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Howard Waddell
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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 6:11 am    Post subject: A Holiday Seasons Greeting from Albion         Reply with quote

All of us at Albion wish all of you -- our friends and customers -- the best of all Holiday Seasons and a happy and fruitful new year!

By way of a holiday card, here is something I posted on our website. I wasn't going to post a link to it here (since it isn't product related), but I got several emails urging me to, so here it is:

Again, best wishes to all and thank you for your support and encouragement. It means a lot to us and helps us keep going.

Warmest regards,

Howy (and Amy and all of the staff)

Albion Swords Ltd
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Thomas McDonald
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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 8:20 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thank you, Howy .... that was truly a touching tale !

Your Dad was quite the man, a hero in every respect !

Merry Christmas to all of you folks at Albion, Mac

P.S. Tell Harlan I need his mailing address !
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Kirk Lee Spencer

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 10:01 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote


Thanks for sharing your life and your enduring interest in the mesmerizing beauty and history of swords.

Also thanks for the nostalgia...

I remember that feeling very well. However for me it was a daisy BB gun.

The Spencer's had the same TV and paneling.

Oh and I had a lot of those long sleeve horizontal striped shirts too.

Take care.


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Lit in Eden’s flame
One of iron and one of ink
To place within a bloody hand
One of God or one of man
Our souls to one of
Two eternities
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Mark Moore

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 10:05 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Best wishes to you and your whole family, Howy. You too, Mac. That story truly brought back memories. Thank you. My otherwise dull holiday demeanor just got a little brighter. Bless you all, and Merry Christmas.........MCM.
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Matt G

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 10:28 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thanks for sharing that Howy!

I wish that I could tell him that he is the real hero of my childhood...

In certain way, I think you just did.

Cheers to your father; a hero many times over and cheers to you for sharing a story that defines what Christmas is all about!

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Edward Hitchens

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 10:40 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thanks for sharing your story Howy! Things like this bring out the Christmas season even more. I can tell that 2005 was a very prosperous year for you and your company. Here's to hoping that '06 will bring you equal fortune! Happy
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Addison C. de Lisle

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 3:09 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Merry Christmas all of you guys! Thanks for making this hobby/obsession so much fun!
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Gordon Clark

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 4:12 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Darn! Howy you are making me cry.

Thanks for that.

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Thomas Bengston

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PostPosted: Sun 18 Dec, 2005 5:14 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thanks Howy,

And a Happy Holidays for everyone in New Glarus...
... it was a fun year and there will be more...

....jag älskar mina svärd...
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Gary Grzybek

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PostPosted: Mon 19 Dec, 2005 5:52 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

What a great story Big Grin

Darn, pass the tissues please Wink

Gary Grzybek
ARMA Northern N.J.
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Joe Yurgil

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PostPosted: Mon 19 Dec, 2005 9:34 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Wow, that really was a great Christmas story. Happy Thank you for sharing that with us.
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Sjá, þar sé ek móður mina ok systur mina ok bróður minn.
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Sjá, kalla þeim tíl min.
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James Holczer

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PostPosted: Mon 19 Dec, 2005 9:43 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thank you Howy for sharing that extremely touching and inspirational story with all of us.

All the best and Happy Holidays
to you and yours. Happy

Jim Holczer
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Steve Grisetti

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PostPosted: Mon 19 Dec, 2005 4:12 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

That was a very touching story, Howy. That Wilkinson represents a lot more than just a sword.
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Bob Burns

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PostPosted: Mon 19 Dec, 2005 7:23 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Dear Howy, Amy and all the Staff,

Thank you so much for being who and what you are, making available to us the finest swords that money can buy. Though I as yet to purchase an Albion, I do have a few of your masterpieces in mind, I think I might be in love with the Thegn, handled it again last weekend! I have the utmost respect and regard for all of you at Albion, your 1st class from start to finish!

Happy Holidays to ALL of You!


Thank you so much for sharing such a heartwarming and personal story, your dad must have been quite a man, God Bless Him.
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Jean Thibodeau

PostPosted: Mon 19 Dec, 2005 8:22 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote


Very nice story and I have to admit that the beginning mentioning all those books and T.V. series or movies we seem to have been exposed ( Contaminated ) to the same virus as I have read and seen most of the same.

T.V. of the 1950 t0 1965 period in my area would show those Errol Flynn films and others later ones like the Charlton Heston films like El Cid or my favourite the War Lord.

