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Bradley G

Location: Niagara Falls, ON
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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 11:39 am    Post subject: I came across some weapons recently         Reply with quote

A few weeks back I was driving across town to pick my girl up from college. I was a little early so I took some side streets maybe to find some cool shit (boy was I right lol.) I turned down a couple streets and ended up seeing a big bin with no top and some metal sticking out so I went to check. It ended up being a bin full of swords, spears, maces, etc. I was just wondering if anyone could give me a little bit of insight to how valuable these are, what condition and if I should keep them/sell them.

Thank you.

Not sure what these are called lol but made by Windlass

Windlass Sword


Maces & Cane:

Two sided axe:

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Colt Reeves

Joined: 09 Mar 2009

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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:26 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I can't speak to a lot of these. I've been a big buyer of Windlass in the last few years and not much looks familiar, so these must be before my time.

However, I can say that the "Kurkis" are Cold Steel Machetes, the mace on the right in your "Maces and Cane" is most likely a Cold Steel piece from the look of it, probably something or another War Club (Think Native American), from left to right in the "Spears" is Windlass's Greek Spear Head, Windlass's Greek Spear Buttcap, and that last is Cold Steel as well. Sorry, I'm not well versed in Cold Steel products, but you can probably find the names of the piece on their website. From all that I've heard, when it comes to swords and things, Cold Steel is essentially over priced Windlass. Thusly, I have a Cold Steel machete (the top one you have, actually, though I got it used and the handle has fallen apart) and nothing else Cold Steel off the top of my head.

Edit: My opinion on keeping/selling/value:

Seeing as they are used, I don't know if you can expect to get more than a $100 for any one piece. If it were me I would probably just hold onto them, but then I am a bit of a packrat. Wink To get a better idea of price I'd try to locate each one on Kult of Athena and Cold Steel's website. For example, the Windlass Greek Spear Head sells for $42.95 on KOA (Though they also make a "bronze" version and I can't tell based on your picture and lighting). Most the items are probably quite serviceable, if not historically accurate.

Double Edit:
Cold Steel Spear:
Cold Steel Machete:
Cold Steel Machete 2 (I think):
Cold Steel Indian War Club:

Windlass Greek Spear Head (which links directly to the buttcap too):
The "Bronze" version:

"Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown.
Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.
As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small.
For Iron, Cold Iron, must be master of men all..."
-Cold Iron, Rudyard Kipling

Last edited by Colt Reeves on Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Bradley G

Location: Niagara Falls, ON
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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:45 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Colt Reeves wrote:
However, I can say that the "Kurkis" are Cold Steel Machetes, the mace on the right in your "Maces and Cane" is most likely a Cold Steel piece from the look of it, probably something or another War Club (Think Native American), from left to right in the "Spears" is Windlass's Greek Spear Head, Windlass's Greek Spear Buttcap, and that last is Cold Steel as well.

Thank you very much for your information! It is highly appreciated. I am by no means even a little educated in these things.

The spears from left to right are indeed the Greek Spear Head, Buttcap and I believe the last spear is an Assegai spear(?)(correct me if I'm wrong.) The club is indeed a Cold Steel Indian War Club. The two Kurki's are Cold Steel machetes (small and a magnum.) Thank you again, now I just have to find out about the top two, the two sided axe, and the middle mace.

EDIT: I posted the above before seeing your edit. That is exactly what I was doing, I have researched and found out the prices for each item.

Spear head(silver): $42.95
Buttcap: $22
Assegai Spear: $76.99

Cold Steel Indian war club: $52.99
Kurki Machete (small): $32.99
Magnum Kurki Machete: $34.99

brings me to a total of $262.91.

Double Edit: Already got to those links about 10 minutes ago Happy, thank you very much for your information, time and your effort in the research. Wink Wink

Last edited by Bradley G on Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Colt Reeves

Joined: 09 Mar 2009

Posts: 466

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:48 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Ok then. Wink
"Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown.
Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.
As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small.
For Iron, Cold Iron, must be master of men all..."
-Cold Iron, Rudyard Kipling
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Bradley G

Location: Niagara Falls, ON
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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:53 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Colt Reeves wrote:
Ok then. Wink

If I was to clean them up and sell them; where would the best place to do so be? Ebay? MA Forums? Pawn Shop? Craigslist or Kijiji?
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Colt Reeves

Joined: 09 Mar 2009

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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 12:59 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I have no real experience selling things I'm afraid. (Packrat.) However, I do know people sell items on the forums here. Perhaps somebody might be interested in taking a few of them off your hands as project pieces.
"Tears are for the craven, prayers are for the clown.
Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.
As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small.
For Iron, Cold Iron, must be master of men all..."
-Cold Iron, Rudyard Kipling
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Jeffrey Faulk

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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 2:13 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

The axe looks like some kind of home-made piece. In my honest opinion it's kinda junky from what I can see. No offense.

The flanged mace is definitely the Cold Steel mace, however it's clearly been heavily modified, perhaps re-gripped. The head hasn't been changed much from what I can see, the grip is the big departure from the original.

The cane is I believe a Windlass shillelagh; I see it all the time in the Atlanta Cutlery catalog. Cold Steel's version has a much more ball-shaped head and is made of two-toned plastic.

The three Windlass swords (the khopesh pair and the weird one) are probably old movie reproductions. I can't be sure but the two khopesh make me think they're associated with the Scorpion King or Mummy movies. The weird one looks vaguely Native American or 'tribal' but other than that I have no idea. I would suggest dropping an email with pictures to Museum Replicas' office and see if they can cough up a reference for you.
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Jean Thibodeau

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PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 4:31 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Just curious about these being in a " Garbage Bin " ? None of these are particularly valuable but most are not total junk either ?

A few could be very good DIY upgrade projects

I'm guessing someone inherited these and had no use or liking for weapons and also assumed that they had no value at all, or not enough value to take the trouble to try to find a buyer ?

Bradley, I'm sort of happy if you can find new homes for some of these as I find weapons in a bin rather depressing ! Sad

At least it wasn't a bin full of Albions or other high end weapons being trashed ! ( Well, for you the finder, it might be better if they where more valuable, but if they where valuable someone would have been throwing away some very good stuff ).

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Shahril Dzulkifli

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PostPosted: Sat 21 Jun, 2014 6:08 am    Post subject: I came across some weapons recently         Reply with quote

I think it should be 'Kukris', not 'Kurkis' . Wink

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