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Bjorn Skarsgard
Location: Poland Joined: 01 Sep 2012
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun 02 Sep, 2012 12:31 pm Post subject: Six years in reenactment - what next ? |
Hi, i was joined to reenactment six years ago.
At now - i would like to change reenactment age - and start something new.
But i have a little problem with decide - what next ?
I like medieval era, and i think - mayby vikings warrior from Norway - it's very interesting to reenactment.
But i think - after six years - this is some ordinary for me:
round shield, sword, axe and spear,
helmet (form Gjermunbdu - this is only helmet from Norway),
tunic, and other clothes from Skjoldehamn,
basic coat,
shoes form Oseberg,
hauberk from Gjermunbdu,
and belt with fittings from Goskad (only rich decorated finds of belt fittings in Norway),
something jewelry - thats all.
It's very simple and average warrior.
But ofcourse history of this period is fantastic.
Next my idea - is warrior from Vendel Era - their armour and clothes are stately - You now, what i mind.
But we haven't a lot of findings from this period - and from Scandinavia.
I wrote this topic - because i have a request - can You propose me something other alternative - and send me something photos ?
I was thinking about romans army - but my knowledge of this period is not big.
When i decide - what next - i'm going to formation a new reenactment grop in my country.
Scott Woodruff
Matthew Amt
Posted: Sun 02 Sep, 2012 6:21 pm Post subject: |
Do it all. I think I can do 17 different impressions at the moment, from Bronze Age to American Revolution. (That's just historical, not fantasy/sci-fi.) You'll be able to attend an event every weekend, sometimes choosing between 2 or 3 different eras. Your house won't be so empty and echoing, and your bank account won't be so full of all that irritating money. Keep a long list of projects to work on, and let your mood swings decide what you build next, or what events you attend.
I can help with the Roman side, at least:
The sky's the limit! Have fun,
Josh Wilson

Posted: Sun 02 Sep, 2012 6:57 pm Post subject: |
I have done 18th Century for a long time, French and Indian War, and Revolutionary war in colonial Virginia. I have recenty gotten interested in archery again, and put together an English archer kit that works from roughly the first crusade up to the late 1200s. I used the Maciejowski Bible for reference.
Have you looked at the Kits and Harnesses thread for ideas?
Scott Woodruff
Posted: Sun 02 Sep, 2012 7:04 pm Post subject: |
Mathew, you summed it up so well. My main problem is keeping my attention span on one era long enough to get a complete kit together.
Thorsten Fritsche
Location: Germany Joined: 24 Aug 2012
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun 02 Sep, 2012 10:37 pm Post subject: |
Sorry to interfere Josh, but reenacting late 12th Century myself I would like to recommend to be very careful with using the Maciejowski Bible for the period you mentioned. The Maciejowski Bible is dated as 1250. Many things in military equipment and civil fashion changed rather quickly at that time. Therefore, the 50 years time gap between 1200 and 1250 could make for a quite different picture in appearance.
Bjorn Skarsgard
Location: Poland Joined: 01 Sep 2012
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:20 pm Post subject: |
I don't have any ideas.
I try to find something like "my place" in reeneactment.
I Was polisch knight from 13th century, I Was templar knight.
Actually I'm viking from Norway and 10th century.
I tkink about roman legionary - from 1th century A.D - but in Polad we have a lot of romans.
Jimi Edmonds

Posted: Sun 23 Sep, 2012 9:46 pm Post subject: |
Join a crusade? You have several to chose from!