Some French historical films on Bertrand Du Guesclin ( So long ago that I barely remember it ) Italian films dubbed in French featuring Cesare Borgia and Catherina Szorsa ( Spelling certainly wrong here ).

Also Mussolini period films about the Roman Punic war against Hannibal and the Roman general Scipio the African.

T,V, programs like Sir Lancelot, Ivanhoe ( A very young Roger Moore ), Robin Hood with Richard Green ( Available now in DVD ), William Tell, The Vikings in French: Thibaud et les Croissades, Thiery La Fronde ( A French Robin hood
" clone " during the 100 years war using a sling as his main weapon. )

Anyway, you got me started on the path of nostalgia: Hope you find this as enjoyable than I found your reminding me of all this good stuff. Gee, you could actually get an education watching T.V. back then or at least enough to get you curious and reading the real history behind some of these shows.

Well, thanks again, and good wishes for the holidays.

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Jonathan Blair

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PostPosted: Tue 20 Dec, 2005 8:16 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - The Lord Jesus Christ, from The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, chapter x, verse 34, Authorized Version of 1611
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Howard Waddell
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PostPosted: Tue 20 Dec, 2005 9:22 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Jean Thibodeau wrote:

Very nice story and I have to admit that the beginning mentioning all those books and T.V. series or movies we seem to have been exposed ( Contaminated ) to the same virus as I have read and seen most of the same.

T.V. of the 1950 t0 1965 period in my area would show those Errol Flynn films and others later ones like the Charlton Heston films like El Cid or my favourite the War Lord.

Some French historical films on Bertrand Du Guesclin ( So long ago that I barely remember it ) Italian films dubbed in French featuring Cesare Borgia and Catherina Szorsa ( Spelling certainly wrong here ).

Also Mussolini period films about the Roman Punic war against Hannibal and the Roman general Scipio the African.

T,V, programs like Sir Lancelot, Ivanhoe ( A very young Roger Moore ), Robin Hood with Richard Green ( Available now in DVD ), William Tell, The Vikings in French: Thibaud et les Croissades, Thiery La Fronde ( A French Robin hood
" clone " during the 100 years war using a sling as his main weapon. )

Anyway, you got me started on the path of nostalgia: Hope you find this as enjoyable than I found your reminding me of all this good stuff. Gee, you could actually get an education watching T.V. back then or at least enough to get you curious and reading the real history behind some of these shows.

Well, thanks again, and good wishes for the holidays.

Right with you, Jean!

As Amy knows well, I will still watch *any* movie or TV show with a sword in it, no matter how bad.

When "Ben Hur" came out in the theaters (1959/60?), my Dad took us to see a Disney film at a double-screen drive in. While everyone else was watching the Disney flick (probably Sleeping Beauty or The Shaggy Dog or something), I was in the way back of the station wagon watching Ben Hur through the rear window with no sound...

Love "The War Lord" -- I was so excited when that finally came out on DVD. I got a chance to see the keep from the Warlord at Universal Studios before the big fire. What a thrill!

One of my favorite Flynn films is "The Warriors" (speaking of Bertrand Du Guesclin) -- I have a lousy copy taped from tv and wish they would come out with it on DVD. (of course, I love all of Errol's swashbucklers -- "The Adventures of Robin Hood," The Sea Hawk," "Captain Blood," "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and even some of the later ones like "Against All Flags...")

"The Knights of the Round Table" and "Ivanhoe" with Robert Taylor... "Spartacus" ... and Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and Ernest Borgnine in The Vikings... Tony Curtis also in "Black Shield of Falworth" (the movie version of Howard Pyle's "Men of Iron.") Even Robert Wagner with his page-boy wig in "Prince Valiant" (at least it had James Mason...) Gregory Peck as "Horatio Hornblower"... "The Fall of the Roman Empire"... and all of those awful gladiator movies, god love 'em...

And ah and on TV, Richard Green as Robin Hood, Guy Williams as Zorro (before Lost in Space), Patrick McGoohan as "The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh" and Leslie Nielsen as "The Swamp Fox" ... Johnny Weissmuller in the "Tarzan" movies and "Jungle Jim"...

It was a far simpler time, when we revered heroes rather than deconstructing/destroying them...

Thanks for the trip in the "way back machine," Jean! Now I need to go home and have a little film festival...

Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year to you and yours,


Albion Swords Ltd
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