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R D Moore

Posted: Tue 14 Sep, 2010 7:23 pm Post subject: Show Us Your Baskethilts |
I don'y have any, but I'd like to see yours. Post some pics?
"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation" ...Gen. Douglas Macarthur
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

William Goodwin

Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 2:43 am Post subject: |
ok here goes
Roanoke Sword Guilde
"I was born for this" - Joan of Arc
Stephen Wheatley
Location: DORSET ENGLAND Joined: 15 Nov 2008
Posts: 93
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 3:37 am Post subject: |
Here are some I've been working on - lots to be done yet but I'm only after a 'munition quality' type!
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Stephen Wheatley
Chris Goerner

Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 3:39 am Post subject: |
Here's my ElJay basket with my targe and a Vince Evans dirk.
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Sic Semper Tyranus
Henrik Bjoern Boegh

Location: Agder, Norway Joined: 03 Mar 2004
Posts: 386
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 4:22 am Post subject: |
My two beak nosed ribbon hilts.
Left hand is made by Eljay with a John Lundemo blade. The sword is based on the sword that's at display in the National Museum of Scotland, also seen in the Wallace book. Right hand Donnie Shearer with Del Tin blade. This one has seen some battle in my hand
Constant and true.
Henrik Bjoern Boegh

Location: Agder, Norway Joined: 03 Mar 2004
Posts: 386
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 4:27 am Post subject: |
Stephen Wheatley wrote: | Here are some I've been working on - lots to be done yet but I'm only after a 'munition quality' type! |
Very nice. I like the rough munition grade look. What regiment do you reenact with?
And who has made these?
Constant and true.
Jonathan Hopkins
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 6:46 am Post subject: |
My favorite 18th century sword in my collection, an English dragoon's basket hilt of Mazansky type G16, c.1750:
Roger Hooper

Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 9:01 am Post subject: |
Here are 3 baskethilts
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ElJay English baskethilt
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Del Tin DT5173 Schiavona
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Arms & Armor quarter basket with pierced side-ring plates
Stephen Wheatley
Location: DORSET ENGLAND Joined: 15 Nov 2008
Posts: 93
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 9:13 am Post subject: Thanks Henrik - love the ribbon hilts |
Tak tak Henrik - I make them myself - I have a few in various stages of making, none finished as yet. I'm not a re-enactor so they'll all be sharp when they go up on my wall! You look like your area of interest is the '45 - lovely weapons, although I like the simpler English stuff of 100 years earlier, (Swedish and Dutch too for that matter, all good simple protestant functionality!).
See you're in S Norway, great place - jeg var fem wintra i Troms og Hardanger - up the jokull med vor fallskirmregiment i 80arene although as you can see I never got the chance to learn Norse properly - think in Saxon and alter the words a bit and we could just about make sense of a newspaper!
Do you reenact as a Jacobite? How about Sinclair hilts - remember seeing a few of those in Oslo once. Would gladly go back to Norway; much nicer than where we get sent these days.
Best wishes fra din Engelske vennar![/quote]
Stephen Wheatley
Henrik Bjoern Boegh

Location: Agder, Norway Joined: 03 Mar 2004
Posts: 386
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 9:42 am Post subject: Re: Thanks Henrik - love the ribbon hilts |
Stephen Wheatley wrote: | Tak tak Henrik - I make them myself - I have a few in various stages of making, none finished as yet. I'm not a re-enactor so they'll all be sharp when they go up on my wall! You look like your area of interest is the '45 - lovely weapons, although I like the simpler English stuff of 100 years earlier, (Swedish and Dutch too for that matter, all good simple protestant functionality!).
See you're in S Norway, great place - jeg var fem wintra i Troms og Hardanger - up the jokull med vor fallskirmregiment i 80arene although as you can see I never got the chance to learn Norse properly - think in Saxon and alter the words a bit and we could just about make sense of a newspaper!
Do you reenact as a Jacobite? How about Sinclair hilts - remember seeing a few of those in Oslo once. Would gladly go back to Norway; much nicer than where we get sent these days.
Best wishes fra din Engelske vennar! | [/quote]
Really!? They look like they will turn out very nicely. There are too few people thinking out of the box and making those types of baskets. Good on ye! Make sure you let me see how they turn out when you're done :-)
I'm in the process of converting a simple conventianal Scottish basket hilt at the moment into something a bit more spanking and adding a rayskin covered handle. A really fun project. Alongside making dirks for my reenactment mates.
Yes, I reenact the '45 rising in the UK. So I go over for a few events every year. Can't find a reason for reenacting the Jacobite stuff here. After all, only David Lord Ogilvie only came to Bergen and got arrested.
It's actually not bad Scandinavian you've written there.
Sorry, but I mistook you for a reenactor because of the first picture. It just looked like used Civil War gear
Constant and true.
David Wilson

