Tomasz Nowak

Location: Regensburg, Germany Joined: 19 Jan 2004
Posts: 15
Posted: Fri 10 Jul, 2009 1:39 pm Post subject: 14th/15th cent. daggers with octagonal grips |
Hi guys,
some time ago I saw a picture (canīt really remember, where) of a late medieval, single-edged dagger with a curiously shaped grip: concave from top to bottom (= blade), and octagonal in section. As far as I remember, the specimen was dated to the last quarter of the 14tthcent., and was said to stem from Switzerland - but this is only from my memory.
Now that I got a nice blade, I want to try to make such a grip, but first need to know, how such a dagger would really look like, and if this was really a original piece and not one made just 100 years ago.
Has anyone of you seen such a dagger / knife and can maybe post some ppictureshere? I would be much thankful :-)
Tomasz Nowak
Evocatio Ratisbonensis 1470