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Roger Hooper

Posted: Sun 06 Dec, 2020 3:58 pm Post subject: What's On Your List For 2021? - & what did you get in 20 |
There is nothing definite on my list for 2021. Maybe a 15th century hanger like Del Tin's DT5159. To get a first quality one, I would have to go custom.
I bought none of the items that I listed on last year's version of this thread. I did get Valiant Armoury's Castillon Falchion, a very fine piece and my current favorite sword. I also got a number of Tod Cutler daggers.
What about you, fellow forumites?
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Valiant Castillon Falchion
Ian Hutchison

Location: Louisiana / Nordrhein-Westholland Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 626
Posted: Sun 06 Dec, 2020 4:44 pm Post subject: |
Coming up in 2021:
I'm having a custom repro of the sword from Lesja made, and a copy of a landsknecht dagger with very interesting blade geometry.
I definitely want one of Tod's new brass hilted landsknecht daggers as soon as they are back in stock.
Thinking about the Krieger Historical Weapons Räuber, Kingston Arms sidesword, and Balaur Arms Teutonic arming sword.
Only other thing for certain is a custom made repro of a naval fighting sword.
As for what I got in 2020:
Finished a complex hilt German bastard sword, late 15th century using HT bastard blade.
Made an antler grip basket hilt from an Armour Class basket and old Windlass blade.
A bunch of Indian swords and daggers (several tulwar blades, a pulwar, two chilanums, three peshkabz, a bichwa, a katar)
An Indo-Persian karabela by Jindrich Figura.
Tod cutler Scottish dirk, studded rondel, cooks knife, cooks cleaver.
Landsknecht Emporium pieces: Gustav, Albrecht, Adorian, Falke.
A Dutch shell-hilt cutlass from The Royal Sword.
'We are told that the pen is mightier than the sword, but I know which of these weapons I would choose.' - Adrian Carton de Wiart
Last edited by Ian Hutchison on Thu 17 Dec, 2020 11:46 pm; edited 7 times in total
Joe Fults
Posted: Sun 06 Dec, 2020 5:27 pm Post subject: |
2020? Bought a brigandine and some mail.
2021? Next up is probably a sword and suspension and an arming coat. A longbow and some arrows a bit later.
"The goal shouldn’t be to avoid being evil; it should be to actively do good." - Danah Boyd
Tim Lison
Posted: Sun 06 Dec, 2020 7:54 pm Post subject: |
Got a Robert Moc commission that I paid for coming up. A nice 12th century sword with some extensive blade inlay. Had to push some other projects back because I needed cash for other things, so that'll probably be it this year. I still look at "in stock" stuff though, so maybe I'll make an impulse buy!
Dan D'Silva
Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 4:51 am Post subject: |
Done this year:
Lord of Battles forged medium spearhead
Finally finished my wooden crescent shield
All-steel akinakes by Gladush Dmitry. I actually got this last year, but didn't get it completely assembled until the spring.
Remounted my old akinakes blade (originally off a Medieval dagger) into an Arkansas toothpick. It still needs a sheath. No photo yet.
Several other knives mostly assembled myself from readymade blades, including a pseudo-Sheffield Bowie and a vaguely Assyrian letter opener
Dixie Gun Works 1742 British infantry sword. Also made a matching sword belt.
Planned for next year:
Remounting the infantry sword into a hunting sword
Reusing the infantry sword's hilt for a cutlass
Acquiring the blade for my other long-planned hunting sword
Acquiring an 18th-century smallsword-style infantry sword
Acquiring the blade for a 17th-century hunting trousse awl
While I have a ton of projects planned, I think that's about all I'm likely to get done next year; maybe that and making some progress on a multi-piece project that's unlikely to be be ready to show off until mid-2022 at the earliest.
Edit: I didn't think to mention it, but this year I finally started buying my own wood shop equipment: a scroll saw on a cart, an 8-inch drill press, and one of those $30 bench lathes from eBay. It's tiny stuff, but it should still be enough to make hilts and scabbard cores a lot easier. Next year I might get a belt sander.
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Lord of Battles spearhead [ Download ]
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Crescent shield, "unfinished" but only because I hadn't sealed the edges yet. The finished shield looks the same. [ Download ]
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Gladush Dmitry akinakes [ Download ]
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Pseudo-Sheffield Bowie with Crazy Crow blade [ Download ]
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Letter opener with Windlass blade [ Download ]
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Dixie Gun Works 1742 hanger [ Download ]
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Belt for hanger [ Download ]
Last edited by Dan D'Silva on Sat 19 Dec, 2020 7:38 am; edited 4 times in total
Jeremy V. Krause
Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 7:15 am Post subject: |
This year was pretty good.
I got a Jeff Helmes version of the Soborg Sword, an A&A 12th. C. sword, 2 Davis Reproduction 12th. or 13th. C daggers, and an Owen Bush Danish Axe.
Oh, and I picked up a Maciej K. type Y-hilt sword from the classifieds.
I don't expect to pick up anything this year but I guess it could happen.
Johannes Zenker
Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 8:28 am Post subject: |
2020 was a terrible year for me financially, but I did at least manage to get my Landsknecht Emporium Kriegsmesser.
For 2021 I'm looking forward to a custom arming sword for HEMA by Wojzeck Szanek and a Dorothea-Dussack by Landsknecht Emporium, those are already commissioned (and mostly paid).
Depending on how much I like them and me being able to afford it, I'll also try to get myself corresponding sharps. I love paired sets.
Also on the list are updates to my HEMA protective gear as well as a new buckler and an offhand dagger for experimentation paired with the Dussack.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 4:16 pm Post subject: |
I still find myself seeking that one particular eagle head pommel sword but I had a motley crew of stuff that became adoptions this year. 3 antique, one reproduction.
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Reproduction early 19th century Rose family pattern
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1780s spadroon, German blade
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1780s-90s French smallsword, patterned off the 1767 model Fancy vs military
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Late 17th century with older blade [ Download ]
Chad Arnow
myArmoury Team

Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 4:48 pm Post subject: |
I often don't have a ton to add to Roger's end of year threads besides jealousy , but this year I do. Josh Davis is working on a 14th century rondel dagger that might be done by the end of the year. I'm also in his queue for a Mainz gladius sometime next year. I'm looking forward to both.
Glen A Cleeton

Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 8:17 pm Post subject: |
I knew there was something else, I get scattered in mind and space. A British 1821 officers heavy cavalry made by Wilkinson in 1869. Jonathan Hopkins immediately pinned the name and service records and I followed up to get the Wilkinson proof book page.
John Moore's service record. All credit to Jonathan
A strange kind of year for me
Another edit because I have an Ames 1870 bayonet due soon.
I've been bad.
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Wilkinson proof book [ Download ]
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British 1821 heavy cavalry. It is the same blade as a troopers sword. [ Download ]
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Ames 1870 [ Download ]
Jeff Cierniak
Location: NE United States Joined: 17 Sep 2020
Posts: 79
Posted: Mon 07 Dec, 2020 8:33 pm Post subject: |
Just hoping to get my first halfway decent western blade. Arming sword, longsword, potentially "bastard" sword. Digging on my Tod Antennae Dagger, but want something I can cut with a bit. My only sword is a Kris Cutlery katana from back around 99 or 2000 when I did Kenjutsu as a teenager.
Michael P. Smith

