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P Ballou

Location: N California
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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 12:21 pm    Post subject: Discerner follows me home (photos)         Reply with quote

Hi all. Look what followed me home! To me, the most surprising thing is how light and maneuverable this sword feels, given its substantial appearance. I know there are several posts already with excellent photos of this gem (I drooled over them for weeks until mine arrived), so I'll try to add a few that are a little different. I couldn't help including one of me doing my best Jim Lindsey imitation.

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Nathan Robinson
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myArmoury Admin

PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 1:18 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Your photo quality is excellent as is your Jim Lindsey impression.


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Joel Chesser

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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 2:15 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Congrats! I have always really loved that sword. Big Grin
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Michal Plezia
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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 3:27 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

The sword looks great!Is it sharp?

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Steve Grisetti

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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 4:12 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Congratulations! Your Discerner seems lovely. Somehow, I always had the impression that the Discerner was purely a single-hand sword, but plainly it is not.
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Patrick Kelly

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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 4:14 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Congratulations P. and welcome!
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P Ballou

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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 5:21 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Michal Plezia wrote:
The sword looks great!Is it sharp?

I'd say it is sharp - not razor sharp like my Japanese veggie knives, but enough to be dangerous if one is careless.

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Chris Lampe

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PostPosted: Sun 12 Nov, 2006 7:09 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

"Behold......The sword of power!!


Forged when the world was young and bird and beast and flower were one with man...and death was but a dream"

---Merlin the magician---

That is a beautiful sword you have there!
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Shawn Shaw

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PostPosted: Mon 13 Nov, 2006 8:27 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Chris Lampe wrote:
"Behold......The sword of power!!


Forged when the world was young and bird and beast and flower were one with man...and death was but a dream"

---Merlin the magician---

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed some similarities... :-)

Nice sword!
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Steve Grisetti

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 11:29 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Shawn Shaw wrote:
Chris Lampe wrote:
"Behold......The sword of power!!


Forged when the world was young and bird and beast and flower were one with man...and death was but a dream"

---Merlin the magician---

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed some similarities... :-)

Nice sword!

Well, we DO know that Albion was NOT copying any "Excalibur" conceptions out there. Albion's Discerner is a recreation of a historic sword from the Lindsay family. Please refer to this group of articles on the Discerner. Now, as to the source of inspiration for the similar-looking "Excalibur", I leave that to others to guess ....

"...dismount thy tuck, be yare in thy preparation, for thy assailant is quick, skilful, and deadly."
- Sir Toby Belch
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Chris Lampe

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 3:41 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Steve Grisetti wrote:
Shawn Shaw wrote:
Chris Lampe wrote:
"Behold......The sword of power!!


Forged when the world was young and bird and beast and flower were one with man...and death was but a dream"

---Merlin the magician---

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed some similarities... :-)

Nice sword!

Well, we DO know that Albion was NOT copying any "Excalibur" conceptions out there. Albion's Discerner is a recreation of a historic sword from the Lindsay family. Please refer to this group of articles on the Discerner. Now, as to the source of inspiration for the similar-looking "Excalibur", I leave that to others to guess ....

I'm glad you made that point. I figured that most people who hang out here and who would read this thread would have already read the story behind "Discerner". As a result, I didn't stop to think that someone not familiar with the story might think Albion copied the sword from the movie. Thanks for posting the link so there is no confusion as to the origins of the design.
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Alex Oster

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 5:27 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Here i thought it was a referance to the hair cut......

More discerner talk! I need to feed my fix.... because i dont have mine yet! Worried

congragulations... i very, very, very, jelous. Did you get the scabbard for it as well? I remember them talking about making one... never saw pictures though. In fact the limmited edition just sort of vanished one day, and nar a review or photo to be found...

The pen is mightier than the sword, especially since it can get past security and be stabbed it into a jugular.
This site would be better if everytime I clicked submit... I got to hear a whip crack!
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P Ballou

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 5:39 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

The similarity between the swords in the 1981 film, Excalibur, and Jim Lindsey's family heirloom, the Discerner, is indeed provocative. While it could be entirely coincidental, I find this hard to accept completely. More likely, I think there must be a copy of Lindsey's missing painting in some obscure publication seen by the filmmakers. I keep hoping I will come across it by accident as I browse through the multitudes of books on medieval art and armory. Now that would be something!

For me this mystery adds an extra dimension to the Discerner, which is one of the reasons I purchased it.

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Chris Lampe

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 6:07 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

P Ballou wrote:
The similarity between the swords in the 1981 film, Excalibur, and Jim Lindsey's family heirloom, the Discerner, is indeed provocative. While it could be entirely coincidental, I find this hard to accept completely. More likely, I think there must be a copy of Lindsey's missing painting in some obscure publication seen by the filmmakers. I keep hoping I will come across it by accident as I browse through the multitudes of books on medieval art and armory. Now that would be something!

For me this mystery adds an extra dimension to the Discerner, which is one of the reasons I purchased it.


