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Angus Trim

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PostPosted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 10:06 am    Post subject: Christian Fletcher and AT in 2007         Reply with quote

In 2006, it became apparent that one person could not handle the retailing even of a small sword manufacturing operation. Particularly when it comes to backorder/preorders.......

I've worked with Christian Fletcher and his wife for seven or eight years, and they're well setup to do that kind of thing, keep track of retailing preordered/ backordered swords........ so in 2007 and onwards, Christian Fletcher is the place to go if you wish to order an AT sword not in stock.......

I intend to sell stock from here, but anything that isn't in stock, or normally stocked needs to be ordered from Christian Fletcher..........

Another change will be that Christian Fletcher will be making the handles, wraps, etc for the swords that are ordered thru him, and handling the scabbards of same....... this will also help my situation, since keeping up with the components needed for sword orders was a real issue last year...........

Early next week, I will start the "stock" sales here, with six "standard" Gus swords........ The tactical lineup is already handled that way........

swords are fun
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Glen A Cleeton

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PostPosted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 12:13 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hi Gus,

Just for clarification; Will you be listing in stock items on forums, or either of these two sites?

Your swords do come up in discussion and it is helpful to know which direction to send folk that are interested.

Cheers and best wishes for a prosperous new year

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Angus Trim

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PostPosted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 12:20 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Glen A Cleeton wrote:
Hi Gus,

Just for clarification; Will you be listing in stock items on forums, or either of these two sites?

Your swords do come up in discussion and it is helpful to know which direction to send folk that are interested.

Cheers and best wishes for a prosperous new year


Hi Glen

It'll be a few days before its accomplished, but the site will be the one with stuff in stock. That'll be the site that will be updated frequently. This site will be strictly for what's in stock, be it the regular line, the tactical, or the permanently assembled {still haven't decided on a name}.......

The angustrimdirect one will be the permanent catalogue.......

Wouldn't surprise me if it takes until mid-February to get it all accomplished..........

swords are fun
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Jean Thibodeau

PostPosted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 3:38 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Seems a bit like the way swords were put together historically !? A maker of blades selling his blades or in partnership with one or more hilt makers and scabbard makers. ( The exact relationship I'm vague about. )

On the practical level being able to concentrate on " grinding (pun) things out rather than a lot of bookkeeping seems more efficient and something you probably don't enjoy much. Wink

Still being able to order directly what is in stock is both good for you: Keeping things simple not having to keep track of what estimated delivery time was promised. And good for the customer not having to wait more than shipping and processing time.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the tactical line like the tactical falchion and basilard, not to mention any new warswords.

Also, Christian seems to have a very reliable and dependable level of customer service and that is always a positive.

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Kenton Spaulding

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PostPosted: Sun 07 Jan, 2007 3:43 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Hey Angus, thank you for your excellent communication. I hope this new partnership proves efficient and beneficial to both yourself, and Mr. Fletcher.

Best of luck
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Jonathan K

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PostPosted: Sat 20 Jan, 2007 11:48 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote


Any idea on what the cut items are going to be as yet? I've been hoping to get the funds together for an AT1592, and don't want to get my hopes up if it's one that's up for the axe.


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Angus Trim

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PostPosted: Sat 20 Jan, 2007 11:58 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Jonathan K wrote:

Any idea on what the cut items are going to be as yet? I've been hoping to get the funds together for an AT1592, and don't want to get my hopes up if it's one that's up for the axe.



Hi Jonathon

Well, you could say the 1592 was axed, or you could say its in the redesign phase. I decided that as its been since the beginning wasn't good enough. The 1591 is a more rigid sword, so for the last few months, when I could, I talked folks into moving over to that sword...... even though it doesn't have the fuller aesthetic. The 1591 is a better sword, if all we're concerned with is function......

The 1592 is going to be "reintroduced" as a sword out of the thicker material. More rigid, more durable, better cutting, and livelier while becoming a little heavier and maintaining the fuller aesthetic.......

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Jonathan K

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PostPosted: Sat 20 Jan, 2007 12:11 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote


Thanks for the communication.

I'll keep an eye out for the redesigned version then--Your reputation really precedes you on the "performance" aspect of your swords, so if you say there's a better-feeling version on the way, I'll wait it out.

In the meantime, I'm saving my pennies.

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George Hill

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PostPosted: Mon 22 Jan, 2007 11:04 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Angus, on the subject of your catalog, I would like to make a suggestion.

Now, I do not mean to be the least bit offensive... but... You would really benefit by using a better camera.

The photos you use do not fully reveal the quality of the work. They are not a high enough resolution. The pictures taken by Michael Edelson in his various reviews are exquisite, and using photos as lovely as those would surely be a benefit to your catalog.

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