Location: In a van down by the river Joined: 23 Aug 2003
Posts: 803
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 1:31 pm Post subject: |
Okay... I like to share the joy.....
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David K. Wilson, Jr.
Laird of Glencoe
Now available on Amazon: Franklin Posner's "Suburban Vampire: A Tale of the Human Condition -- With Vampires"
Kirk Lee Spencer

Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 2:49 pm Post subject: |
Great looking baskets!
Here is the only Baskethilt I have.
It is a hybrid with a Cold Steel Scottish Basket and a MRL Cutlass Blade.
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Two swords
Lit in Eden’s flame
One of iron and one of ink
To place within a bloody hand
One of God or one of man
Our souls to one of
Two eternities
Karl Knisley
Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 5:18 pm Post subject: |
My ArmArt/Darkwood Armory,walloon.And my Cervenka/ATRim, shell guard saber.I`am not sure if the saber would fit the baskethilt catagory though.But it was in the pic:-)
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Jim S.

Posted: Wed 15 Sep, 2010 6:46 pm Post subject: |
My Precious !! Darkwood Armory Early English Baskethilt with an Atrim 1211 blade.
Phil Crawley

Location: Auld Reekie- Capital village o'Jockland Joined: 12 Dec 2007
Posts: 42
Marc H

Location: Chilterns UK Joined: 19 Dec 2007
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu 16 Sep, 2010 2:11 am Post subject: |
I dunno Phil I reckon a man of your build could carry off pink =o) .....I know, stop mucking about on forums and get the hat finished...I'm going, I'm going.
Henrik Bjoern Boegh

Location: Agder, Norway Joined: 03 Mar 2004
Posts: 386
Posted: Thu 16 Sep, 2010 5:01 am Post subject: |
Phil Crawley wrote: | Darkwood Armory baskethilt and pommel with Atrim blade, with Matt Bunker leatherwork- it's lot less pink in real life!] |
Hmmmm..... That's the strangest dyed leather I've seen with such a masculin weapon. What had you drunk when you ordered this?
I really like the hilt. Do you use this with your Border Reiver stuff?
David, you should really bring those swords out in the sun for a photoshoot. I feel I'm missing so many lovely details in your beautyful collection...
Kirk, that Sinclair hanger looks interesting and to me it is a basket hilt. Who made it?
Constant and true.
Phil Crawley

Location: Auld Reekie- Capital village o'Jockland Joined: 12 Dec 2007
Posts: 42
Posted: Thu 16 Sep, 2010 6:40 am Post subject: |
Henrik Bjoern Boegh wrote: | Phil Crawley wrote: | Darkwood Armory baskethilt and pommel with Atrim blade, with Matt Bunker leatherwork- it's lot less pink in real life!] |
Hmmmm..... That's the strangest dyed leather I've seen with such a masculin weapon. What had you drunk when you ordered this?
I really like the hilt. Do you use this with your Border Reiver stuff? |
It's lot redder in real life, and ,yep, it's for doing reiver stuff with, used with a targe it makes a very nice combination.
-- Angels also carry weapons --
Luka Borscak

Posted: Thu 16 Sep, 2010 1:41 pm Post subject: |
Here is my, I would say, like Stephen, "munition quality" custom early ribbon baskethilt on a Windlass Sword of Granson blade: