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W. Schütz
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PostPosted: Fri 30 Dec, 2005 12:36 pm    Post subject: You know that you´ve been into armour for too long when you:         Reply with quote

These lists are fun..
(excuse my spelling, im tired, and from Sweden!)

You know that you´ve been into armour for too long;

When at the restaurant you ask "if the 'Main Salad' is raised from one piece?"
When you see a beautiful woman in a corset but all you think of is a plackart.
When you start to feel scorn towards stainless steel, in general, not just when armour is made from it.
When you laugh at todays clothing and their lack of absorption from sword-blows.
When 'mail' is no longer letters on your doorstep..
When you start to spell "e-mail", "e-maille".
When you walk down to the store and feel the awkward emptiness of not having a weapon by your side.
When getting beaten with a rattan-pole for two hours are synonymous to "a good time".
When the smell of oil, metal and leather is the smell of home.
When a historical timeline is sorted not by decades but by armour-designs.
When you know more about the fashion in 1405 then in 2005.

Cant think of any more for now..but join in and share your thoughts and continue the list..;)

Gentes scitote,
vicine sive remote,
quod claret Suecia
plebeque militia.
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Fri 30 Dec, 2005 7:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When you put on your Gambison to take a nap OFTEN. Razz
When a backpack full of groceries feels so light you hardly notice.

You can easily give up your freedom. You have to fight hard to get it back!
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Eric Nower

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 7:03 am    Post subject: Re: You know that you´ve been into armour for to long when y         Reply with quote

W. Stilleborn wrote:

When you walk down to the store and feel the awkward emptiness of not having a weapon by your side.
When the smell of oil, metal and leather is the smell of home.
When a historical timeline is sorted not by decades but by armour-designs.
When you know more about the fashion in 1405 then in 2005.

I think I qualify in these.... Eek! WTF?! Laughing Out Loud

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Helen Miller

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 11:26 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

LOL! Some of these are really good.
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C. Stackhouse

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 11:29 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When you accidently walk in to your office wearing pauldrons.
When you look at a VW bug and think "Heh, I can take it."
When buying a car you reprimand the the manufacturers for making so many chinks in the body.
When you attend Pennsic Razz
When in a physical confrontation you yell "Squire! fetch my cuirass!"
When you tie pots and pans to your legs because you miss the sound of clanking metal.
When you forget how zippers work.
When you wear a kettle hat to the beach.
When you absentmindedly toss a load of chainmaille into the washing machine.
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Helen Miller

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 11:33 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote


When in a physical confrontation you yell "Squire! fetch my cuirass!"
When you tie pots and pans to your legs because you miss the sound of clanking metal.
When you forget how zippers work.
When you wear a kettle hat to the beach.
When you absentmindedly toss a load of chainmaille into the washing machine.

These were great! Laughing Out Loud
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Addison C. de Lisle

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 12:02 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

C. Stackhouse wrote:
When you accidently walk in to your office wearing pauldrons.
When you look at a VW bug and think "Heh, I can take it."
When buying a car you reprimand the the manufacturers for making so many chinks in the body.
When you absentmindedly toss a load of chainmaille into the washing machine.

HAHAHAHA, I love these!

How about when you shop for new clothing in a metal shop?
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Aaron Schnatterly

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 12:15 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

C. Stackhouse wrote:
When you look at a VW bug and think "Heh, I can take it."


When you turn your ballcap around backwards "for better visibility", and for that German Sallet tail feel on your neck.
When, while at the museum IN the armour exhibit and are asked to read the plackard, you closely examine the breastplate for marks or engravings, neglecting the little card beside it.
When shopping for new boots, you consider if they'll fit inside your greaves and sabatons.
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Edward Hitchens

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 1:48 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When suddenly a college marching band uniform is quite light.
When you know someone as 'Sir Edmund of Caddington' but 4 years later, you still don't know his real name.
When a clarinet could somehow double as a javelin or saxophone as a war hammer.
When that small device on your belt is your dagger and not your cell phone.
When your friends say "see you later," and you say "fare thee well."
When you see Obi-Wan's lightsaber and say "that could be a Type XVII."
When you accidentally strike the ceiling fan with your sword and you're more worried about damaging the fan.
When everything you buy online comes from 'Mike' or 'Craig.'
When the only state flag you recognize is Maryland's.
When bread and water really is a meal.
When someone asks you if your sword is real and you respond with "you mean is it functional?"

OK, anyone else? Razz
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C. Stackhouse

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 2:09 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When you try to convince your child's football coach to break up their line with a cavalry charge.
When you start cooking your meals in your old pot helm.
When rust starts to form on your skin.
When you can write some of these jokes out of personal experience.
When you forget to take off your gauntlet before shaking hands with your boss.
When you have to remember to take off your gauntlets before shaking hands with your boss.
When you show up at your friend's wedding in your best, newly polished harness.
When you are dragged out of a movie theatre because you keep telling the guy beside you all of the defensive holes in King Arthurs fighting style.
When you chase a fly around your house, greave in hand.
When you take 9 hours going through the metal detectors at the airport.
When you take 12 hours trying to explain to the customs agents you are on your way to an SCA event.
When you take 34 hours to regain consciousness after you exclaim "I am a knight of the East Kingdom! Have at you!"

Last edited by C. Stackhouse on Sat 31 Dec, 2005 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Aaron Schnatterly

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 3:55 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When THIS is your idea of a "Gothic chick":

Hans Memling, 1474-1479

Hans Memling, 1480
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Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

myArmoury Admin

PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 4:00 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Aaron Schnatterly wrote:
When THIS is your idea of a "Gothic chick":

Or, when this is considered YOUR "Gothic chick":

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Gordon Frye

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 6:36 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Aaron Schnatterly wrote:
When THIS is your idea of a "Gothic chick":
Hans Memling, 1474-1479
Hans Memling, 1480




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Alexander Hinman

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 7:54 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When, on the night before Christmas, visions of Albions dance in your head.
When you want to name your first son Ewart, Hans, Fiore etc. (actually, make that first child)
When you find yourself smirking or laughing at dramatic swordplay.
When you buy a suit a few sizes too large to accomodate a gambeson.
When you have trouble with Roman numerals up to X and after XXII.
When, in your library, you actually have a 'Chivalry Bookshelf'.
When the only German you know is words such as 'oberhau'.
When you find wearing a belt to be instinctive.
When you wear greaves and sabatons to soccer (football) matches.
If you are disappointed when you learn that the bayonet is not a soldier's primary weapon.
When you wonder why people are swimming with cutting targets.
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Sat 31 Dec, 2005 10:33 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When the main reason you worry about gaining weight is that your armour won't fit anymore.
When doing curls at the gym you worry about just exactly how big are the sleeves of your hauberk.
When daydreaming on public transport you go through all the different combinations of armour pieces you could wear from lightly armoured to piling on every piece you could possibly put on at the same time.

You can easily give up your freedom. You have to fight hard to get it back!
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Aaron Schnatterly

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PostPosted: Sun 01 Jan, 2006 6:09 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When one of your checked bags is always a long aluminum case... or two. (this one's fun at the airport!)
When your "first aid" kit contains rivets, buckles, spare leather straps, a small anvil...
When the UPS guy hangs around for you to open the long white box.
When you wander to the football/lacrosse section of the sporting goods store to check out the articulation of athletic protective gear.
When you see the Budweiser Clydesdales, and think they'd be better off in barding than pulling a beer cart.
When your daughter's boyfriend comes over for the first time, and instead of cleaning guns, you're oiling a sword.
When the arms and armour collection gets the master bedroom.
When you head out to the yard, armed and armoured, and the neighbors just wave, completely unphased.
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Elling Polden

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PostPosted: Sun 01 Jan, 2006 6:40 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

-When you instinctively try the balance and swing of every long object in your vicinity.
-when you can be heard discussing hand-stitching with your mates over a beer at the pub.
-You use your helmet when it rains, because it's waterproof.
-Your buy a shock proof cell phone, so you won't have to take it out of your pocket when you fight.
-The most fun part of RPGs is making fun of the weapons list and combat system.

and of course:

When the Zombies first appear, and everyone else runs of in panic, you fall to your knees, raise your hands towards the heavens, and go "YES! YES! YES!!!!!"

"this [fight] looks curious, almost like a game. See, they are looking around them before they fall, to find a dry spot to fall on, or they are falling on their shields. Can you see blood on their cloths and weapons? No. This must be trickery."
-Reidar Sendeman, from King Sverre's Saga, 1201
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Gordon Frye

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PostPosted: Sun 01 Jan, 2006 9:23 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Elling Polden wrote:
-The most fun part of RPGs is making fun of the weapons list and combat system.

I know I've been into weird stuff for too long, since my first reaction was "What do Rocket Propelled Grenades have to do with this? Does he mean an old Soviet RPG-7? WTF?!

..... OH! NOW I understand!" Big Grin



"After God, we owe our victory to our Horses"
Gonsalo Jimenez de Quesada
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W. Schütz
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PostPosted: Sun 01 Jan, 2006 10:43 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

When you vacuum in the Plow-stance
When you see pointy, unlaced womens-shoes and actually consider
wearing them, as a cheap alternative to turn-shoes.
When Vivaldi and Bach is modern music that feels too "new".
When parks and meadows are since long not a place for
rest and recreation but for armoured violence.
When you use the proverb "there is no time like the past".

Gentes scitote,
vicine sive remote,
quod claret Suecia
plebeque militia.
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Addison C. de Lisle

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PostPosted: Sun 01 Jan, 2006 12:46 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Elling Polden wrote:

-The most fun part of RPGs is making fun of the weapons list and combat system.

Do you know exactly how many people play those that think that a sledgehammer has great balance, or that a katana cuts through plate armor and other swords? It drives me nuts...

Aaron wrote:
When the UPS guy hangs around for you to open the long white box.

Now how many of us have had this one happen? Laughing Out Loud
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