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Roger Hooper

Posted: Wed 30 Dec, 2009 3:20 pm Post subject: What's on Your List for 2010? |
What bits of arms and armor are on you list to acquire next year?
I usually have a list - sometimes i actually buy something on it. Often, I end up getting instead something that just jumps out at me and the impulse to get is is too strong to resist.
Right now the list is only 2 items long.
1st - I've intended to get one for years, but this year I think I'll really go for one of Neil Burridge's beautiful Bronze Age swords - the Ewart Park, the Limehouse, or the Witham.
2nd - I'm on Eljay's list for sometime in his 2010-2011 work year. If I'm lucky, that means next September. I'm not yet sure what that sword will be - I need to give him a project that won't waste his talent, so that he can make another wonderful functional work of art. I initially thought it should be a classic Walloon sword, but that may be too close to the sword that A&A made for me this year. I have a few other swords in mind, maybe I should send him photos of a few alternatives and see whcih one interests him the most.
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Neil Burridge's Limehouse sword
Attachment: 40.51 KB

Walloon for Eljay to recreate
Attachment: 20.41 KB

or maybe Eljay should recreate this rapier
Scott Kowalski
Location: Oak Lawn, IL USA Joined: 24 Nov 2006
Posts: 818
Posted: Wed 30 Dec, 2009 4:23 pm Post subject: |
I am hoping to sneak in two custom jobs for FY2010.
The first is an "early" glaive based on a drawing that I found on the 'net.
The second is Type XIV.2 from Records:
If I can get these made I hope that I will be able to get on Michael Pikula's list to have them both made. I know from talking with him that he has been thinking of making a copy of this sword so that would work for both of us.
Other then that I plan on adding to my kit by actually getting a soft kit as well as starting to work on armor. A shield to start with and then possibly a gambeson from Matuls.
I have to say that I really like you options Roger. Any of them would be great swords to own.
Chris Landwehr 10/10/49-1/1/09 My Mom
William C Champlin
Posted: Wed 30 Dec, 2009 9:55 pm Post subject: my list for 2010 |
I'm thinking of an Albion roman sword. An Allectus would be nice, or maybe an Auxilia. I'll start counting my pennies and hoping something might come up in the forums. W
Paul Watson
Location: Upper Hutt, New Zealand Joined: 08 Feb 2006
Posts: 395
Posted: Wed 30 Dec, 2009 10:42 pm Post subject: |
If things go well enough, a Knecht later in the year.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, but that which it protects. (Faramir, The Two Towers)
Sander Marechal

Posted: Wed 30 Dec, 2009 11:57 pm Post subject: |
Basic WMA gear is on my list. A gambeson, leather gloves or gauntlets, a helmet (pigface bascinet with aventail). My girlfriend will need the same gear, plus a steel blunt longsword. We will also need a few more weapons but I don't know which ones yet. Our WMA group does longsword for half the training and a different discipline the other half of the training. That second discipline changes every six months. In January we're doing glima (wrestling) so that doesn't require additional gear, but I don't know what we'll be doing next July.
If there is any money left after this I also want a haubergon.
Augusto Boer Bront
Industry Professional
Location: Cividale del Friuli (UD) Italy Joined: 12 Nov 2009
Posts: 296
Chris Lampe
Location: United States Joined: 07 Mar 2005
Posts: 211
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 5:29 am Post subject: |
I've already got a commission with John Lundemo for a basic, no-frills short-sword and sheath that will be completed in February or March. I hope to commission a duan (short) jian, using a set of 100% historically accurate reproduction fittings I own, later in the year.
If we get a break financially I've got a few production swords on my wish-list and I might pick up one of these:
Albion Reeve
A&A Henry V sword, hollow-ground version
Albion Kingmaker
Albion Thegn
Here is a rough sketch of the duan jian I want to commission. This project excites me the most, by a long-shot.
Matthew Stagmer
Industry Professional
Location: Maryland, USA Joined: 23 Jan 2008
Posts: 493
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 6:23 am Post subject: |
Scott Kowalski wrote: |
The second is Type XIV.2 from Records:
Funney that you would post this sword the day after I started drawing my concept. There was a disscusion on another forum about "historical fantasy" swords and this came up. I hope to make it sometime soon.
Matthew Stagmer
Maker of custom and production weaponry
Chuck Russell

Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 6:50 am Post subject: |
either a springfield 03a3 or garand
Chris Lampe
Location: United States Joined: 07 Mar 2005
Posts: 211
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 7:06 am Post subject: |
Chuck Russell wrote: | either a springfield 03a3 or garand |
Do you plan to purchase thru the CMP? I recently read they were expecting 10's of millions of rounds of .30-06 ammo so it might be a good time to stock up.
I bought a Garand, on the day the Heller case was decided (how's that for a commemorative?), from a private seller but got it at CMP comparable prices. It's an 11/43 Springfield with it's original barrel. It needs new wood and re-parkerizing but it'll still shoot bulls-eyes in a Garand match. I'll include this because I hope to have it restored this year.
You definately won't regret getting a Garand.
Last edited by Chris Lampe on Thu 31 Dec, 2009 8:11 am; edited 1 time in total
Scott Hrouda

Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 7:41 am Post subject: |
I'd like to round out my mid-14th century kit:
Hourglass or Visby gauntlets (SCA legal)
Replace handmade butted aluminum mail with flat ring wedge riveted mail
And if I'm really lucky ... something pointy from Arms & Armour
...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped. - Sir Bedevere
Bryan W.
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 8:03 am Post subject: |
Hopefully a new custom smallsword that A&A is currently making for me! :-D
I think Kevin Cashen has me somewhere on his waiting list too but that thing must be years in length so a hope for 2010 is unlikely.
Marko Susimetsa

Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 8:06 am Post subject: |
I hope to be able to purchase Arms & Armor's Gustav Vasa rapier - I've been eyeing it greedily for a couple of years now and I think I'm reaching my limit of how long I can push this off soon enough.
Tim Lison
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 8:48 am Post subject: |
Mmmm, 2010! My spot in Patrik Barta's line comes up this year. Still haven't decided what to get....
Jeremy V. Krause
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 8:53 am Post subject: |
I am excited for this year as Patrick Barta informed me that my turn should come up around the middle of this year so after four years maybe I will finally receive my commission of XI.5. from Records- this sword I have admired since I began my serious foray into this little hobby..
I am keeping my fingers crossed!
J.E. Sweeney

Location: Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan Joined: 17 Sep 2009
Posts: 24
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 9:07 am Post subject: Falchion by Ben Potter |
I should be receiving a custom Falchion by Ben Potter in early January. Here is a picture of the finished hilt
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Joe Fults
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 9:15 am Post subject: |
Nothing really planned for 2010 per say. Suspect I'll end up with some armo kit that could have been slotted in 2009 but got pushed for some health reasons on my part. Other than that the plan right now seems to be coming down to watching the classifieds here.
"The goal shouldn’t be to avoid being evil; it should be to actively do good." - Danah Boyd
Luke Zechman
Location: Lock Haven Pennsylvania Joined: 18 Jan 2009
Posts: 278
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 1:26 pm Post subject: |
1. Right now I have an unfinished Neil Burridge Ewart Park blade on it's way somewhere in postage land. Plan to hilt it and build a scabbard.
2. Plan to have something made, but not sure what yet. Was thinking a pugio blade from Mark Morrow that I will finish with a hilt. Was throwing around the idea of a Dacian falx blade too (very recently became very interested in them). Originally wanted a falcata, but I think due to the complexity of the fullers and shape I will not be able to afford that this year.
3. Would love to get my hands on one of either of the following... A M1888 Italian Infantry Saber, or a Milsco / Hemburg M1917 Cutlass. Might just break and get the Cold Steel model since then I will not mind running it through the paces.
4. Finally I would like to get my hands on the Hanwei Tinker Norman sword blade. If I cannot find a bare blade I will be doing a custom grip wrap and scabbard.
J.T. Aliaga
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 3:44 pm Post subject: |
1. Need a backsword blade for my Del Tin 2159 hilt. Probably go with John Lundemo.
2. A&A Saxon Military Sword
3. A custom sidesword, assuming i have any money left after getting the above 2.
JG Elmslie
Industry Professional
Posted: Thu 31 Dec, 2009 3:49 pm Post subject: |
In terms of things to acquire next year, I suspect my target goals are a bit wrong...
given it the moment the list comprises of chunks of brass and steel, some worm gears and few pinion shafts a load of screws, and building a milling head conversion setup for a lathe to improve the quality of my fullering, and a batch of steel bar stock, some bolts, and a big hefty motor to make a nice, fat 4-inch wide belt grinder.
as for what to make with those... well, we'll see how that goes.
and I think I could do with better heating outside. it's freeeeeeeeeeezing out there.
which is why I'm in on the computer with 12 mins to go to hogmanay. I may be mad, but I'm not stupid.
anyhow, happy new year, the lot of you.