Posted: Mon 14 Dec, 2020 9:31 am Post subject: |
I got way more stuff in 2020 than I intended... maybe quarantine-driven.
I got:
A&A Musketeer rapier
Tod's workshop late-15th c. central european crossbow with cranequin
Tod's workshop bolt quiver
Albion Condotierre
Albion Bresicia Spadona
Tod's workshop scabbards (Regent, Condotierre, Brescia Spadona)
Gonna have to make up for it with a lean year, but I do have a couple possibilities I can fund with selling some of my antique firearms I have lost some interest in:
A&A Musketeer parrying dagger
Maybe some high end medieval cooking knife replicas
Maybe a fancy late medieval dagger.
I've also considering wading into some older original pieces. I have some old artifacts in "relic" condition, but was thinking about something in more presentable condition, like a small sword or even rapier. Can't afford anything older than that.
John Dunn
Location: Frankfort, KY Joined: 15 Apr 2013
Posts: 252
Posted: Tue 15 Dec, 2020 12:00 pm Post subject: New items |
I ordered a Albion Earl and Constable in February of this year.
Hopefully I will get them next year.
I have an Albion Auxilia on order since January 2019. They should be getting the handle done soon.
The guy who used to make the these handles died of cancer and it took them a while to find a replacement
Sam Barris
Posted: Tue 15 Dec, 2020 7:59 pm Post subject: |
Selling, mostly. I need to part with one from Albion and two from A&A. As for acquisitions, I need to call Mike and inquire about the Warwick. Really love the proportions on that one.
Sam Barris
"Any nation that draws too great a distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools." —Thucydides
Jeff Cierniak
Location: NE United States Joined: 17 Sep 2020
Posts: 79
Posted: Wed 16 Dec, 2020 2:48 am Post subject: |
Actually mostly looking to start a 1380ish Italian armor kit in 2021 now.
Looking for a custom arming doublet and tailored mail sleeves to start with. If anybody has good sources on either please let me know! I've already contacted Isak Krogh for the sleeves. A bit more than I'd like to spend, but if I can't find a good option for a bit less that's who I'll be going with.
Adam Simmonds
Location: Henley On Thames Joined: 10 Jun 2006
Posts: 169
Posted: Wed 16 Dec, 2020 6:50 am Post subject: |
Most recent acquisitions were these nifty little hunting hangers / couteaux de chasse / cutlasses.
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[ Download ]
Harry Marinakis

Posted: Thu 17 Dec, 2020 7:51 am Post subject: |
I have one thing on my list for 2021: completion of my new workshop. It's halfway built right now. The pandemic is really slowing the process, as building supplies are difficult to obtain.
Dimensions are 40 x 50 feet (12 x 15 m) with 10-foot high ceilings
It has 3 separate rooms:
-metal shop (15' x 25')
-wood shop (15' x 25')
-clean workshop (15' x 30')
Radiant floor heating and air-conditioning throughout
200 amp electrical service
Two garage doors
10-foot wide covered outdoor workspace that will wrap around the side and front of the building
I can't wait to get back to working in the shop and making stuff!
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Last edited by Harry Marinakis on Thu 17 Dec, 2020 4:16 pm; edited 5 times in total
Edward Lee
Posted: Thu 17 Dec, 2020 10:58 am Post subject: |
I haven't bought anything in years, pretty much sold almost everything this year. I would say this one is for christmas but also count as 2021.
Huge thanks to Tod's beautiful work.
Scott Kowalski
Location: Oak Lawn, IL USA Joined: 24 Nov 2006
Posts: 818
Posted: Thu 17 Dec, 2020 3:57 pm Post subject: |
Due to the pandemic I did not end up getting anything this year.
I do have to look forward to my commission with Eric McHugh being completed next year though! I might get on the list for an Albion Thegn or possibly even a custom from someone, not sure for who or what yet though. I have to see what the new year brings.
Chris Landwehr 10/10/49-1/1/09 My Mom
Ian Hutchison

Location: Louisiana / Nordrhein-Westholland Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 626
Posted: Thu 17 Dec, 2020 11:48 pm Post subject: |
Harry Marinakis wrote: | I have one thing on my list for 2021: completion of my new workshop. It's halfway built right now. The pandemic is really slowing the process, as building supplies are difficult to obtain.
Dimensions are 40 x 50 feet (12 x 15 m) with 10-foot high ceilings
It has 3 separate rooms:
-metal shop (15' x 25')
-wood shop (15' x 25')
-clean workshop (15' x 30')
Radiant floor heating and air-conditioning throughout
200 amp electrical service
Two garage doors
10-foot wide covered outdoor workspace that will wrap around the side and front of the building
I can't wait to get back to working in the shop and making stuff! |
Sounds like a dream workshop Harry, much better than my situation; working out of the spare room/study
'We are told that the pen is mightier than the sword, but I know which of these weapons I would choose.' - Adrian Carton de Wiart