappoints me about computer games like Mount and Blade is that inevitably they have some unrealistic physical limit imposed because the programmer didnt think of it. In this one, you can suit up, fight on foot or get on a horse and do the same, but you come to a perfectly good viking ship and cant use it, cant sail it, cant crash in thru the surf with it and wreak havoc, cant do anything but look at it. Oh well,

.... waiting for Robin Hood lol
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Greg Coffman

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PostPosted: Tue 18 May, 2010 7:26 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I really like the idea of a historical medieval game with the gameplay focused around combat in much the same way as a tactical shooter. Mount&Blade was the first game I've seen that does that. However, the combat system I found to be very frustrating because it wasn't modeled on how people actually fight.

1) Combat shouldn't be based on hit points where I have to hit a guy five times to drop him. Either I hit a guy enough to hurt him and he's hurt, incapacitated, or dead, or I didn't hit him.
2) Weapons cover too. If me and my opponent cut at the same time so that our weapons intersect, that should protect us. From there we can make additional, maybe even the same attacks. Oh, and I can keep my shield in front of me and cut at the same time.
3) If I'm being rushed on foot by 20 guys, they can't all be hitting me at once. They can't all stack up in a small crowd and be able to swing their weapons.
4) Polearms should be able to really knock people down and off horses.

There's more than that but that's a start. Generally I thought the mounted combat was excellent but the ground combat wasn't.

I like the idea from shooters that even a newbie can take down a veteran player even though one has the basic armament and the other has all the advanced stuff because it is all skill based.

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Jaroslav Kravcak

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PostPosted: Thu 20 May, 2010 5:18 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

It would really be great if developers of this listened more to people that have practical experience of medieval reenactment not just theoretical historians. Happy

As it was said some aspects of real life combat they cant even think of and absolutely many interesting additions would be made if someone competent contributed and made some suggestions. Wink
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Marcos Cantu

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PostPosted: Thu 20 May, 2010 5:38 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

if any of you play Rome Total War, i am one of the developers for the Rome Total Realism (RTR) mod. i would love to get some critical input as to what we could do better. our forum is here... and the latest release is Fate of Empires
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