Alan Schiff
Industry Professional

Posted: Wed 25 Dec, 2019 8:07 pm Post subject: Big Update from Paladin Forge |
Hello all, it has been quite some time since I've posted an update, and I've got some exciting news to share.
First, I built a new forge and tempering oven, and can now make pieces with a blade length of 24 inches and a width up to 4 inches.
Second, the website has been updated and is now more friendly for mobile devices. Also, the photos can be enlarged to show more detail.
Additionally, I have finished all projects in my backlog and am accepting new orders.
Here are a few of my most recent projects:
Customized Angus Trim longsword
Using a XIIa blade from Gus, the style 6 guard and T.5 pommel were crafted from mild steel. The grip and scabbard cores are poplar with lambskin wraps, and the chape is also mild steel. More details can be found on the website
Roman Pilum
This is a fully-custom piece. The head was made from mild steel to emulate the softer iron heads found on originals and the haft is ash. More details here
Fantasy dagger set
A full-custom pair of daggers. The larger one is 5160 and the smaller is 1095. Both feature poplar grip and scabbard cores, the grips are wrapped in green leather and the scabbards in brown. More details can be found here
Thanks for looking,