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Paul Mortimer

Cameron A
Location: Australia Joined: 25 Sep 2005
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 4:47 am Post subject: |
Thanks for this, I have been looking for a copy of this for ages, I need to submit a few hilts for a custom sword I am getting done up soon.
Edward Hitchens
Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 6:15 am Post subject: |
No English translation, but that's OK; still a fantastic resource. Thanks so much for sharing this Paul!
"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." Thomas Jefferson
Steve Grisetti

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 8:07 am Post subject: |
Whoa! I stepped away to make coffee, and came back to see that I was downloading 118MB. I did not realize that this was Petersen's whole book - cool. Thanks for the link!
"...dismount thy tuck, be yare in thy preparation, for thy assailant is quick, skilful, and deadly."
- Sir Toby Belch
Thomas Jason
Location: New Joisey Joined: 28 Jul 2004
Posts: 230
Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 9:32 am Post subject: |
Does this violate copywrite law?
C.L. Miller
Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 11:05 am Post subject: |
Thank you!
Now if only someone would do the same for Behmer's Das Zweischneidige Schwert der Germanischen Völkerwanderungszeit...
Last edited by C.L. Miller on Sat 03 Dec, 2005 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Patrik Erik Lars Lindblom

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 12:24 pm Post subject: |
C.L. Miller wrote: | Thank you!
Now if only someone would do the same for Behmer's Das Zweuschneidige Schwert der Germanischen Völkerwanderungszeit... |
Is it this one you talk about Drool
Hey! give me an PM if that happens
Frid o Fröjd!
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 3:46 pm Post subject: |
Thomas Jason wrote: | Does this violate copywrite law? |
Typically, yes. But there are conditions to this.
It was originally published in 1919. I'm not aware of any republishing of this work. If that is the case, then it's over 85 years old.
In the US, copyrights extend for 30 years without needing to be renewed. They are extended for another 30 years upon explicit copyright renewal or republishing. I don't know the specifics of copyright law in the country of origin of the publisher or internationally.
I suspect it's expired and now in the public domain.
Regardless, I'm glad Paul pointed this out as I had not yet downloaded it. Thank you, Paul.
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Edward Hitchens
Posted: Sat 03 Dec, 2005 8:24 pm Post subject: |
C.L. Miller wrote: | Thank you!
Now if only someone would do the same for Behmer's Das Zweischneidige Schwert der Germanischen Völkerwanderungszeit... |
... Or, Fiore dei Liberi's Flos Duellatorum.
"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." Thomas Jefferson
Risto Rautiainen
Posted: Sun 04 Dec, 2005 2:22 am Post subject: |
As being from Finland I really would like to get my hands on this: Leppäaho, Jorma, Späteisenzeitliche Waffen aus Finnland: Schwertinschriften und Waffenverzierungen des 9. - 12. Jahrhunderts . It´s only 90 euros here.
Well I could get my lazy butt off this chair and get it by interloan and scan it...
Bill Grandy
myArmoury Team

Elling Polden

Posted: Mon 05 Dec, 2005 2:12 am Post subject: |
Ohy! I leaked this to this very forum mere weeks ago...
And took the appropriate flak from the guy who scanned it, until I explained the copyright laws.
No taking credit for my dubious actions, here...
"this [fight] looks curious, almost like a game. See, they are looking around them before they fall, to find a dry spot to fall on, or they are falling on their shields. Can you see blood on their cloths and weapons? No. This must be trickery."
-Reidar Sendeman, from King Sverre's Saga, 1201
Jeff Pringle
Industry Professional
Location: Oakland, CA Joined: 19 Nov 2005
Posts: 145
Posted: Mon 05 Dec, 2005 6:27 am Post subject: |
Tusend tak, Elling,
your original post was on the 29th, so it only took a few days to make a full circle around the internet sword community
Joe Yurgil
Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 8:59 am Post subject: |
there wouldnt happen to be any english translations of this work would there?
*is hopeful*
Sjá, ţar sé ek föđur minn.
Sjá, ţar sé ek móđur mina ok systur mina ok bróđur minn.
Sjá, ţar sé ek allan minn frćndgarđ.
Sjá, kalla ţeim tíl min.
Biđja mér at taka minn stađ hjá ţeim í sölum Valhallar, ţar drengiligr menn munu lifa allan aldr.
C.L. Miller
Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 10:05 am Post subject: |
Joe Yurgil wrote: | there wouldnt happen to be any english translations of this work would there? |
If you're referring to Die Norske Viking Sverd, the only translation currently available (AFAIK) is a partial one hosted at
Hope this helps...
Patrik Erik Lars Lindblom

Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 10:57 am Post subject: |
I really like that guy Jan Petersen after reading his "Forord" it's fun to,
anyone who have a photo of him?
Frid o Fröjd!
Paul Mortimer

Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 2:23 pm Post subject: |
I did say forgive me if this is old news!
Aaron Schnatterly
Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 2:33 pm Post subject: |
Paul Mortimer wrote: | Elling,
I did say forgive me if this is old news! |
Judging from the reaction to this thread, a bunch of folks missed it the first time around. Given the valuable and interesting nature of the information in that document, I'll have to say thanks to both of you for bringing it to our attention!
I can actually make out segments of text... guess there's something to that "immersion yields understanding" theory of learning... Wish I could read and comprehend it fully!
-Aaron Schnatterly
Fortior Qui Se Vincit
(He is stronger who conquers himself.)
Patrick Kelly
Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 3:06 pm Post subject: |
I've wanted a copy of this book for years. I plan on making a full printout. If I can't have an original copy that's the next best thing.
Thank you Paul!
"In valor there is hope.".................. Tacitus
Joshua Reptsik

Posted: Wed 07 Dec, 2005 10:11 pm Post subject: |
Quick question. What are the set of ring...things, that follow the axe head section early on in the book. Thanks
" You little fool who wanted to be the best, see what happened." -MS 3227a