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Randall Moffett

Location: Northern Utah
Joined: 07 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu 10 Sep, 2015 9:43 am    Post subject: 1322 Arms and Armour Regulations of London         Reply with quote

I had a few people ask about getting this but felt it would be good for the people of the forum to get a good look at it as well.

Enter 1322 Arms and Armour regulations of London!

Regulations made by the Armourers of London.

15 Edward 11. A.D. 1322. Letter-Book E. fol. cxxxiii. (Norman French.)

Be it remembered, that at the Husting of Common Pleas holden on Monday the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul [25 January], in the 15th year of the reign of our Lord King Edward, son of King Edward, in presence of Hamon de Chigewelle, the then Mayor, Nicholas de Farndone, Robert de Swalclyve, and other Aldermen, and Richard Costantyn and Richard de Hakeneye, Sheriffs, by assent of Hugh de Aungeye, William de Segrave, Roger Savage, Thomas de Copham, William de Lanshulle, Richard de Kent, Gilot le Heauberger, Hugh le Heaumer, Master Richard le Heaumer, Simon le Heaumer, Robert de Skeltone, John Tany, Henry Horpol, Elias de Wodeberghe, William le Heaumer, Oliver le Heaumer, William de Staunford, John de Wyght, Richard de Seyntis, William de Lyndeseie, John de Kestevene, Robert le Proude, Robert Seymer, Reynold le Heauberger, Roger le Salte, Roger de Blakenhale, and Geffray, (fn. 1) armourers, it was ordained for the common profit, and assented to, that from thenceforth arms made in the City for sale should be good and befitting, according to the form which follows; that is to say:—

That a haketon (fn. 2) and a gambeson (fn. 3) covered with sendale, (fn. 4) or with cloth of silk, (fn. 5) shall be stuffed with new cotton cloth, and with cadaz, (fn. 6) and with old sendales, and in no other manner. And that white haketons shall be stuffed with old woven cloth, and with cotton, and made of new woven cloth within and without.

Also, seeing that as well lord as man have found theirs to be old bacinets, battered and vamped-up, but recently covered by persons who know nothing of the trade; such bacinets being then put away in some secret place, and carried into the country, away from the City, to sell; and that in the City of such men no cognizance can be taken, whether the same be good or bad; a thing from which great peril might ensue to the King and to his people, and disgraceful scandal to the armourers aforesaid, and to all the City; it is ordained and assented to, that no smith, or other man who makes the irons for bacinets, shall from henceforth himself cause any bacinet to be covered for sale; but he is to sell the same out of his hands entirely, and not fitted up, in manner as used to be done here tofore; and the bacinets so sold are to remain so uncompleted, until they have been viewed by the four persons who shall have been sworn thereto, or by two of them, as to whether they are proper to be fitted up or not.

And if there shall be found in any house, whether it be of an armourer or elsewhere, whosesoever house it may be, armour on sale of any kind whatsoever, which is not of proper quality, or other than has been ordained, such armour shall be immediately taken and brought before the Mayor and Aldermen, and by them adjudged upon as being good or bad, at their discretion.

And this matter well and lawfully to observe and supervise, Roger Savage, William le Toneler, Master Richard le Heaumer, and John Tany, are sworn; and where the four cannot attend, any two of them are to do what pertains thereto.

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