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Joshua McGee

Joined: 14 Jun 2011

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PostPosted: Mon 09 Apr, 2012 8:52 pm    Post subject: My Aketon Dilemma         Reply with quote

Hello all Big Grin

I'm putting together a mid 13th century English lower-mid to mid-level knight kit and I'm having a little trouble finding an aketon. I'm looking for something light to wear under maille, rather than the heavy, thickly padded stand-alone garments we commonly call gambesons on these forums. I live in Texas so "breathability" and a lighter weight/thickness takes priority over 100% period materials; in other words, cotton instead of linen is acceptable. I'm more interested in proper look than feel.

Cutting to the chase, I've found these aketons that I like at Medieval Fight Club:

Both of these have the look and price range I'm going for, but I'd like to know before I purchase if anyone here has had any experience with either garment. Who manufactures these? How do they fit/feel when worn? What are they made of?
Also, does anyone know of a retailer that I could purchase either of these, or anything similar, from in the US in order to lower the cost of shipping?

Finally, any other suggestions anyone has in a choice for an aketon are welcome and appreciated. I'm open to alternatives to these two particular aketons, but they are roughly the style I'm looking for. Additionally, I'm not too impressed with GDFB and I don't think they have an aketon light enough for my purposes.

Last edited by Joshua McGee on Tue 10 Apr, 2012 9:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ahmad Tabari

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PostPosted: Mon 09 Apr, 2012 10:54 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

This is the best option I can think of
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Brian Robson

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 2:16 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Try here: Garments

Their type-5's are spot-on for mid-13c. As standard it's built for standalone - so too thick for under mail, but I'm sure if you asked they'd make one with only 1 layer of wadding for you (which should be fine). I've used the company before and would reccommend them

Or here for a cheaper option:

Never tried them though, so can't vouch for it.

** Edit** That first link should include 'Garments' as part fot he url so won't work - you'll need to copy/paste the full line. (Sorry can't figure out how to change it)
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Randall Moffett

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 6:04 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Just use Brian's link as it is and the aketon is there.

I actually think linen is more breathable than cotton. I lived in Southern California nearly all my life and fought in both cotton and linen versions and found them to both be fine so might as well get a historic appropriate material. For under mail you would not something super thick but you probably want something padded or a bit thicker than you'd wear under mail and plate.

Anything that does not take measurements will not be well fit so if you get something off the peg you will either have an ill fitting garment or will have to modify it.

Good luck!

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Johan Gemvik

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 7:39 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Randall Moffett wrote:
I actually think linen is more breathable than cotton.

Yes, it's cooler with linen than cotton at comparable thickness. Of course a standalone padded armour will never be cool, but a thin aketon in linen might be reasonably cool.

A way to make an aketon that's cool is to use only 2 or 3 layers but still sew the tunnel pattern. Looks like more padding in it that it really is.

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David Clark

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 7:49 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Johan Gemvik wrote:
Randall Moffett wrote:
I actually think linen is more breathable than cotton.

Yes, it's cooler with linen than cotton at comparable thickness. Of course a standalone padded armour will never be cool, but a thin aketon in linen might be reasonably cool.

A way to make an aketon that's cool is to use only 2 or 3 layers but still sew the tunnel pattern. Looks like more padding in it that it really is.

^ This! A thousand times this! You want linen, not cotton. I live in louisiana (just as hot as Texas, but waaaay more humid) so I know from experience.
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Ed Toton

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 8:23 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Finding aketons/gambesons for 13th Century and earlier always seems to be a challenge. One option is to contact a custom maker, such as Fuhlen Designs, and see if they'll make one for you.

Otherwise, there are several online options, mostly European, such as:

-Ed T. Toton III |
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Joshua McGee

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 9:19 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

Thanks for the input so far, gents. It seems that my dilemma may be a somewhat common one based on your replies, and one that may not be easily solved. Ed, I see what you mean about 13th century and earlier being more difficult to find. Most of the 13th century padded reproduction garments seem to be the very thickly padded stand-alone type rather than something more suitable for wearing under maille.

Any new suggestions still welcome though!
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Felix R.

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PostPosted: Tue 10 Apr, 2012 1:26 pm    Post subject:         Reply with quote

The medieval market guys are very helpful, there is good communication, good price. And you can and should discuss every details with them. They offer different types of cloth be it colour of linen/cotton weight. And you can have different options for the padding, from cheap semi-synthetic, to cotton or wool batting with choice of thickness in different areas. They can do machine sewn or hand sewn.

I did order my aketon there and had it fitted at home, did send id back for amendments and they did make changes for very reasonable prices, first changes were free, but after a few months I wanted to have nearly no padding in the forearms.
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Brian Robson

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PostPosted: Wed 11 Apr, 2012 3:50 am    Post subject:         Reply with quote

I've had nothing but good experiences with medieval market too.

Our group has some of the type-5 gambesons I linked - and they are very well made and really quite thick too.

I ordered a different type from them but it came much thinner (which turned out to be just right with all my other layers) - I questioned it and they told me that their different types gambesons come in different thicknesses, so I suggested they make it clear on their website and within 2 weeks, it changed showing how many layers of wadding are included on each of their products.

Note that they all include a couple of layers of linen either side of the wadding, and they do make to measure and are happy to deviate from their standard designs on request.

I always go there now for textile armour and I'd recommend it to anyone.
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