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Craig Peters

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 2:16 am Post subject: Marc Ridgeway and Torion Sword |
Dear myArmoury members,
Several forum members, including myself, recently purchased a number of items put up for sale in the Marketplace by Marc Ridgeway this past February. However, we have not received any of the items that Marc listed for sale. Nor has Marc refunded our money. It has also come to my attention that Marc lead numerous members of the forum to believe they would be the buyer of a particular sword, only to pocket their money and send them nothing, which was what happened to me.
The reason I wish to bring this to other forum user's attention is that Marc runs a company named Torion Sword,, that resells certain swords, including some of the Evolution Arms swords made by Gus Trim. At this time, given what has happened to myself and others, I cannot recommend making purchases from Torion Sword. Although the sales Marc listed were in the Marketplace rather than through Torion Sword, the fact that numerous people have not received their goods is cause for concern. Therefore I cannot recommend customers make purchases from Torion Swords.
I ask that this thread remain civil and respectful. Please stick to the facts, rather than commenting on people's character.
Last edited by Craig Peters on Wed 07 May, 2014 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Robert Brandt

Location: Virginia Joined: 11 May 2010
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 5:48 am Post subject: |
I second all of Craig's comments. I too purchased a sword from Marc and never received it or a refund from him (I did ultimately get a refund from Paypal). I am also aware that at least one of the numerous people who paid for swords from Marc and never received them did so through the Torion Swords website. Due to Marc's long standing membership in the online sword communities, many of us hope that he will reappear and repair the situation somehow. For the foreseeable future, I recommend not buying from Marc through personal ads or though the Torion Sword website.
History was certainly far more complex, varied, and intriguing than the blanket of generalities that we so often lay over our handful of surviving data points.
Nathan Robinson
myArmoury Admin

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 7:16 am Post subject: |
After hearing about these problems, I've spent a significant amount of time finding and following leads trying to find this guy and help find a resolution. I've not been successful. There are more members on on the Sword Buyers Guide forum who have been victimized. If anybody can offer information on how to contact Marc, I ask that you send it to me in private message.
I don't want to pile up on the guy here and toss around personal insults on the forums, as this would be inappropriate and would be against the rules of this site... but will say that this is a very serious issue and a unique one for us to experience. I'd like to find a resolution.
Needless to say, Marc and his company have been removed from the Industry Professionals group and he will not be invited back.
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Jeroen T
Location: Holland Joined: 23 Oct 2013
Posts: 56
Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 7:22 am Post subject: |
He was online today on SBG.
I found some posts where explained that he had some troubles with various things, but those dated march.
I guess your best bet is sending him a PM on SBG or open a topic on SBG.
Mike Capanelli

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 8:07 am Post subject: |
I'm trying to get an idea as to what exactly happened. If I may; Did he just not deliver on swords or did he double sell them, or both? If he double sold, what swords were sold more than once? Not trying to incite anything, I just want to understand what exactly what happened. I've known mark for a bit now and never expected to see something like this happen.
Winter is coming
Craig Peters

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 8:59 am Post subject: |
Robert made Marc an offer for Marc's scabbard, suspension, and Sovereign. Marc collected the money, but also offered to sell the same set to me when I made an offer. I sent the money and Marc promised to send the set. He later claimed the sword had been returned to him by mail, and that he was reshipping it. Because I trusted him to send it, and because it can take some time to receive items where I am living now (abroad), the 45 day window for a Paypal dispute had elapsed by the time it became clear the set was not actually going to arrive. JE Sarge mentioned that someone did receive the Sovereign set from Marc. I am not sure how many other people have paid for it; between Robert and I and the person who got the set, Marc received payment for it at least three times.
Craig Peters

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 9:15 am Post subject: |
Also, other people purchased items from Marc and never received them. However, as I do not know the details of these transactions, I cannot comment further.
Mark T

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 3:34 pm Post subject: |
I, too, ordered a sword from that listing. Paid for it, didn't hear anything, send some PMs with no response. Opened a PayPal claim with no response. Escalated the claim, didn't hear anything during this process, and was refunded after PP found in my favour.
Chief Librarian/Curator, Isaac Leibowitz Librarmoury
Schallern sind sehr sexy!
Craig Peters

Posted: Wed 07 May, 2014 9:40 pm Post subject: |
I would also like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Robert and Nathan. Robert first alerted me to what was happening and has kept in touch since then. Nathan made efforts to find Marc or someone who has been in contact with him and has communicated with me on an ongoing basis. Thank you both for your help.
Harry Marinakis

Posted: Thu 08 May, 2014 6:08 am Post subject: |
Several months ago I bought two swords from Rick, he threw in a rifle case for free. The swords arrived promptly.
Seems like a "stand-up" guy going through some financial difficulties.
Karl Knisley
Posted: Thu 08 May, 2014 10:59 am Post subject: |
Did anyone actualy receive, one of his for sale swords,or did he double sell them, and keep the swords,and the money?
Lance Morris
Posted: Thu 08 May, 2014 4:16 pm Post subject: marc |
Hello Everyone,
Ive heard from another formite recently that this happened. Hopefully things will work out and im sorry for the loss of money and to see another peer in our community have issues.
I purchased a $900 Atrim from Marc in Feb. He did send me the sword. no worries.
Hopefully what ever issue he is having will work itself out then he can compensate the people he has hurt sooner then later.