In the director's commentary on the Excablibur DVD, John Boorman states that the sword was made for him by Wilkinson Sword and that he has it and the Holy Grail prop on his mantle piece. I wonder if anyone has contacted him or Wilkinson sword about the design.

Edited to add that I went back and re-read the article and Wilkinson was asked but no new information was uncovered.

Last edited by Chris Lampe on Tue 14 Nov, 2006 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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David Martin

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 6:09 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

That is an absolutely beautiful weapon. Thank you for sharing your photos and congratulations on a fine purchase!
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P Ballou

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PostPosted: Tue 14 Nov, 2006 8:07 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Alex Oster wrote:
More discerner talk! I need to feed my fix.... because i dont have mine yet! Worried

Alex, it was in an earlier post between Bob Burns and yourself that I learned that Ryan at Kult of Athena had one in stock. Thanks for the tip! Not only was his price a little lower than Albion's, shipping is free in the US. Fortunately, he was willing to part with it, although I am not so sure about the next one that comes his way.

I've been studying the posts that discuss making scabbards with great interest. I'm inclined to take a whack at doing one myself, that is, after I finish my current project, making a set of speaker cables by braiding together 27 CAT5 wires (per cable). While braiding away in the garage, I am reminded of the Discerner Limited Edition, with its braided sterling silver wire wrapping the grip. I understand now that its higher cost is justified, just from the labor.

Even so, I think I prefer the dual twisted pairs on the Special Edition - they seem smoother and less reflective, at least in the photos I've seen. And the silicon bronze fittings contrast nicely to the steel blade and silver grip. In my photos, you can detect the faintly pinkish tint of the pommel insert. I doubt if the gold plating of the Limited could add much in terms of aesthetics.


Last edited by P Ballou on Wed 15 Nov, 2006 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Alex Oster

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PostPosted: Wed 15 Nov, 2006 12:13 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ahhhhh...... that would explain the reply I got today saying they didnt have one in stock anymore....

Honestly though, I get mixed feelings about the two releases. Since I don't find any avalibility on the expensive edition, I get hte feeling they abandoned the idea. I never saw any reports of customers getting any, and the closeness between the date of avalibility vs. the time of vanishing avalibility to order, made me feel the same. Honestly though, I really wanted the special edition, though more expensive, i liked the idea of a scabbard included, for it made the price more acceptable. However, I was afraid of it being too flashy as well. The stated on the website that each of them would be numbered, but now I hear they are not. so I, again, feel the projects releases have changed a bit from initial conception. No complaints, but i just wish i could have afforded to get this back in the initial stages.

I have a few of my swords for sale, and have even considered just outright getting a loan before this edition is gone as well. Cry

I would agree though, if it was sharp, Kult of athena would save you almost $100. $25 cheeper to begin with, $50 in shipping, and $25 in sharpening... I almost feel bad talking to mike about getting one soon. The only thing would be stock status and a payment plan at this point..... Kind of makes me feel bad.

The pen is mightier than the sword, especially since it can get past security and be stabbed it into a jugular.
This site would be better if everytime I clicked submit... I got to hear a whip crack!
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P Ballou

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PostPosted: Wed 15 Nov, 2006 9:57 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Alex Oster wrote:
I almost feel bad talking to mike about getting one soon. The only thing would be stock status and a payment plan at this point..... Kind of makes me feel bad.

Albion's payment plan seems to be a good program. It gets your sword reserved but lets you take delivery later after progress payments are made. But it requires more patience than I was able to muster.

It would be interesting to know if all the 100 Limited Editions were built. I had no reason to think otherwise until you brought it up, but the lack of reviews does seem odd. With the Special being "limited" to 1000 copies, I think it will take quite some time to sell out, considering the cost. I don't think you will lose your chance any time soon.

I too was a little confused about the numbering of the swords based on their printed catalog vs. what is online. In the end, the Discerner Sp Ed is not numbered.

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Jim Lindsey

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PostPosted: Sat 23 Jan, 2010 6:04 pm    Post subject: A very belated congratulations to P. Ballou         Reply with quote

Hi, P. Ballou ... I know this is very "after the fact" (I've been absent from the internet for a very long time), but please let me offer a belated congrats to you on your acquisition of Discerner. I hope it is still as precious today as it was when you received it. Albion really does fine work.

I was away from the internet for a very long time due to limited monies (paying extremely large medical bills after a pretty severe accident), so I had to cut corners in every direction including getting rid of my internet, but I'm back online and it feels good to be "in touch with the rest of the world" again. I've been off the internet for so long I was really surprised to find my account still active here when I logged in a few moments ago.

I saw a lot of interesting questions in this thread and I don't know if they've been answered or not. Even though it's four years later, if anyone is still curious, I would be happy to answer those questions as best I can.

Again, congratulations (late as they may be) on your acquisition of Discerner.

"And so it shall be that in the days of peace, one sword shall keep another in its scabbard."

Have a great day ! Best Regards,
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M. Eversberg II

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PostPosted: Sat 23 Jan, 2010 8:37 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Welcome back Happy


This space for rent or lease.
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